
Dead Island Riptide - 9 things you need to know

GamesRadar - Dead Island Riptide is a massive, massive game. We sat down with a near-final preview version ahead of the game's release date of April 23 and, after hours of hacking limbs and removing undead heads, we were only a measly 10% through the game. However, we got a great sense of what to expect from the finished version, and if we were to sum it up in a sentence it would be: more of the same.

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jessupj4106d ago

While the first Dead Island was a little buggy, it was a super fun game. More fun than most games this gen.

I'll expect Riptide to be a little rough around the edges, but it'll be a hoot and a half too.


Looking back at 5 years of… Dead Island: Riptide

Carlos writes "We’re back once more to take a look back into the history of Xbox to unearth games that released many years ago, allowing us to celebrate their anniversary. This time around the game we’re looking at is Dead Island: Riptide."

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Dead Island Riptide and Metro 2033 Redux is out now on Utomik

Utomik - the “unlimited play” monthly subscription gaming service - expands its games library with several games from publisher Deep Silver, including Dead Island Riptide and Metro 2033 Redux with many more.


Deals with Gold and Spotlight Sale Detailed

Microsoft is ending June with a bang, a lot of games are going on sale this week. But only if you have an active Xbox Live Gold membership.

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SegaGamer2913d ago

That was last week's deals.