
Straight Right not yet ready for Wii U game reveal

Nintendo Insider writes:

Having indicated that they were preparing to reveal their next Wii U project, Straight Right have now backtracked saying that they can’t discuss it.

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mcstorm4122d ago

Wow this site is turning into lets hate Nintendo site. I wonder what it will be next as it seems when someone brings out a new console its all doom and gloom. Last year was the PSV now its the WiiU I wonder if it will be the PS4 or Next Xbox next.

stragomccloud4122d ago

Turning into???
This has been a Nintendo hate site for as long as I can remember.

Though it's admittedly becoming a lot worse now with outright lying and misinformation.

mcstorm4122d ago

Ive not noticed that a few years ago it was all against the PS3 then Kinect came out and it was all against Kinect then the 3DS then the PSV and now the WiiU.

Anyone would think this site was a Sports site where people just spit there dummy out over the smallest things.

DivineAssault 4122d ago

ya, basically the game will be canned.. With PS4 incoming, more & more ppl will lose interest in wii u even if they launch some heavy hitting 1st party titles.. Good luck


On porting AAA-games to Wii U; Interview with Aussie studio, Straight Right

Digitally Downloaded writes: "Of all the third party developers working on the Nintendo Wii U, there is one that stands out as going out of its way to take the unique features of the console; the Australian porting house, Straight Right."

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KrisButtar3873d ago

Deus Ex: Human Revolution is an awesome game no matter what you play it on

lilbroRx3872d ago

Would be even more awesome if they priced it according to it age or at least made it the same price on all platforms.

It certainly would have sold a lot more on the Wii U if they had priced it the same as all of the other versions.

KrisButtar3872d ago

I can see why they priced it differently for the simple fact that they didn't have to spend nearly as much time on the other versions compared to the WiiU version. The other versions already had the basic game developed where as the WiiU had to be started from scratch.

More work went into the WiiU version, so the WiiU version cost more, is how publishers see it.

Similar thing I think happened with the Mass Effect deal, the 3 games were already made on the other systems so its just a repackaging thing with minor touch ups. The WiiU version would have been like porting 3 games from the ground up which would have cost to much and settled with just porting 1 game. Just my thoughts on how those worked out.

Its to bad really. I felt burned after I bought a Wii, so I'm not going to dive right into a WiiU without seeing the benefits and if future titles continue to play out, with Nintendo getting the short end of the stick, I can wait until some price drops

MattS3872d ago

So, according to you, the quality of a game is in part based on its price? You would actually have more fun playing the game if it was cheaper?

What a load of nonsense. The amount of fun you have with a game has nothing to do with its price. Whether you buy it or not is in part dependent on price, of course, but not whether it's an enjoyable game or not.

lilbroRx3870d ago

No, MattS. That is 0% what I was saying in anyway form or fashion.

AlexFili3872d ago

They're making a fortune by doing these ports, same with Treyarch. All the hard work is already done, they just have to take their time and polish it up. Thumbs up.

MattS3872d ago

As far as I can tell Straight Right doesn't release its financial results - it's not a public company.

So how do you come to the conclusion that it's "making a fortune?" Do you work there? Do you have inside access?

Or are you just making an assumption?

AlexFili3871d ago

Nobody works for free. Someone must be getting paid or they simply wouldn't be porting these games. It's obviously profitable enough to fund additional games and they're getting high Metacritic scores, look at Deus Ex Human Revolution on Wii U

clouds53872d ago

I'm gonna buy deus ex on WiiU. I tried it when it first came out on PC but didn't like it for some reason. But i'll give it another shot on WiiU.


DigiBytes: Exclusive Interview With Straight Right CEO Tom Crago

The crew at DigiBytes got the opportunity for an exclusive interview with Straight Right CEO Tom Crago and they talked about Shift 2 Unleashed, Mass Effect 3: Special Edition for Wii U and even asked about their latest project.

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Straight Right preparing for Wii U game reveal

Nintendo Insider writes:

Straight Right may be soon set to lift the lid on one of their unannounced projects for Wii U.

The Australian studio was previously responsible for porting Mass Effect 3: Special Edition across to Wii U, having also confirmed that they have two projects underway for the console.

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Jadedz4151d ago

I know I said I wouldn't, but I choose to support this development group (even though EA will enjoy the benefits).

PopRocks3594151d ago

That's big of you. Good on ya for supporting those you appreciate.

I chose not to support it because of the announcement of Mass Effect Trilogy. These devs even said a Wii U version of Trilogy could happen, so I'm waiting on that.

Jadedz4151d ago

Though sales speak a lot louder to publishers than anything else.

I'll accept my role as the ''beta tester,'' so the rest of the Wii U community can reap the rewards :P.

stragomccloud4150d ago

Agreed. I was keen on picking it up until they announced the trilogy.

I've already bought all of the xbox, though I wanted another go with a little bit of a different experience. With the trilogy announcement, however, they immediately devalued their product.

FinalomegaS4150d ago

i would care about the trilogy but I had ME 1 & 2 on the 360.

I think what I really want now on the wiiu, ME3 DLC MP pack ( we have some but I want the rest)

FinalomegaS4151d ago

Straight right... maybe ME3 stuff... DLC, Trilogy as seen on the many posting on Miiverse.

I think I'm at over 300+ hours on ME3:SE on WiiU. 40 hours SP and the rest MP.

really don't care what it is, might get it but they better hurry up... MH3U is coming fast.

exfatal4150d ago

bubble up my friend, if its mass effect rilogy i probably wont get since the game wasnt my cup of tea. but i'll support em too if its anything else of interest

hduce4150d ago (Edited 4150d ago )

One of the games that they are working on is from Square Enix. The other is a complete mystery, I have no idea what it is. I do have faith in Straight Right. I thought they did an excellent job with Mass Effect for the Wii U.

RFornillos44150d ago (Edited 4150d ago )

they were great porting ME3 to Wii U and did a good job given the short time they were given.

it's developers like Straight Right that deserves all the merit here. at least they're taking the risk to support the console at this stage, when other devs seems to be jumping ship, and countless others have been spelling doom for the Wii U.

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