
Dynasty Warriors 7: Empires Review (Invision Game Community)

the latest in the Empires series has lots to offer Dynasty fans with more freedom than ever on how you choose to play the game. You can select your favourite characters, or the new character Xu Shu, and follow their individual stories, or select free officers to go about the land as they choose whether it be to just wander aimlessly looking for bloodshed or to turn on the kingdom you serve and battle to rule the Three Kingdoms.

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Japanese Developers Pledge their Support for Xbox One; New Exclusive Games and Ports Announced

During a press conference held at the Akihabara UDX THEATER in Tokyo, Microsoft just finished explaining its strategy to set a foothold in Japan for the Xbox one, and quite a few Japanese developers are stepping on the podium to pledge their support for Microsoft’s new console, announcing new games and ports.

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XiSasukeUchiha3751d ago (Edited 3751d ago )

Cool! Japanese support is there but will it survive the problem is more the people then the actual developers and they obivously got paid to this that's no duh right there, but how will they survive without JRPG bundle in the console.

air13751d ago

That's what I said lol

mrpsychoticstalker3751d ago

I concur. That's what I said too.

user14394143751d ago (Edited 3751d ago )

Next gen games take much longer to develop and thats why there is MASSIVE lack of AAA games right now. I know the developers are struggling a lot with the Xbox One and the RAM issues, and for Microsoft to bring in ports of older games this can be a good thing. XoXoXo

christocolus3751d ago

This is great news. MS also needs a stronger presence in Japan, they need to relate with their culture and prefrences better. MS japan needs to have a huge presence. That said I hope they announce more partnerships&fund new ips(platinum is a great start) and I also hope they open new studios there like they are doing in the west. Really glad with the new direction. Satya and Phil are definitly investing big,they are doing a great job. I'm happy about this news and even happier to know that rare is currently working on several ambitious unannounced projects.

DragonKnight3751d ago

Please, this is still a waste of time. The only way Microsoft could turn their fortunes around is if they gained access to Pokemon or basically any of Nintendo's first party games.

Japan doesn't just dislike games for Xbox, they dislike the entire brand. The Xbox One is even designed around features that won't be available in Japan, and the entire strategy for the Xbox One is immensely unappealing to the Japanese market.

We heard this exact same thing with the Xbox 360 and it flopped hard in Japan just like the OG Xbox did. It's the brand, not the games. It's the focus, not the developers. It's even the look, not the IPs.

christocolus3751d ago (Edited 3751d ago )


When has more games ever been a waste of time?xbox and xbox 360 may not have been a success over there but many of the games which were created as a result of the deceison to release in japan have been great. lost idysee, blu draqgon ,blinx, otogi, phantum dust,chromehounds. These were all japanese xbox games that a lot of xbox fans loved in the west too. its great to see them not giving up in japan and besides they've got the funds to keep pushing the console over there so its not a bad thing, not many companys can afford to do that especially after their previous efforts were unsuccessful. it also gives some sort of encouragement to the japanese devs currently developing on the xbox one,afterall they are supporting the console in the west too.

I don't know about you dude but imo its a great idea and I'm glad they are doing it. The more exclusives the better. I'm actually waiting to see what exclusive rpgs they have in the works&i want a game similar to dmc or ninja gaiden&Phil actually said they had new japanese partners and some old ones working on games ,so I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping that a new lostodysee,blinx& otogi are among the unannounced ips.

DragonKnight3751d ago

Under normal circumstances there is never a time when more games is wrong, I am in complete agreement with you there.

However, the Xbox brand has been a failure in Japan for 12 years. The Japanese market has spoken with their wallets and the answer they give to the question "do you want an Xbox" is a resounding "NO!"

So, this means that Xbox Japan has to hope that their games will do well outside of Japan. Japanese games don't tend to do well on the Xbox outside of Japan anymore than the Xbox brand tends to do well at all in Japan.

All I'm saying is that, so far, MS + Japan = No es bueno. In both Japanese developers making games for Xbox around the world, and Xbox gaining any kind of success within Japan.

That is why it is a waste of time in my opinion. Microsoft would be so much better served turning the gaze towards developers who traditionally see a more balanced, equal reception than developers whose games won't sell in their own homeland any more than they will outside of it on an Xbox console.

Darkstares3751d ago (Edited 3751d ago )

"That is why it is a waste of time in my opinion."

It seems like the system regardless of where it launches is a waste of time to you. You seem to be less supportive of it than the Japanese.

"Microsoft would be so much better served turning the gaze towards developers who traditionally see a more balanced, equal reception than developers whose games won't sell in their own homeland any more than they will outside of it on an Xbox console."

The X1 is an entertainment device and regardless of it's role in Japan you still have not explained why getting more game support is a bad idea. Other than you and most of Japan don't like the brand. The X1 also acts as a development kit which smaller studios can try and get their games on it. There is no point in ignoring Japan when key franchises that sell well globally still exist. It's also worth noting the indie scene is growing rapidly. The XBOX has also seen some success, Lost Odyssey sold rather well for example.

The big mistake Microsoft would only come about if they try and push their way by securing timed exclusive content. MS is better off supporting Japanese developers, not by trying to hold that content from being released on other platforms.

torchic3751d ago

are you a Microsoft spokesperson?

