
Volition's 'painful' PS2 launch title Summoner is the reason why Saints Row 4 isn't next-gen

Saints Row 4 launches on current-gen consoles and PC this August. But why, unlike games like Assassin's Creed 4, Watch Dogs and Destiny, isn't Volition holding out for a next or cross-gen launch?

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ape0074202d ago

um what about the classic, the great Red Faction 1

koehler834202d ago

That came out the following spring and it was awesome.

omi25p4202d ago

i want a hd remake of Red Faction 1 and 2.

GusBricker4202d ago

Or maybe the Summoner sucked.

delboy4202d ago

I remember Summoner,was my first rpg on ps2.
Wasn't bad at all, tons of side quests.

Kyosuke_Sanada4202d ago

What are you talking about? Even Knights Of The Old Republic straight up stole their innovative combat system and the story was damn good. The only flaw for the game was graphics, that's it.

DA_SHREDDER4202d ago

Agreed. Summoner was actually pretty good. Part 2 is the one that sucked. Wasn't this a launch title?

Mikeyy4202d ago

The summoner was my launch game for PS2. I liked it. Wasn't great, but nowhere near horrible. The cities where so damn big yet had terrible draw distance aided by fog. You ran aimlessly across endless brick. Till you find a structure.

8834202d ago (Edited 4202d ago )

Awesome memories! Good game or not, up to Summoner everyone was complaining about jaggies and shimmer with the all powerful PS2. Summoner was supposed to be a break through and the boards at beyond3d and elsewhere lit up when James Hague said the Volition team had figured how to run full scene anti aliasing with a "negligible hit on the game's performance". While their method didn't end up guaranteeing that PS2 software would never have jaggies or shimmer again, the mood and talk at the time were energized for sure.

Great memories and amusing to consider how in a lot of ways, "the more things change, the more they stay the same".

Love being a long time gamer.

Gondee4202d ago

Its pretty simple actually. The install base on the current gen is large. For a smaller studio to make money, it can't afford to wait another year, and risk low sales on a platform that will only have a few million units in the wild.

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Volition's Saints Row 4 PC upgrade was meant to be a make-good, but it broke the game instead

Remember this year's Saints Row(opens in new tab)? Volition would probably prefer that you didn't, which might go some way to explaining why the studio recently decided to upgrade everyone's copy of Saints Row 4(opens in new tab) to its full-fat Re-elected Edition, containing all the game's story and cosmetic DLC and even introducing cross-play between Steam, Epic, and GOG versions of the game.

Unfortunately, that upgrade seems to have backfired, and players now report a myriad of bugs with their new version of SR4. Both the Saints Row Steam forums(opens in new tab) and subreddit(opens in new tab) are filled with players complaining of broken saves, crashes, and mods failing to function. It's also received a few hundred negative Steam reviews(opens in new tab) since the update. If it's succeeded in washing the taste of Saints Row (2022) out of players' mouths, it's only because it tastes even worse.

crazyCoconuts645d ago

I wonder if Volition's getting reorged under Gearbox impacted the quality of their release.

jeromeface644d ago

i can't help but laugh at this comment. Gearbox can't even run themselves.


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