
Planet Explorers on Steam Greenlight

Pathea Games has submitted Planet Explorers to Steam Greenlight in hopes that players will help the game become available on Steam at the end of the year.

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Planet Explorers Multiplayer Code Accidentally Deleted, Devs Making Game Free

The Planet Explorers multiplayer code has been deleted and the developers will be releasing the game for free next week as they are unlikely to fix it.

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Eonjay1912d ago

How is that even possible? How is there no type of backup of the code? Control Z? Lol


Planet Explorers Steam Preview

If you’re looking for a sandbox game to let your imagination run wild and create what you want then head to Steam and try Planet Explorers.

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The first No Man’s Sky rivals are here

Check out the games for those who want to boldly go to unknown times and place.

Retroman2861d ago ShowReplies(6)
smolinsk2861d ago

No man sky is still the best Space exploration game ever made.

TheOpenWorlder2861d ago ShowReplies(4)
2861d ago Replies(1)
Irishguy952861d ago (Edited 2861d ago )

Elite dangerous does the whole 'space' exploration better. By quite a bit. No mans sky is better for..landing on planets. ED is less repetitive too. Example... Dropping out of warp almost landing in a star is ****ing scary. Nothing like that happens in NMS. Nothing particularly interesting happens in space in NMS. ED, everything interesting is in space.

CrimzonRazor2861d ago

Elite dangerous is the best hands down

Gardenia2861d ago

It's a shame really the way No Man's Sky ended up. It could have been so much more if they worked longer and with a bigger team on the game. It could have been the best sci fi exploring game of the decade.

kraenk122860d ago

They just announced a new foundation update which will introduce major changes including base building.

joethetimelord2861d ago (Edited 2860d ago )

Oh God no. Space Engine is better, looks better, has just as much to do, and it's free.

Oh, and it actually has orbital patterns.

XanderZane2860d ago (Edited 2859d ago )

LMAO!! I got a good chuckle. Wheeww.. another "joke of the day" comment. I love those.

I did play it. lol!! No where close to best of anything.

kraenk122860d ago

Play it before you judge.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2860d ago
DeviateFish2861d ago

Most of these were available for a long time before NMS came out, especially Rodina.

kraenk122861d ago

Astroneer seems like a neat game.

Skankinruby2861d ago ShowReplies(2)
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