
Red Fly Studio's Mushroom Men: Rise of the Fungi - Destructoid's preview

Mushroom Men: Rise of the Fungi is a significantly different game than the The Spore Wars. The DS version of Mushroom Men is not merely a port, but an entirely new title, designed by Red Fly Studio in collaboration with Budapest-based developer Zen Studios. Set as a prequel to The Spore Wars on the Wii, the DS title what Red Fly are calling a "2.5D" title – it's 3D, but set in a side-scrolling platform environment (think Duke Nukem: The Manhattan Project or, if your brain allows you to remember it, Blowout).

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BeefJack: Mushroom Men - The Spore Wars Review

BeefJack writes: "Mushroom Men: The Spore Wars is a miniature 3D action/adventure platformer. I say miniature as it is played out from a 3-inch high perspective with some really original characters and themes that make for good eye candy throughout the game. The whole world is intriguing as you set out on your adventure playing through gardens, grass, logs, trees and pipes, and over tabletops, sinks, toilets and other household objects. When playing you really do get the feeling you have been shrunk and sucked into the world from a Mushrooms perspective."

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Resolution: Mushroom Men: Rise of the Funghi review

Resolution writes: "I don't get on with mushrooms. Never have. While I find their flavour unpleasant and their texture revolting, it's the fact that eating them involves putting a fungus in my mouth that really puts me off.

Regardless of this, I tried to approach Red Fly Studio's side-scrolling platformer with an open mind, determined not to let the fungal nature of the game's subject matter affect my overall judgement. I didn't need to worry however, as mycophobia is nothing compared to my hatred of seriously flawed game design."

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GamersInfo Review – Mushroom Men: The Spore Wars

GamersInfo writes: "Who would win in a fight to the death: a bunny rabbit or a mushroom? What if the mushroom wielded a weapon comprised of a matchstick, gum, a shard of glass, and had telekinetic powers due to some stuff called "spore". Also, the bunny's been infected by that same "spore" stuff. "

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