
Xbox Next and Always On

Microsoft has taken the unusual step of apologizing for public statements made by an employee about a feature of the next Xbox, a product that has yet to be announced. But let’s be clear: Microsoft is only apologizing for the way the message—“deal with it”—was delivered. I suspect it won’t be changing how the next Xbox works one bit.

To recap this mini-controversy, amidst swirling rumors about the next Xbox—which I’ll clarify below—Microsoft Studios Creative Director Adam Orth indirectly confirmed reports that this coming device would require an “always on” Internet connection in an admittedly bizarre series of Twitter tweets. “Sorry, I don’t get the drama around having an ‘always on’ console," he wrote. “Every device now is ‘always on.’ That's the world we live in.” Then, using a Twitter hashtag, he punctuated his point with the comment that, I think, really set people off: “Deal with it.”

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thechosenone4127d ago (Edited 4127d ago )

Yeah, yeah 720..blah blah...

off topic

Knight_Crawler what the hell man, you're constantly complaining about all of these '720 always online' hate articles and how Sony fanboys are exploiting MS current situation by continuing to submit these kinds of stories to N4G, lo and behold here I find you doing the very same thing. WTF
check his comment history if you don't believe me. lol

"More 720 articles...Deal with it people because we are going to see tons of these until E3 and MS comes on stage with a troll face and say always online not going to happening."

And to make things worse this story was already submitted it's old. lololol


urwifeminder4127d ago (Edited 4127d ago )

Awesome it just makes me want it more all these articles, started saving for it now.

iGamerZero244127d ago

Ya the rumors are running ramped lately ! Always on wont bother me as it will other gamers around the world,

But I'll believe it when MS Announces it THEMSELVES

Personally I don't think there that stupid to add DRM a gaming console ! But Pacther on Bonus Round yesterday said on plain English is MS doesn't care about gaming and there trying to be cable Box/entertainment hub with small interest in Games and if true
Sony's PS4 will win IMO


JeffGUNZ4127d ago

Well then we know that the nextbox will be amazing and game focused because whatever patcher says, usually the opposite happens.

iGamerZero244127d ago

No I agree, Pacther gets a wrong from time to time buy he knows a lot more inside info than we do.....either way i'm getting a 720 & PS4 DAY ONE

sway_z4127d ago (Edited 4127d ago )

OXM suggest the Xbox Next will be locked to 'online only' if you purchase the monthly subscription model and pay for your Xbox on the drip...

When you complete the 24 month agreement, the console is unlocked for offline use.

So we may be looking at two future Xbox business models here.

1) Sub-based and online only (Monthly Fee)

2) Non-Sub Xbox Next >unlocked for offline use.

If this is correct, it does kinda make sense. I guess we'll find out soon enough.

MasterCornholio4127d ago

Microsofts new motto

Shut up and deal with it


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