Volkama3751d ago

"When has more games ever been a waste of time"

Shooting Love: Trilogy. Come on, that has got to be a waste of time.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3751d ago
truefan13751d ago (Edited 3751d ago )

Wow those are some pretty big names on board with the XB1. Software was definitely one of the biggest problems for 360 in Japan. With these great partnerships MSFT might be able to improve its reputation in Japan. XB1's success is all relative to PS4 and Wii U, 360 was whooped by ps3 9:1. This gen shoot for about 4:1 and call it a success. Thus far I'm impressed with the effort, keep the momentum going.

ABizzel13751d ago

No it wasn't, the 360 had a good amount of Japanese support early on, even more than the PS3 at the time, but it didn't really help.

It's good to see that they're trying, but I still don't see this helping MS out in any way, shape, or form with Japan. That egg just won't crack for them. Best of luck though.

AngelicIceDiamond3751d ago

Great support in japan as usual from MS but Japan just doesn't bite with Xbox.

3 times the charm I guess.

gjruk3751d ago

So glad you can only comment once. But even that's to much.

3751d ago
Matt6663751d ago

I really want a blue dragon 2

lfc_4eva3751d ago

You might like this type of mechanic but I find it completely dull.
I've never really played a Final Fantasy game so I bought this after being told it plays in a similar way.
To say I persevered with Blue Dragon is an understatement. Turn based fighting in a modern game is so pap. It was pretty cool back in the day with games such as Battle Isle, but we should have moved on by now. Realtime is where the action is.

I but guess its each to their own.

Automatic793751d ago (Edited 3751d ago )

Good to see a diverse portfolio for X1 coming.

Antnee5343751d ago

He is saying they paid these companies to developers these games probably a lot cause in jap the system will fail with lune up it has.it need one good exclusive jrpg to make it even be looked at by the Japanese ppl.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3751d ago
Bonkerz3751d ago

Seems like MS is really making a lot of nice connections. Keep it up, loving all the great support the X1 has been getting!

badz1493751d ago

yeah...and they might have a chance selling 2 million this gen.

ABizzel13751d ago

It's funny and sad at the same time, but I really don't see XBO doing more for them than 360 did. We'll see I guess.

Gore-Content3751d ago

Why is x1 so important to them? We will never know...

Darkstares3751d ago

It's important because Japan still plays a large role in game production. Many of which actually do quite well outside of Japan. So regardless of the impact the X1 does in Japan, securing key franchises like Final Fantasy will also appease to gamers in the West. ID@XBox also opens the door to indie developers who can use the system as a development kit, meaning the cost to create games is very minimal.

I see nothing wrong with having another option for Japanese gamers although they still seem rather entrenched in mobile gaming.

Imalwaysright3751d ago (Edited 3751d ago )


I understand people saying that this may not help the X1 in Japan but for me, as a gamer that is a fan of countless japanese games and developers this is great news and will make my future purchase of a X1 that much easier. Anything that helps japanese devs release their games in the west is a plus for me.

Volkama3751d ago

True. Hopefully they have the foresight to make some connections in South Korea as well, because there are certainly some talented up-and-coming studios there.

mkis0073751d ago

Its not the devs...its the people/culture.

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PlayStation Store Global Update – May 7, 2013

Each week Sony brings PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita and PlayStation Portable owners new content, add-ons, games and more. PlayStation LifeStyle catalogs the PlayStation Store updates for the major regions across the globe. Check back every Tuesday and Wednesday to keep up to date with each week's PlayStation Store Update.

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Majin-vegeta4160d ago

Downloading Fuse demo already.

Relientk774160d ago

Downloading the Fuse demo, let's see how this game is

ftwrthtx4160d ago

Sleeping Dogs for free? Why thank you PS+.

doctorstrange4160d ago

Sleeping Dogs was one of my fav games of '12. Enjoy, folks.

JoySticksFTW4160d ago

Thanks man!

Gonna download that right now :)

And also Oblivion Shivering Isles.

I know, I know... but I didn't get it at $30 on principle, even though goty edition could be bought for less that.

Now, I can buy it for $10 finally.

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PlayStation Store Global Update – April 9, 2013

Each week Sony brings PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita and PlayStation Portable owners new content, add-ons, games and more. PlayStation LifeStyle catalogs the PlayStation Store updates for the major regions across the globe. Check back every Tuesday and Wednesday to keep up to date with each week's PlayStation Store Update.

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TrendyGamers4188d ago

Good price for the Borderlands Bundle.

knifefight4188d ago

I heard that has same-screen co-op. Is this true?

BitbyDeath4187d ago

Both Borderlands games have split-screen co-op.
Recommend it if you're looking for a co-op game.

Morgue4188d ago (Edited 4188d ago )

Combined $60 for both on Live. If you own a PS3 and have Plus but never bought Borderlands 2.

This is a steal @ $20.99

Wedge194188d ago

Gauca seems like a must buy this week, especially with the plus discount.

nevin14188d ago

Wow God Of War Chain of Olympus at Gamestop is $6.99 vs $14.99 on the PSN

Apollosupreme4187d ago

Yeah, you could do the retail vs. PSN comparisons until you pass out from exhaustion. You're typically going to get a better deal on older games by going to a retail store but let's see you get the UMD version working on your Vita haha ;)