
Pitchford says 'We'll see' about Aliens: Colonial Marines for Wii U

GS:Gearbox Software CEO Randy Pitchford says "Sega's got to figure that out" regarding upcoming Nintendo version of first-person shooter.

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Reborn4203d ago (Edited 4203d ago )

I doubt it. If I was Sega, I'd be more interested in deciphering what went wrong with the other versions first. I'd also want to know what happened along the development cycle, and with the money they were issued.

darthv724203d ago (Edited 4203d ago )

Gearbox developed the PC, 360 and PS3 version but they DIDNT develop the Wii-u version?

The ironic part would be if the wii-u is closer to the target render that was originally shown last year.

It should be interesting if the game does come out. Do a proper side by side by side by side.

@donnie..it did look too good but not impossible to achieve. so i wouldnt count the possibilities out completely. Maybe for aliens but not in general.

Donnieboi4203d ago

No, that render is fake.

miyamoto4203d ago

Try to compare the packaged polished demo and the retail actual game and experience the difference.

AsimLeonheart4203d ago (Edited 4203d ago )

There goes the "definite version" supposedly built up from the ground for Wii U. Nintendo and Wii U owners are having terrible luck these days. Sales are very poor, none of the games are able to make an impact and games get delayed (Rayman) or cancelled (Aliens:CM).

camel_toad4203d ago

Unless the wii u's version was a completely redone version of the garbage that came out then wii u owners (myself included) should consider themselves lucky it may not appear on wii u.

Had it on pc and I couldn't play past the first 15 min it was so awful - and I'm a longtime aliens fan.

Realplaya4203d ago

That's not bad for WII U owners at least no unsuspecting consumers will get the shaft.

ApolloTheBoss4203d ago (Edited 4203d ago )

Is this satire? Please tell me this is satire. I did NOT just read what he said. Seriously does this guy have any honor at all?

dungeonboss4203d ago

If Sega would be willing to take a few million and invest into fixing what went wrong with the other versions, they could technically save themselves and the game, but I think a name-change would be needed to clean off the slate a bit. If I knew that the Wii U version fixed all that was wrong with the other versions (like Team Ninja did with Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge), I'd still buy it for Wii U.

But the chances of that happening are slim to none, in which case, I'd hope Sega just cans the game.

guitarded774203d ago

They spent that money on getting Randy Pitchford.

GenericNameHere4203d ago

But isn't there a rumor that Gearbox constantly delayed the game so they could get more funding from Sega, and then used most of that funding into developing Borderlands 2??

If it's true, Sega doesn't need to invest a few more millions. Gearbox should do it by themselves, with their own money, and take all the blame.

DOMination-4203d ago

I don't buy that rumour. Afterall, the first Borderlands was very successful. There's no reason why 2K wouldn't have given gearbox the appropriate funding for the sequel.

DragonKnight4203d ago

Don't bother Pitchford. Even the Wii U doesn't deserve that terrible game.

admiralvic4203d ago

I love how the commercial shows a Wii U version, yet now it's at "We'll see" status.

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Roundtable: Games That Should Have Received a Sequel

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JonTheGod1115d ago (Edited 1115d ago )

The Saboteur - criminally underrated and a fantastic mechanic of bringing colour back to Nazi-occupied Paris.

The article lists Bulletstorm, Sleeping Dogs, and Aliens: Colonial Marines.


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SpamnJam1693d ago

Can't argue with any of those really, but I would add Resident Evil Operation Racoon City and Metal Gear Survive to that list. Both terrible games from good franchises.

AK911693d ago

Bulletstorm, I actually liked the gameplay but the atrocious writing and characters made me despise the game by the end of it.


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FTLmaster1761d ago

I still play AvP on PS3 to this day. That game had fun multiplayer too.