
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen: The Kotaku Review

Kotaku: "Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen is an expanded, budget re-release of the original game which, you might recall, Kotaku’s own Tina Amini gave a no to. I tried my hand at it as well when it came out and found that while I appreciated a lot of the things it was trying to do, and felt that the game really shined at moments, that I agreed with her — it was a buggy, inconsistent and frustrating experience."

Blastoise4171d ago

"Should you play this game? No"

Hmmmm, I already bought it. Hope I end up liking it, thought from the trailers the expansion looked really good

joab7774171d ago

I would imagine that if he didn't like the game, he wouldn't be too fond of the expansion. If u loved the game like I did, u will probably love the extra missions.

Blastoise4171d ago

Never played the original which is why I picked up this expanded edition. Plus I heard baaad things about the English voice actors so I'm looking forward to using the Japanese ones

...plus it was like £14

Canary4171d ago

I don't understand most of the complaints about the game.

Yes, it has crappy textures. Yes, it has crappy fidelity. Yes, it has crappy animations.

But the game proper is just so damned fun. And buggy? I played nearly 100 hours and never saw a single bug. It seems to me that "buggy" is being used as a euphemism for "ugly." Saw the same thing happen with Nier, and even the Yakuza games.

Xandet4171d ago

The game does have a fair share of flaws, but animations are not one of them. For a Japanese developed title the animations are actually quite fluid, helped in part by some excellent physics.

ItsMeAgain4170d ago

Should I add another complain that I don't understand, either? I've heard many people say, "the game is too hard without reasons, so it is just bad!" That is just ridiculous. Just a small percentage of gamers today like challenging experiences. The vast majority only likes hand holding, easy stuff and such.

Gems like Dragon's Dogma with no hand holding, and challenging are exceptional.

If only this one was a DLC also and not just full game again, I could have purchased it. But, I think I'll pass unless they released it as DLC.

Nevers4170d ago

I found that the flaws (textures, voice acting, trite-plot) were easily overlooked for the fun-factor. I absolutely love the mechanics and art direction. I'm very pleased with my re-purchase with only one night of exploration into the new content.

Neko_Mega4171d ago

I feel like this couldn't have just been a simple dlc then going out buying a new game. I got the normal DD for $19 bucks at Gamestop new.

ApolloTheBoss4171d ago (Edited 4171d ago )

I'm buying it because I have yet to play DD. Not new, of course. I'm not supporting Capcom in anyway.

Xandet4171d ago

This is one of the few Capcom titles that I actually feel obligated to pay for at full price. This series needs as much support as possible so it's not tossed in the ever-expanding black hole of past Capcom IP's. DD2 with co-op would be incredible.

execution174171d ago

one of the few good Capcom games this gen, only gripe I have with the game is the pawns saying "Goblin Arisen!" every so often... other then that its one of my fave RPGS

Summons754171d ago

No because it's absurdly hard? LOL This guy is the reason the gaming industry is bowing down to casuals, I pray he never play the Souls games.

The first dragon's dogma was great and this is only an expansion to it so I'm all for it.....this review is FAIL

Inception4171d ago

Noobs like him never stand a chance in the face of mighty demon/dark souls :D

ItsMeAgain4170d ago

Oh they do stand a chance! They stand a chance of smashing their controllers to the wall, lmfao.

SuperK4171d ago

Picking it up also. I never had the first realese but a friend did and it looked ok but i was jus knee deep in other games at the time. Hopefully it will be ok :)

Xandet4171d ago

If you're looking for an engaging story and character development, look elsewhere. But what DD lacks in coherency it makes up for 1000x in the combat. I'd go so far as to say it contains the the most enjoyable open-world combat ever developed. The pawn system is also an absolutely wonderful feature. You'll see.

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You Can Now Get The First Dragon's Dogma For Less Than $5 Before The Sequel Arrives

Ahead of Dragon's Dogma 2's global release, the first iteration in the series by Capcom has been discounted by 84% on Steam.

sushimama193d ago

If anyone is wondering the first one still holds up well to this day. It's fun

darthv72313d ago

Grandia, Klonoa, and Parappa... NICE!

MrBaskerville313d ago (Edited 313d ago )

Grandia is especially nice, as I don't think it's available on psn atm. Wonder if it's a psx port or the Switch version.

If they didn't despise ps2, they could have added Grandia 2-3 as well.

shinoff2183312d ago

It's not a despise. Far as I've read their working on better emulation. It'll come.

LG_Fox_Brazil313d ago


StormSnooper312d ago

Is it good? I never played that.

crazyCoconuts313d ago

Been thinking of getting Teardown on Steam for Steam Deck play. Heard a lot of great reviews for it.

MrBeatdown312d ago

Played the first half hour last night. All I did was wreck a building but what a blast.

Elda313d ago

Nothing of interest for me. My sub is up in 2 weeks & I'll go with Essentials only for cloud saves & online. Having Extra or Premium is a waste for me seeing most games that land on the service are old that I've played already or old games I never had any interest in playing.

crazyCoconuts313d ago

Respect your opinion, just pointing out that Teardown is a Day One Extra release for PS, not an old game in this case. Gotham Knights last month was a year old.

Elda312d ago

I have no interest in Teardown. I bought & played Gotham Knights when it was first released in October 2022. Every month I'm always buying the latest AAA or AA games when they first release to play on my PS5, the very reason why Extra & Premium is a waste of money for me.

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Baldur’s Gate 3 Alternatives – 7 Top Games Like Baldur’s Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate is a name synonymous with party-based fantasy RPG games. There’s still a stretch of time until the third instalment finally leaves early access. While you’re waiting for the gates to open and welcome you to Forgotten Realms, you might be looking for similar games to ease the wait.

anast438d ago

Some good games on that list.

FalcorMononoke437d ago (Edited 437d ago )

In my personal opinion, Divinity Original Sin 2 is better than any of the Baldur's Gate games.

Becuzisaid437d ago

Are you including BG3 in that comparison? Or just the first 2? The first 2 are tough to get into now, and I never liked the ad&d rules. The 5e rules are much easier to grasp. But BG3 seems to be just DOS2 but times 10. Haven't played it in early access at all, just going by what I see online.

Nittdarko437d ago

hilarious because the game that is most like BG3 and a game every DND fan should try is Solasta and its not even on this list