
Power Stone Collection Review

Pro-G reports on how well the Power Stone games have been ported to the PSP.

"For starters, Capcom appears to have done a great job with the ports to the PSP. I don't have either of the arcade cabinets or the Dreamcast games at hand to directly compare, but both games look great on the PSP."


The top 10 best fighting games you can get on PS Vita

"With its fantastic D-pad, sharp screen, and amazing battery life when playing PSP and PSone games, the PS Vita proves to be a veritable treasure trove when it comes to the wealth of fighters available for it.

If you ever needed proof that the PS Vita is the console every fighting game fanatic should be carrying in their back pocket*, this is the list for you.

*Note: please for the love of god do not carry a Vita in your back pocket."

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ApolloAdams3669d ago ShowReplies(1)
ibrake4naps3669d ago

Mortal kombat looks amazing on it!

MajorGecko3669d ago

i found it laggy when playing with ps3 players, i really love DBZ battle of the gods on vita that game has alot of charaters

prodg523669d ago

Blazblue just came out and it's pretty fun as well.

Spotie3669d ago (Edited 3669d ago )

No BlazBlue?


8 for 8: The Best PSP Games Pt. 3: Ports and Remakes

"The last of these PSP 8th birthday posts will salute the system’s best ports and remakes.

Expect a lot of RPGs on this one." -Hindman of PSLS

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knifefight4127d ago

PSP is/was an RPG powerhouse. O_O

Zichu4126d ago

I have quite a list of games I want to get for the PSP, I think this site mentioned the ones I haven't played yet.

I kind of missed out on a lot of amazing games for the PSP. A lot of them are available on the PSN which I definitely need to go and get, they are quite cheap now. I just want to get a Vita first, this way I will have quite a lot of space to put them all on :D

Protagonist4126d ago

Get a PS Vita and then get Persona 3 Portable.

The "bester" rpg ;o)


8 for 8: The Best PSP Games Pt 2: Sequels and Spinoffs

"Part two of this look at the PSP’s best focuses on Sequels and Spinoffs. This was the toughest category to whittle down to just 8 games. The others were no picnic, because I love me some PSP in a serious way, but this list in particular made my heart ache. Here are the PSP’s 8 best games that are sequels to, or spinoffs of established franchises." -Hindman of PSLS

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Wedge194127d ago

Crisis Core.... I really wish there was a console version of that game. Peace Walker was a stellar Metal Gear Solid game as well.

porkChop4127d ago

I still don't understand why Crisis Core isn't on PSN. I'd love to play it on my Vita if they would just let me.

rfowler304127d ago

licensing issues due to the end game song copyright issues, bogus man!

knifefight4127d ago

Ugh, hurts to see Type-0 on there with still no localization announcement.

dbjj120884127d ago

So many amazing games without localization or even any plans for moving to the west. My list of want-to-import is huge.

porkChop4127d ago

I would be fine if they could just translate the menus, UI, and subtitles. I wouldn't mind the voices being Japanese, and it's most likely the voices that are keeping a lot of games from being localized.

Though the problem with Type-0 is a licensing issue for a song in the game, which is sung in a cutscene by a character. Apparently the scene and song are too important to be removed. SE really should have gotten the licensing issues out of the way FIRST.

ftwrthtx4127d ago

For depth and longevity, Peace Walker was the best IMO.