
Media Create hardware sales (3/18 - 3/24)

Media Create published the latest hardware sales from Japan.

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MorfiTM4199d ago

Vita up by 5k? I'm loving it.

MikeMyers4199d ago (Edited 4199d ago )

Good to see Vita sales weren't just a blip in increase but remain strong. Hopefully they can do the same outside of Japan.

kae3444199d ago

PS3 – 22,942
Wii – 1,720
Xbox 360 – 610

nice job PS3.

Dj7FairyTail4199d ago

|System | This Week | Last Week | Last Year | YTD | Last YTD | LTD |
----------------------------- ------------------------------- ----------------------------
| 3DS | 76.553 | 69.439 | 94.011 | 1.191.415 | 1.118.524 | 10.971.295 |
| PSV | 41.073 | 36.028 | 10.302 | 304.264 | 190.399 | 1.435.089 |
| PS3 | 22.942 | 20.676 | 25.750 | 284.845 | 396.851 | 9.144.929 |
| PSP | 12.690 | 12.721 | 19.875 | 197.516 | 259.618 | 19.826.527 |
| WIU | 11.398 | 9.539 | | 204.131 | | 831.418 |
| WII | 1.720 | 1.323 | 9.270 | 24.407 | 150.875 | 12.663.243 |
| 360 | 610 | 543 | 1.084 | 8.950 | 16.859 | 1.622.784 |

360 sales are suppose to be low. 1.622.784 million lifetime

PS3 is at 9.144.929 million lifetime

Wii is at 12.663.243 million lifetime

PS3 stills hasn't surpass Wii.
Yet 3DS has surpass PS3.

G20WLY4198d ago

Holy crap - assuming those figures are correct Vita is set to catch X360's lifetime sales in Japan in the next 6-8 weeks :O

That's pretty mental - great to see Vita has picked up pace now! :)

3-4-54198d ago

and it only took 2 years.

T24198d ago

Xbox should just pull the plug in Japan

chukamachine4199d ago

Vita – 41,073
3DS LL – 40,924
3DS – 35,629
PS3 – 22,942
PSP – 12,690
Wii U – 11,398
Wii – 1,720
Xbox 360 – 610

DarkHeroZX4198d ago

lol its only 1 when the Vita outsells each indivdual version. Oh i see! Well before the vita started doing good in Japan the 3ds was doing 100k on average. Now they fell down to 70k. I think it's safe to say that the Vita is beginning to dig into Nintendo's market. Maybe Sony should release a larger screen vita at $199 and drop currnet vita models down to $179. then when the Vita starts doing 40k for each model we wont have any excuses lol.

AWBrawler4198d ago

Dude its the same handheld just bigger screen. Everyone always count them together. Do you separate PS3 by slim model or HDD size??

r214199d ago

Second time topping the charts, pretty good news for the ps vita :)

Neonridr4199d ago (Edited 4199d ago )

well.. topping the charts only because the 3DS has two flavours. Combine the 3DS hardware and it's a significant gap between the two..

But agreed, good news for the Vita.

Tei7774199d ago (Edited 4199d ago )

Exactly, 3DS lite and XL are the same system. Its like separating Vita wifi vs 3G.

But anyways, I think we can all safely say the Vita is saved and will do well over there. FFX, Toukiden, Project J versus, Gundam breaker... Just a few titles that will continue to push hardware.

r214199d ago

True, didnt say it outsold the 3DS total buts its nice to see it topping the charts. Its a pretty solid handheld.

miyamoto4199d ago

What boggles the mind is Sony is said to be the least financially strong of the Big 3 yet its the only one that produces the most new exclusive games and IPs without fail year in and year out. So Sony is all about making games after all.

Ck1x4199d ago

Well to argue your point, back in the day Sega released more new IP's than Nintendo as well but that didn't get them anywhere with gamers in the end... At the end of the day these companies need very profitable franchises in order to make ends meet. But even Sony isn't going to continue to bring out games that cost $30-50mil to create if it only sales 1-2mil games across an install base of 75mil+.

Protagonist4198d ago (Edited 4198d ago )

Yes let's discredit Sony Playstation, no matter what the company actually does for gamers.

BitbyDeath4198d ago (Edited 4198d ago )

'Sony isn't going to continue to bring out games that cost $30-50mil to create if it only sales 1-2mil'

1 million sales at $60 a pop is still $60 million.
Making a $10-30 million profit sounds pretty decent to me.

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Eonjay18h ago

I have to disagree. Personally, I feel like DD2 still needs a lot of optimization. I really dislike games that try to sell a bunch of DLC when their game is still a mess.

Redgrave16h ago

This, RDR2, Bloodborne.... and of course, Life of Black Tiger.


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