
Sang-froid: Tales of Werewolves Review | Quarter to Three

Tom Chick: "Something as imaginatively conceived and cunningly executed as Sang-froid needs a longer lifespan than its 20 calendar days. Games this good don’t come around often enough, and this one could probably only come from a group of independent and inexperienced developers who don’t know enough to know that what they’re doing is, well, kind of unprecedented. Did these guys really mean to reinvent tower defense by premising everything on their cannily imagined Canadian werewolf mythology? Or were they just making a game they thought would be cool? Some genius is inadvertent. Whatever the case, Sang-froid: Tales of Werewolves is one of my favorite recent indicators that strategy gaming is alive, well, and thriving creatively."

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Sang Froid: Tales of Werewolves - Review | ReviewMango

Surely we've all come across werewolves in our time, be it in film, a game or a hallucinogenically-induced real life encounter. Regardless of where they are found, it's usually the case that they're just some bloodthirsty brute on a rampage for their next meaty meal. That's not quite the case with Sang Froid: Tales of Werewolves. In this little game, something far more sinister is afoot.

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Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves Pixel Judge review

Pixel Judge: "The Devil works in mysterious ways. He is powerful and mighty, but oftentimes he chooses to do his work through men not resistant to his dark powers. While this may sound like the beginning of a Sunday sermon, it is in fact the message brought to us by Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves. But fear not, my children! While deep and educational in terms of the story, it remains hella entertaining!"

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Giant Bomb - Quick Look: Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves

Giant Bomb - Vinny and Patrick sleep all night and place defenses and bless bullets and get mauled by werewolves all day.

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