
Dark Souls PC Was 'Half-Assed,' But Dark Souls 2 Director Promises More 'Care'

A fan petition successfully convinced publisher Namco Bandai and developer From Software to bring Dark Souls to PC. Unfortunately, the final product wasn't particularly polished, with From admitting they were having a "tough time" making the transition from console to PC development. The end result was a direct port that required user-created mods to live up to PC standards.

"A lot of it was not very well done, sort of half-assed," Dark Souls 2 director Yui Tanimura told Shacknews via translator (Tak Miyazoe), while promising a much better experience for the sequel.

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NYC_Gamer4184d ago (Edited 4184d ago )

I'm happy to have bought the PC version to show my support..DS was successful on the platform even though it had flaws..It's good that Fromsoftware will show DS2 on PC more love..I just hope they make use of Steamworks and the workshop..

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4184d ago (Edited 4184d ago )


Going into next gen devs will have no excuses for a bad pc version.

SnakeCQC4184d ago

actions speak louder than words. maybe patch your mess ?

SnakeCQC4184d ago

the game was locked to fps and some ungodly resolution and they had the audacity to charge more than normal prices(35 quid on uk steam)

TooTall194184d ago

Is the PC version of DS much better than the PS3 version?

MadLad4184d ago (Edited 4184d ago )

Yes. Depending on your PC, anyway.
If you have a decent rig, it looks and plays better. Once you work around the issues with the port, anyway.

Swiggins4184d ago

I couldn't disagree any harder.

The PC version may look better, and play better (depending on your PC) but where it falls completely short and where it's most important is in the gameplay department.

Dark Souls online on the PC is for lack of a better term, and disgrace. Half the people you'll come across have either modded themselves to have infinite health, stamina, cursed weapons or a combination of all three.

There's also significantly fewer people playing on the PC version.

If you're going at it from a purely single player experience then PC might be better, but if you want to experience ANY of the online, you're better off with the 360 or the PS3 version.

MadLad4184d ago

Sorry you've had a bad experience, but basing your experience on the crap of others isn't really a fair basis for assessment of the product itself. Others would have had far different experiences and would disagree with you. It's all particular point of view.
As for the single-player experience, there really is no debate. As long as your pc is up to snuff, you will have a better experience.

TheFirstClassic4184d ago

PS3 version is the way to go because there will be more players online.

kwyjibo4184d ago

They better get used to PC development, next-gen says hi!

4184d ago
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phoenixwing186d ago (Edited 186d ago )

i understand the authors frustration i'm not the best at parrying in games. not that i can't complete a game that requires it but it is a definite harder thing for me than other kinds of techniques in games. which might be the main reason it's so heavily added in games nowadays. want to make your game challenging without having to do a lot of work? just add a parry boss. (what i mean by parry boss is a boss you have to beat by parrying such that their attacks will kill you otherwise)

Dudeson186d ago (Edited 186d ago )

I always think it's fine as long as such games also have the roll/dodge panic button. But I understand the will to parry, it seems so cinematic in a fight when you pull it off.

117d ago