
Are gloomy Wii U sales to blame for Battlefield 4 snub? ¦ TruTechNoid

Dice have confirmed that BF4 will not be coming to the Wii U. In an interview Lars Gustavsson said “they didn’t want to take any risks” or “stretch themselves to thin” and “that the team preferred to play it safe”.

I know most people will say that this must be down to Nintendo’s hardware....

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AngelicIceDiamond4198d ago

This game and Apparently Epic's Unreal Engine 4 won't be making its way to Wii U.

Nintendo's E3 of 2013 should be interesting regarding 3rd party support.

khowat4198d ago

Interesting as in there won't be any

Iwata sucks like he should have taken that 50% pay cut a step further and should have stepped down

lilbroRx4198d ago (Edited 4198d ago )

Considering that most of the news and comments by most is anti-Nintendo, its clear that Iwata stepping down would be a horrible idea for the company and that he is doing a great job. If he was truly responsible for any major problems the no one would be asking for him to step down.

So far, things aren't looking much different from last gen, which Nintendo had the highest sells for both of their hardware and software in. So if everything truly stays the same, then that means Nintendo will be on top in the end major "wester" third party devs. I don't see how that is a bad thing.

People seem to forget that Nintendo still has the support of Japanese third party devs and their games sell quite a bit.

Donnieboi4198d ago (Edited 4198d ago )

You said:

"Considering that most of the news and comments by most is anti-Nintendo, its clear that Iwata stepping down would be a horrible idea for the company and that he is doing a great job. If he was truly responsible for any major problems the no one would be asking for him to step down."

What kind of deductive reasoning...? That statement makes no sense at all. That was like written in backwards-bizarro speak. How does people on forums asking for Iwata to resign, automatically = that he's doing things right? Putting the merit of Iwata's leadership skills at Nintendo aside, how do u reason that your statement makes any logical conclusive sense? How do a bunch of strangers on n4g have any effect on the effectiveness (or lack there-of) of Iwata's leadership? Wow I don't see any correlation there.

U fanboys never seemed to think logically before. But you sir are one that proves it in every statement you make.

BrianC62344198d ago

I hope you aren't saying the Wii U is a next gen console. It's far from that. It's what the Wii should have been. It's way too underpowered to compete in the next generation. That's why everyone is dumping their projects. They can already see what's going to happen. They could make Wii U versions of their games but when everyone sees their other versions they won't want the Wii U version so why waste the resources?

ZeekQuattro4198d ago (Edited 4198d ago )

I wish people would stop with the Iwata should step down. The last 3 gaming devices from Nintendo were all successful. The Wii U will be no different much to many peoples chagrin. Seeing as the main job of a CEO is earning their company money I'd say he's been doing that for years. He has kept losses at a minimum unlike companies such as THQ, EA, and Square Enix. THQ is no more and EA and Square Enix are now in the process of a CEO change. I wonder why?

Donnieboi4198d ago (Edited 4198d ago )

Of course that's to blame. Why sugar coat it? If EA could make money on the Wii U, then BF 4 would have been their best bet. But there is no money to be made (at the moment). Plus let's not forget to mention the whole ORIGIN fiasco too.

SJPFTW4198d ago

Wii U is not even as powerful as the current xbox and ps3. DICE does not want to even bother

BrianC62344198d ago

I think the Wii U is more powerful than the PS3 and 360. But not much more powerful. It's not a next gen console. It's a last gen console.

lilbroRx4198d ago (Edited 4198d ago )

You apparently haven't read the Most Wanted analysis digital foundry or the comments from the Trine 2 dev who specifically said that the PS3/360 couldn't run the version of the game that the Wii U was running without downgrades.

The Wii U is much stronger, its just that most people are "intentionally" basing their its strenght off of bad ports, not the good ports or games that were built from the ground up.

A bad port will run inferior to it original on any system no matter how strong it is. Zone of the Enders on the PS2 runs better than the HD version on the PS3/360. I guess that means the PS2 is stronger than the PS3 and 360 going by the logic of people around here.


Yup Wii U spanks PS3 and 360 lousy hardware

Wii U has the raw GPU visual horsepower of 350 Gflops

PS3 has 230 Gflops, 360 gets 240 Gflops.

Saying the PS3 and 360 are on par with Wii U, hardware wise, is like saying a Volkwagen Golf TDI (236 pound feet of torque) is on par with an Aston Martin V8 Vantage (346 pound feet of torque)


Real 'hardcore' gamers already own a gaming rig on which we can enjoy titles like BF3 in glorious 1080p and 4x MSAA.

We've basically been enjoying the stunning graphics that PS4 promises for many years now. Do I really need a $599 PS4 so that I can play 16 vs 16 matches of Battlefield with no dedicated servers and no mouse and keyboard?

No thanks. I'd rather spend my money on Nintendo exclusive experiences which can't be replicated on PC

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Battlefield 1, Hardline, BF4 Servers Are Being Taken Offline by Cheaters; EA Silent on Issue

Cheaters & hackers have been causing grief on Battlefield 1, Hardline & BF4 servers, with nonstop DDoS attacks among other things. Unfortunately, EA has remained silent about it.

-Foxtrot912d ago

Course they are silent, they are hoping people flock to 2042

gamesftw250911d ago

Maybe it was a inside job then haha.

jeromeface910d ago

wouldnt be the first time, titanfall 1+2 anyone?

PapaBop911d ago

Not even if they paid me.. EA always do this with old games with less money potential, if this was Ultimate Team, they'd address and sort it faster than stories could spread. Why invest time in their products when they will just dump it in the following years? Then again EA never could see the forest for the trees.

Inverno911d ago

I imagine after those games were given out for free a couple months back through Amazon, anything that makes people go to 2042 is a plus for them

XiNatsuDragnel912d ago

They want people to go on 2042. My theory

excaliburps911d ago

Nah. I think they can't do anything about it or they want to sink money into fixing it.

Pudge102888911d ago (Edited 911d ago )

EA owns all BF servers so yes, they can do something about it but they refuse to because they dont want ppl playing their old games instead of the new one. Its EA we’re talking about here

pr33k33911d ago

if this happened in 2042, they'd have something to say. which is weird, considering battlefield 1 has more players on steam right now.

Pudge102888911d ago

Its so obvious that EA is doing this or hired ppl to mess up the games so that we’d be forced to have just 1 Battlefield working.

FPS_D3TH911d ago

Honestly it’s probably the devs themselves. They did an update to bf4 way back that kinda made assault rifles doo doo in hopes that people would flock to BF1 cuz BF4 was too perfect

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5 Great Shooter Games on Xbox Game Pass

The shooter genre is one of the most beloved videogame genres in the gaming community, and rightfully so. From DOOM Eternal to Battlefield 4, passing through The Outer Worlds, the Xbox Game Pass has a lot to offer when it comes to amazing shooter experiences. Come check out some great shooter games available on Xbox Game Pass!

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MadLad926d ago

There's a bunch of great shooters on gamepass; both legacy and new.

A recommendation I have is a work in progress preview title called Anacrusis. It's a lot of fun, and has a cool aesthetic.


5 Games That Started Out As A Buggy Mess

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KingofBandits1018d ago

"Games That Started Out As A Buggy Mess - A Bethesda and CD ProjektRed tale"