
Block Fortress Cheats And Tips

John Bedford (Modojo): We've just published our review of Foursaken Media's excellent hybrid game Block Fortress, and we awarded the game 4 out of 5 stars. If you're struggling to keep the invaders at bay, here's our complete guide to building a solid line of defense.


TouchGen: Block Fortress review

TouchGen: Forget about Creepers fought with swords, now you get to fight mob goblins using handguns and turrets.

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Block Fortress Update Adds World Sharing, New Objects And Tweaks

John Bedford (Modojo): Block Fortress, the blockbuster hybrid game that combines tower-defense with Minecraft world-building and a splash of first-person shooter action, has just been updated. To mark the occasion, the developers at Foursaken Media have also temporarily reduced the price of the game to $0.99, making it even easier to get stuck into this strange but addictive blend of genres.

4085d ago

Touch Arcade: Block Fortress Review

Touch Arcade: There's been a lot of talk lately about Block Fortress [$1.99] and for good reason. Rare have we ever witnessed a game that manages to combine tower-defense, first-person shooters and creative sandboxing genres all in one game. Foursaken Media's Block Fortress not only successfully accomplishes such a feat, but manages to do it in such a way that truly makes its sum greater than its (individual genre) parts. There's a lot of love about Block Fortress, making it a game that really needs to be checked out.

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