
Dark Souls 2: Unorthodox Multiplayer and Level Design Detailed

"The director of Dark Souls 2 Yui Tanimura had a lot to say about the game's unorthodox game design."

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Snarkasaur4036d ago

I wish they would limit invasions to people who actually want to pvp. Otherwise I'll just play in offline mode and miss out on the good parts of being online again.

Swiggins4036d ago

I have no idea why you'd want to do that, being invaded is really the only way you'll get better at PVP.

Trust me, once you get a few tricks under your belt PVP can be incredibly fun in Dark Souls...backstab fishers non-withstanding.

bluetoto4036d ago

"I have no idea why you'd want to do that, being invaded is really the only way you'll get better at PVP."

It doesn't occur to you that there are many souls fans that don't want to partake in PvP or even like it? Or that many are not interested in any competitive mode period?

Why does someone have to get better at a mode they don't even like? PvP is NOT fun for everyone and shouldn't be forced on everyone. There are many souls fans that don't play to best some random internet stranger.

Not everyone plays games for the same reason, even if it's the same game. Some people play to have some co-op fun with their mates or solo.

Others play games to feed their competitive ego and need to best someone to have fun. neither is wrong but neither should be forced on everyone.

Snarkasaur4035d ago

Actually, with my spotty net connection (I play over a local wifi that multiple people have access to), there really is no opportunity for me to get better. I can be facing another player and then all the sudden get backstabbed. This isn't an issue with the co-op portion because it doesn't affect how the bosses react to me, but for pvp not having a great connection is a huge issue.

Summons754036d ago

all you really need to do is not invade and you have a huge chance of not being invaded. I went through most of Demon Souls and all of Dark Souls without being invaded once. However being invaded isn't all that bad, it's funny when you can trick people into fighting tons of enemies or making them fall to their death. Most invaders are really stupid people.

Snarkasaur4035d ago

That's not true. I have never invaded anyone but NPC Lautrec, and I am invaded every single time I log on and go human. If I ever want to co-op, I have to play offline until right before I tackle the boss and then hope I see two summon signs near a bonfire so that at least I'll have some help when the invader shows up.

OcelotRigz4036d ago

I can understand the frustration of being invaded, especially it you progress thru a very difficult part and then get invaded and get killed.
It annoyed me and i wasn't very good at pvp, but i still wouldn't want it removed or have an option to turn it off as i feel it adds to the "could-be-death-around-ev ery-corner" tension of the game, plus its the price you pay for summoning people for help, its like a yin-yang and is a crucial element of the game.

joab7774036d ago

Maybe I am an idiot as I just started playing dark souls and don't know much. I did beat Capra in 4 tries...yeah for me. Anyway, I was a little worried about invasions and online play because its late in the game life and I was afraid everyone would be jacked and murder me. First, its only happened 2 x I think. But, didn't dark souls provide a way to play online without being invaded already? Isn't it called being hollow? I just imagined that they discussed how absurd it could get if ppl were always invading newcomers and what a turnoff it would be. You can essentially play much of the game as a hollow and still enjoy the soapstone writings. Also, u can still get humanity that's needed. U can summon AI's and players to help. And if someone invades and kills u...so what? Start again. Before playing I was so worried about dying and losing everything. Onve u realize that u don't lose much that u can't get back, its much less daunting.

For dark souls 2, I was a little worried when the director was let go and they began talking about accessibility. But when they talk about no new features and bulking up core elements, I like it. They NEED to keep fanbase happy. Its one of the true games left for us.

OcelotRigz4036d ago

"For dark souls 2, I was a little worried when the director was let go and they began talking about accessibility. But when they talk about no new features and bulking up core elements, I like it. They NEED to keep fanbase happy. Its one of the true games left for us."

My sentiments exactly.

bluetoto4036d ago

"They NEED to keep fanbase happy. Its one of the true games left for us."

Except that fanbase is split up with different fans that like a bunch of different things and hate a bunch of different things about the same game.

Every fanbase has several internal groups-

A. those that like everything about the game and don't want ANYTHING changed.

B. those that like parts a and b about the game but hate parts c and d.

C. those that hate parts a and b but love parts c and d.

D. those that like b and d but hate a, so on and so forth...
They can't please us all...

GrumpyOla4036d ago

I agree with you on the fact that FROM can't please everyone, and since they have provided us with two great games that were truely refreshing this gen, they should be left to their own devices and let them do what they do best.

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mep694036d ago

I want to play the game from start to finish with a friend :(
All they have to do to keep the hardness is have the enemies stronger and maybe more of them.

joab7774036d ago

It would be a lot of fun. But it would need to be done just right and allow for drop in drop out adjustment.

kingduqc4036d ago

I wish they fixed their netcode. On ps3 it was a lagstab fest and was unplayable. On pc you get desync because roll time was tied to framerate witch made you dysync on where you are because you had to have a mod to unlock the fps.

They could also add real co-op. I know it's not intended and i won't use it for my first play trough but it be cool for my play trough 3-10 to play and dick around with my friend.

tda-danny4036d ago

For PC, try this fix: http://steamcommunity.com/a... I have been using v1.1 with a friend (you both need the fix installed), and we summon eachother within 15 seconds and do not disconnect.

kingduqc4036d ago

I've used it certainly, but that's jsut silly that you need to mod the game for it to work (same with frame rate and resolution)

MeatAbstract4036d ago

I love the multiplayer but the PVP in Dark Souls was garbage. Not the idea or the fights, the lag made it unbearable to play. I even had a better connection with Demon's Souls and I had that game imported. I'm glad they're going back to servers because 9/10 you were in a fight was laggy.

OcelotRigz4036d ago

Yeah this was mostly the case for me. One second the guy is in front of you then in a flash he's sticking his blade thru your back.

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Hidetaka Miyazaki claims Dark Souls 2 “carried” the series forward

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anast76d ago

The game isn't good though.

Rols76d ago

DS2 was fine. While there was a bit of recycling assets or ideas for bosses, it was a bigger more open Dark Souls. The Fume knight boss is one of the hardest bosses in the series until Sekiro and Elden Ring were released.

CrimsonWing6976d ago

The problem with Dark Souls 2 was the same problem when a different director takes over for a sequel to an outstanding movie. It typically (there are exceptions) doesn’t have the feel and vision of the previous movie.

I wouldn’t say Dark Souls 2 is terrible. Had Dark Souls 1 never been a thing and we got this, I think it would have been praised more. The problem is it didn’t have the Miyazaki touch to it and felt pretty derivative. The soundtrack is a banger though.

Aussiesummer76d ago

And it will happen in the future when he doesn’t touch them as he is planning on.

MrBaskerville76d ago

I like DS 2, might even be my favorite of the 3. But it's a hard sell, there's so many obscure things you need to do to make it an enjoyable experience. So always find it hard to recommend, but it is worth the trouble.


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Father__Merrin80d ago

bastard sword and claymore do the job when grinded up


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phoenixwing163d ago

I beat them all with my fists and no hits were taken. What do you mean you don't believe me? I used a guitar hero controller!!!

qalpha163d ago

I used the Jungle Beat Bongos from my Gamecube

The_Hooligan163d ago

I just made my character look like Chuck Norris.

qalpha163d ago

All the bosses are only from Dark Souls. No Bloodborne, Sekiro, Elden Ring, or Demon Souls