
Wii U Has an Identity Problem

GenGAME writes: "What is Wii U’s core identity? Right now, the only thing I can really point to is the Wii U GamePad, which is a whole bunch of things. It’s a separate screen that you can use to interact with the TV in new ways or to play games without using the TV at all. It’s got a touch screen that can be used for DS-style play. It’s a motion controller that can do many of the same things as the Wii Remote.

"How does this make gaming better, though? Truth be told… we still haven’t seen any games that truly prove Wii U is a must-have system, either for Nintendo fans or multi-platform gamers."

MariaHelFutura4112d ago

You're just figuring that out now? No Identity is just one of the many problems the Wii U has.

Son_Lee4112d ago

Wii U has a third party problem.

Bumpmapping4112d ago

And many more including....Over priced hardware,confusing name,gimmicky controller no one cares about,no games and terrible advertising.To sum it up Wii U was destined to fail Nintendo needs to act fast before E3.

legendoflex4112d ago

Aw, man. I forgot to get to the name part!

PopRocks3594112d ago (Edited 4112d ago )

As a system, the Wii U is fine. That "gimmicky controller", is no different than a Vita, sans the rear touch panel and lack of portability.

Its issues lay primarily with its software lineup and its marketing. The most level headed of gamers seem to think so. The only ones who say things like it's "destined to fail" seemed to have no intention to give it a fair shake to begin with.

nintendoland4112d ago

"no one cares about" i care and i think that controller is cool. It has a lot of potential.

axisofweevils4112d ago

Yet it sold more than PS3 and 360 did in the first three months. This is a fact.

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GenericNameHere4112d ago

Let's wait for Mario Kart U and Zelda U before calling the Wii U a failure, shall we?
That's gonna be prove to be a huge system seller

mcstorm4112d ago

I agree. Its a new system and the 1st 6 months or so after a new console comes out has a bit of a bad patch in terms of games but E3 is not far away and im sure Nintendo will have some big names for us.
For me the WiiU is the most excited ive been for a Nintendo console since the N64.

GenericNameHere4112d ago (Edited 4112d ago )

All the Wii U needs to succeed is not repeat the Wii's mistakes. Now's the perfect time to release dormant Nintendo IPs like Pikmin (already revealed but not yet released), Star Fox, F-Zero, Kid Icarus on the WiiU, and maybe... MOTHER??!! O_____O

wantonGamer4112d ago

No single game can carry an entire console. Not for long at least. How people still think one or two killer titles will turn everything around is beyond me.

You need to have a great library of exclusives and multiplatforms and a reputation of delivering unique gaming experiences on reliable hardware. Now, not to point out the pink elephant in the room but that console belongs to Sony.

Nothing fanboy about it, just facts. Which other console of this gen is still pumping out enticing games by the truckload this late in it's lifecycle. Uncharted, God of War or Gran Turismo don't sell the PS3. It's the fact that I know Sony will always continue to deliver these experiences, that trust, that sells consoles.

But hey, I'll eat a dozen crows if Zelda U makes the Wii U sell like it's predecessor all of a sudden.

iconic564112d ago

I totally agree with you... but I would never underestimate the power of an original HD Zelda/Metroid/Mario game.

But yeah, as a Wii U owner, a bit bored right now.

truechainz4112d ago

I agree that if you are looking for the most exclusives and multiplats on one console, then Sony is definitely the way to go. It mostly depends what kind of gamer you are. I just love games too much to not buy, or at least have access to, all the consoles. Other gamers can be satisfied by only what Sony offers, and there is nothing wrong with that either.

Not disagreeing with you because in my opinion super smash bros melee is one of the best games I have ever played, but obviously that didn't give the gamecube top notch sales. Even though it is too early to count them out.

Mr_Writer854112d ago

Nintendo fanboys chatting rubbish again.

File WiiU with the N64 and GameCube under 'consoles that got blown out of the water'

Those games failed to win Nintendo previous generations. The only reason the Wii did well was because of the casual and non gamer.

They have all moved into tablets.

The WiiU has no mass market appeal like the Wii, hence why the WiiU will finish dead last.

And only the most blinkered fanboy would argue with that.

MNGamer-N4112d ago

I think Durango will finish dead last the way they are going. PS4 + WiiU will be the top two.

Mr_Writer854112d ago

The Xbox will sell more then the WiiU.

It's an American console, and there are millions of Americans who will buy it for the simple reason it's an American product.

There are more Americans who buy American products the there are Nintendo fans.

linkofrs4112d ago

I'm pretty sure the Nintendo 64 was one of the most important consoles in history. Seeing as Nintendo was the first big publisher to popularize 3-d gaming.

That system also had some of the highest rated games ever made. "blown out of the water" is not a phrase I would use to describe it. If console sales are the only important factor that you see you may want to look at the quality of games on the systems.


N64 and Gamecube may not have had huge sales. But they did have great games!

deafdani4112d ago

Yet the N64 and Gamecube still turned a nice profit for Nintendo in the end. Actually, the Cube turned more of a profit for Nintendo than the original Xbox did for Microsoft, because Nintendo sold the Cube at a profit for almost the entirety of its generation whereas the first Xbox made Microsoft bleed money during all of its lifetime.

