
PS Vita Needs AAA's, Not Indies

The PS Vita hasn't had the best start in life, but it's getting there. Sort of.

In recent months the powerful handheld has become a haven for smaller developers and independent game makers looking to get their games out on the best possible device for a reasonable price; hence the influx of indie games.

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sinncross4159d ago

I don`t think anyone will deny this claim but truthfully, getting the indie scene onto the PSV is better than doing nothing at all.

miyamoto4159d ago

Getting AAA,AA, A, B,or Indies and everything in between will always be good for the PS Vita as long as they are fun to play games and make Vita a well rounded and balanced platform.

Ult iMate4159d ago

That's right. Vita gets both A+ and indie titles.

dedicatedtogamers4159d ago

I disagree. The AAA titles are coming. However, everyone is trying to be fiscally responsible. The age of ten AAA titles a year is over and it isn't coming back. Indie games do a great job of bridging the gap between $1 smartphone puzzle games and full-blown retail releases.

BullyMangler4159d ago

most importantly, the Vita needs comfort, more so than those comfort grips they built for it. .its the wrongly placed joysticks man, the joysticks . .

Kingthrash3604159d ago

ill take indies and AAA games....and ita not like they aren't coming....I mean KZ tearaway SS...are out this year FFX should ve considered a AAA game though its a remake. one point id like to point out is sites like IGN would downplay the Vita's AAA games anyway. they did it with gravity rush, SS, NFS, SFxT, MVC3, Uncharted ect.

Xaphy4159d ago

FFX isnt a remake, its the same game with upgraded graphics in HD and gameplay mechanics

Minato-Namikaze4159d ago

Its a remaster, it irks me when people, especially so called gaming journalists call them remakes.

TongkatAli4159d ago

Vita needs less stalkers that are cynical non owners, truth.

chrish19904159d ago

I own a Vita, and I'm happy as can be with it. Want a picture?

izumo_lee4159d ago

AAA games as we can see can take a lot of time & finances to make really excellent games. The Vita's game development is being treated like 'consoles' more so than they are handhelds which explains the longer dev time on games. This isn't the 3DS where it is easy to churn out games more often.

To fill the gaps until AAA games comes along we have the Indie crowd. Which we all know by now can really be advantages for your system. Indie games can be cheap to create but may end up being more profitable than AAA games themselves if you can find that 'special' game.

People complained that the Vita weren't getting any games. Now it is & we are complaining that there are too many Indie games? Seriously?!

joeorc4159d ago

"AAA games as we can see can take a lot of time & finances to make really excellent games. The Vita's game development is being treated like 'consoles' more so than they are handhelds which explains the longer dev time on games. This isn't the 3DS where it is easy to churn out games more often."

100% correct, the development cycle for AAA budget games for the PSVita can take 18 months to do.

It seems to be one of the thing's many of these same journalists fail to bring up in their piece. you cannot make a AAA game quick like many seem to think you can, just because the PSVita is a handheld does not mean the development can go any quicker than a PS3 game since the PSVita's hardware is robust enough to handle PS3 in game asset's!

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