
Dark Souls 2 Should Offer Dedicated Cooperative Play

GR - "Why Dark Souls 2 needs to focus on co-op."

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zerocrossing4219d ago

No it doesn't, the Souls games are intended as single player games and only have minor cooperative elements.

Start messing with the key formula and you'll just kill the franchise...

My_Name_BTW_Is_Dante4219d ago

Demon's Souls isn't Dark Souls. They can kill Dark Souls all they want to because it's just a mediocre alternative for casuals. Might as well make it accessible while keeping Demon's Souls for the hardcore.

Rush4219d ago

You sir made me depressed I hope you're happy with yourself....

MEsoJD4219d ago

I have both and I'll tell you right now that Dark Souls is an improvement in almost every way. Demons Souls is too exploitable for me(I can beat it in a day no sweat). Oh and the lore in Dark Souls is so juicy :3 haha

Scumbag-Steve4219d ago

Naw hes right you nerds just don't get it!

Reverent4219d ago

Coming from the guy named after the newly casual, accessible DmC game...

ThanatosDMC4219d ago


Irony at it's finest. Bubs for him because it's funny.

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jimbobwahey4219d ago

On the contrary, I would love for the franchise to introduce dedicated co-op and some kind of ultra-hard difficulty setting that's designed for two or three people to play together, but is also crushingly difficult.

That way they'd just be streamlining the co-op that's already a key part of the franchise, and tailoring an even harder difficulty that's designed around it.

Plus, it could also work the other way as well, and allow for parties of two or three people to invade these co-op games too. It would be awesome, especially with the invaders coordinating attacks at certain locations etc to do the most damage :D

zerocrossing4219d ago (Edited 4219d ago )

It would just cause the whole franchise to become a total mess like every other Single player game that's had coop forced into it.

It's a nice idea but it wouldn't be done well and would no doubt end up as a key feature if not a selling point.

There are barely any decent single player games left I don't see the point of making everything multiplayer especially when it's better off without it.

jimbobwahey4219d ago


But both Demon's Souls and Dark Souls already have multiplayer and co-op...

In fact, the integration of them are the most innovative aspects of the franchise.

zerocrossing4219d ago

In response to your last comment to me.

It is true that both Demons Souls and Dark Souls have multiplayer integrated into them but "multiplayer" is not a core focus.

The ability to leave messages is both a help and a hindrance since they are often vague and misleading you can't really trust them.

The ability to receive help from other players who are online is countered by the fact that your world could be invaded at anytime during online play, if you had a constant companion it would make moot a lot of integral game elements that make the series so gruelling yet ultimately fulfilling.

ThanatosDMC4219d ago

Or you could just summon... like how we have been doing since Demon's Souls.

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mav8054219d ago

Exactly. What is it about not drastically changing the key elements of your already well regarded franchise that developers don't understand? That's how you lose fans.

In 300+ hours between Demon's/Dark Souls, I have never summoned a PC phantom, and I have never put my sign down to be summoned. Not interested.

Godmars2904219d ago

May as well be the Skyrim MMO.

NYC_Gamer4219d ago (Edited 4219d ago )

Dark Souls 2 needs to offer strong single player and not worry about co-op

Number-Nine4219d ago

The MP in the Souls series is what makes these games unique and great.

The single player is already strong.

SlavisH24219d ago

I hope their is a option. I really hope this game is next gen because there will be far less restriction!

Old McGroin4219d ago

As much as I love co-op, even in Demon/Dark Souls when it worked, I would be worried that instant co-op from the beginning (matchmaking or friend invites) would ruin the "feel" of the the Souls series.

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anast212d ago

The game isn't good though.

Rols212d ago

DS2 was fine. While there was a bit of recycling assets or ideas for bosses, it was a bigger more open Dark Souls. The Fume knight boss is one of the hardest bosses in the series until Sekiro and Elden Ring were released.

CrimsonWing69212d ago

The problem with Dark Souls 2 was the same problem when a different director takes over for a sequel to an outstanding movie. It typically (there are exceptions) doesn’t have the feel and vision of the previous movie.

I wouldn’t say Dark Souls 2 is terrible. Had Dark Souls 1 never been a thing and we got this, I think it would have been praised more. The problem is it didn’t have the Miyazaki touch to it and felt pretty derivative. The soundtrack is a banger though.

Aussiesummer212d ago

And it will happen in the future when he doesn’t touch them as he is planning on.

MrBaskerville212d ago

I like DS 2, might even be my favorite of the 3. But it's a hard sell, there's so many obscure things you need to do to make it an enjoyable experience. So always find it hard to recommend, but it is worth the trouble.


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Father__Merrin216d ago

bastard sword and claymore do the job when grinded up


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phoenixwing299d ago

I beat them all with my fists and no hits were taken. What do you mean you don't believe me? I used a guitar hero controller!!!

qalpha299d ago

I used the Jungle Beat Bongos from my Gamecube

The_Hooligan299d ago

I just made my character look like Chuck Norris.

qalpha299d ago

All the bosses are only from Dark Souls. No Bloodborne, Sekiro, Elden Ring, or Demon Souls