But apparently, if you don't finish first in the market, you flopped.

Lastly, you say matter of factly that the Wii U will finish dead last, yet we still don't know anything about the next Xbox, and we don't know enough about the PS4 to make such judgment calls. Who's the fanboy here?

truechainz4112d ago

Jesus man what do you want to hear? Nintendo already has started to move on their next console by unifying their departments because they want improvements. They want success, not to win generations. Nobody is arguing that the Wii U will be as successful as the Wii, and I don't think anyone truly cares that it won't be. We just want fun games to come out, and at this point Nintendo just needs to be profitable with the Wii U which will most likely happen when their first party games come out. Competition is good and it keeps companies trying to improve, but losing in sales is not failure. As long as the company can make enough money to keep making products that at least some people enjoy then they are successful. I swear people enjoy arguing about which company is best more than they like playing games.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4112d ago
legendoflex4112d ago

New Super Mario Bros., the greatest system-seller of all time, isn't even selling it. Why would those games?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4112d ago
_QQ_4112d ago (Edited 4112d ago )

identity? it's a unique console with allot of potential in the gameplay department and great upcoming exclusives. what else is there to know?

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Goodbye New Mario, I Won't Miss You

Super Mario Bros. Wonder is the first Mario 2D game in almost two decades without the New Super Mario art style, and it looks all the better for it

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misterandy364d ago

Am I missing something? It looks exactly the same, just higher resolution… Is this sarcasm?

specialguest364d ago

Yes, you're not observant if you think it looks exactly the same. It immediately appeared different to me from the start. Mario's 3D model will always be the same, so not much difference there. However, the animation they've given the Super Mario Wonder makes it look more like a CGI Mario animation where as the New Mario Bros game looks more like typical video game animation movements


__SteakDeck__364d ago

@specialguest Yeah those animations are insane.

FinalFantasyFanatic364d ago

You really didn't notice the difference? It's really obvious, I was surprised when I first saw the trailer.

Asplundh364d ago

"Am I missing something?"

Your glasses maybe?

Juancho51364d ago

This Mario game looks great, getting a switch for this and Mario RPG. CANT WAIT, TITS JACKED.

Profchaos364d ago

Yeah I liked how much more emotion could be conveyed through the new style at first glance I didn't see much difference but then rewatching the trailer I'm seeing more and more animations that remind me of the Mario artwork from the manual of smb3

Outlawzz363d ago

I hated the new super Mario bros Style. This new one seems a lot more expressive and less generic. I hope it's a good game

shinoff2183363d ago

I prefer the 2d Mario's. Me and my girl have played them all together and mario galaxy , Mario odyssey. The 2nd player option is extremely eh

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The 3DS and Wii U eShop is shutting down in 2023 - download these games before they’re gone

Nintendo will be shutting down the eShop for the 3DS and Wii U completely in 2023. Makes sure to check out these games before they do.

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MadLad851d ago (Edited 851d ago )

If they're not important enough to be held on their own official storefront then they're not important enough to give your money to Nintendo.

Buy these, physically, used or simply emulate them.

This article comes off as nothing more than advertising games that Nintendo, themselves, don't care to offer you... buy now!

ocelot07851d ago

Wait hang on where all the outrage? I swear when Sony tried to do this with PS3 last year. There was outrage from all corners of the gaming universe.

Why does no one care Nintendo is doing it?

MadLad851d ago (Edited 851d ago )

There has been.
A lot of it.

Simply type in "3DS" in Google and tell me what you see.

ocelot07850d ago

Oh I have a fair few websites reporting on it. But where is the outcry on here? I remember their was 2-3 approved top voted articles when Sony announced they where closing the PS3 store. All slating them and not caring about customers.

I should of worded it better. Where is all the outrage on n4g?

MadLad850d ago (Edited 850d ago )

N4G is a fanboy site, mainly frequented by only Sony.
Microsoft is their direct competition, so you'll typically only see articles that are made to rile up those fanbases.

Nintendo does it's own thing, so they're rarely brought up, aside from their fans. The most you get is the same typical two or three posters claiming Nintendo is only for infants.

If you come to N4G for educated discourse and reasonable discussion, this isn't the place. Sad as it is.

pietro1212850d ago

It's lame that it is shutting down. Now I feel rushed buying all the rpgs I missed out on the system.

XxINFERNUSxX850d ago

You guys know that even archive.org has 3DS roms, and all other console roms. I'm downloading 846GB of 3DS roms and will add the best games to my soon to be soft modded New 3DS 😁. Might as well throw in DS and other emulators in there to. Guys this would be the best way to play and enjoy the 3DS. Just need to buy a bigger micro SD card and format it to FAT32, which you can if it's even 256GB or larger there are ways.

XxINFERNUSxX850d ago

This should help if you want to soft mod it excellent guide and up to the latest and probably last 3DS firmware update: https://www.youtube.com/wat...


Amazon Slashes Up To 75% Off On Select Action Adventure, Racing, RPG & Shooter Games

Daily Video Game writes: "Dozens of popular select action-adventure, racing, RPG, and shooter games are currently discounted at Amazon for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch with up to 75% off!"

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