
Shadow of the Eternals - Trailer Analysis

GameXplain: "We take an in-depth look at the trailer for Shadow of the Eternals, which is the spiritial successor to Eternal Darkness coming to the Wii U and PC. We take a look at the story, the characters you'll control, and what elements are returning from Eternal Darkness. All this and more in our latest trailer analysis!"

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dogoodmatters4159d ago

It looks okay. Gotta remember marketing trumps final product in some cases.

young7yang4159d ago

Ok so the WII U can handle next gen graphics..

Crytek 3 Engine

Enough said!

oof464159d ago (Edited 4159d ago )

Except for the fact that this is a Dennis Dyack game. The trailer looks awesome, but he has a lot to prove after running Silicon Knights into the ground.
Edit: Also, this is a game looking for crowd sourced funding.

Neonridr4159d ago

so what, Kickstarter has proven to be very successful, and many projects started there. Just because an indie developer doesn't have the resources to create a game on their own and needs assistance from the public, doesn't automatically make the game bad.

Not to mention that Dyack was responsible for Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes and Eternal Darkness on the Gamecube, two fantastic games.

Obviously he comes with some potential baggage, but that can all be wiped away with a great release.

This game looks awesome, and I have already pledged my support for the game.

Plus it's awesome seeing the Crytek 3 engine running on the Wii U.

oof464159d ago (Edited 4159d ago )

@Neonridr: They're not using Kickstarter. It's a similar program. The only reason the company is "indie" is because of how Dyack mismanaged SK. Eternal Darkness was awesome and I've read Twin Snakes was a great port of Metal Gear. Two good games. However, you need to read up on how he would go batdoodoo crazy on people critizing Too Human and how he siphoned money Activision gave to fund X-Men: Destiny to instead secretly make a demo for Eternal Darkness 2 and shop it to publishers.

It is that bad history that has most likely led publishers to be wary of giving any game that he's involved in money. Hence, the crowd source funding.

EDIT: To clear up any confusion, my issue is not with the Wii U.


10 Kickstarter Horror Adventures That Deserved to Be Funded

Serena Nelson writes: " I want to specifically take a look at ten Kickstarter horror adventure games that didn't hit the mark that should have been easily funded. Horror is a popular genre, especially during this time of year as All Hallow's Eve approaches. What better way than to scare you with some unfortunate tales of loss? Read on, if you dare."

garyanderson2892d ago

Agree with about half the list. Big outlier is shadow of the eternals. Glad that one failed both times.


David Hayter’s Kickstarter Saga

Josh Griffiths writes: "Yes, the gravely voice known to a generation as Big Boss and Solid Snake is famous for Metal Gear, but he’s had other roles in recent years. You may be surprised how many of them came from Kickstarter. He’s been involved in eight different Kickstarter projects, one of which was a movie, to varying degrees."

garyanderson3086d ago

Definitely seems like he's always popping up in kickstarter campaigns. Him and Jennifer hale.

DarkKaine3085d ago

Very good analysis. Love the content so far, keep it up :)


5 Dead Games To Save With Powerball Winnings

Powerball mania has swept the nation, and people have been day dreaming about what they would do with so much money. Everyone jumped on the hype train and day dreamed about what games they would bring back from vaporware Hell.

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DarkOcelet3168d ago

Shadow Of The Eternals is still coming. They just wanted to expand the universe.


Most likely they will make a Movie or a TV series along side the game.

DarkOcelet3168d ago

I think we might get a big reveal at E3 this year for the game and an actual release date this time.

It feels like ages since we got any news about this game.

blackblades3168d ago

Hell winning the last PowerBall you can buy a company or create your on company just for it. Also back up kickstarter and get some profit out of it.