
The Burial Ground: Aliens vs. The Walking Dead

"There’s very little doubt that Aliens: Colonial Marines and The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct are both wretched games. Each is a half-assed attempt to scam money out of two of the most rabid fanbases in all of nerdom, serving only to taking hot, steamy dumps on their respective licenses. Just two ugly, quivering piles of digital failure." - Joe Garcia

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ironfist924100d ago

Note to industry: Games based on Movies and TV shows generally suck.

rezzah4100d ago

I'd pick Aliens.

Because Xenomorphs are cooler than zombies.

Still doesn't change the fact that both, if bought at all, should be gotten used at the cheapest price.

BanBrother4100d ago

Both are a major slap in the face to fans. Next gen has to have more quality control and regulations put in place so that money grabs like these are refused publication until they are improved.

R_aVe_N4100d ago

I have played much worse games this gen.... I have played some that make these two seem like 10's.

FrostyZipper4100d ago (Edited 4100d ago )

Superman 64

That's all I'll say. Granted, not quite current gen, but still a model for how not to do it. Ever.

DasTier4100d ago

Having played through the campaign of Aliens and only a few hours of Walking dead. Both a vastly underrated, but neither deserve a playthrough. From the little I did play of Walking dead I actually though it a good idea and more enjoyable have to stealth past zombies and scavenge for supplies. It felt almost like an evolution of "The Last Stand" flash game franchise.

DasTier4100d ago

But hopefully the next stage in survival games is a Minecraft style randomly generated city, which you can explore and scavenge in the day, but a night the 'Zombies' wil be attracted to any noise you make (I Am Legend style)


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