
Maybe we only need PCs and handhelds

Destructoid - In this latest edition of Office Chat, Dale North, Jordan Devore, and I discuss a waning interest in console gaming, but still want Nintendo to try. Plus, brief thoughts on newly announced Batman titles and Electronic Arts is the worst company in America, but only if the most important thing to you is how convenient and easy it is to play games.

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Saryk4182d ago

I disagree as a PC only guy. I hate console because of the controller only. Saying that I understand why people like consoles, they are easy to maintain. PCs are very easy, but in my opinion since I have been using them since the early 80s. I love building that new computer, but hate and really hate spending my time fixing BS because someone else was careless (adware,hackware,etc). I really hate reinstalling everything after a CF (that’s a Cluster FU&^).
I think PCs have their area and would be gone if the console makers that be, would just add several KEY components (mouse and keyboard). However I have stated many times in the past that tablets will take over in the future, I don’t like it, but it is the truth.
Consoles and PCs will be gone when the processing power and graphics power of the tablet increases. Hooking up the tablet to a TV or adding extra control options are very easy!

mushroomwig4182d ago

'I hate console because of the controller only.'

For me it's the complete opposite, I love PC gaming but without a controller it doesn't feel the same. I tend to shy away from games that lack any controller support.

I don't think consoles will be replaced by tablets because in the future you won't need local processing power, everything will be done via streaming.


im the same most of the games I own are PC and I use the wireless 360 controller. screw the mouse.

N4GCB4182d ago (Edited 4182d ago )

Then boy do I have a gift for you~ http://www.amazon.com/Eagle...

Saryk4182d ago

Look at that before, but then there are no strategy games on PS3 like on PC. I read it wasn't that good.

Besides I got over 6k worth of games between Steam, Origin,Gamersgate,Impulse and GameFly(Direct 2 Drive).

aliengmr4182d ago

I somewhat agree, in that PCs and consoles have their place. And the sole preference of M&KB.

However, I used to believe that if full M&KB support came to consoles that the PC would fade away. Not anymore. See, the core difference is consoles are closed platforms while the PC is open. Both have their good and bad qualities and both are necessary for the industry as a whole.

As for tablets taking over, I am not sure. Just look at laptops for gaming. While popular, they didn't manage get rid of the standard desktop. In the end I think there will always be a large group who would prefer something that they can build and fix themselves.

profgerbik4182d ago (Edited 4182d ago )

What!? I love PC's and Handhelds but no. I love gaming in general.

guitarded774182d ago

Yup... I game on everything, and each provides something the other doesn't. It's sad that this assertion even had to be made.

Alos884182d ago

Completely disagree. Maybe that's all YOU need, but I don't see how less variety in gaming options could be a good thing for the industry.

Fluke_Skywalker4182d ago

I have recently only really played on PC and Vita but I'm pretty sure that'll change when I get my grubby mitts on a PS4 controller!

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shadowT2h ago

Get it on PS5 and PC, or wait for the Xbox Series version. Don't miss this great game!

Hofstaderman1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Why I own a console. Dont care about the best framerates I just want to load up a newly released game and play. Ease of use.


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