
Throw Trucks With Your Mind Poised To Reach KickStarter Goal

Crooked Tree Studios announces that its KickStarter campaign has surpassed the 75% funding level for ‘Throw Trucks With Your Mind’, a multiplayer first-person "gunless shooter" that uses a wireless EEG headset to measure players' brainwaves and move virtual objects on screen!

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Throw Trucks With Your Mind! Interview – IndieCade 2015

This game uses a headset to read your brainwaves. Your ability to stay focused and calm in the midst of a first-person shooter powers your psychic abilities!

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Throw Trucks With Your Mind – Previewed

Nathaniel Liles writes: "I’ve been waiting to play Throw Trucks with Your Mind for a very long time, and actually heard of such plans before the developers at Crooked tree Studios started their Kickstarter. We’ve wanted to control video games with our brainmeat for a very long time now, and until very recently, that hasn’t even been a remote possibility. The technology is here now, albeit in its early forms, and to test out Throw Trucks with Your Mind properly, I was actually sent a NeuroSky MindWave EEG headset, a piece of technology that measures electrical activity in your brain as it fluctuates."


2014's More Unusual Games

With January nearly over, Codec Moments decided to take a look at some of more interesting and unusual games that are scheduled for release in 2014.

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