
Can PlayStation 4 Restore Our Lost Love for Sony?

1up - We still have much to learn about PS4, but at least the company's making the proper overtures.

GalacticEmpire4132d ago (Edited 4132d ago )

Lost love? Sony has been supplying me with quality games for more than 15 years, the love never left.

Moonman4132d ago

This is 1up..lol. They are just feeling bad they threw a tomato at the wrong console. PS3 has topped 360 and now they are crawling back!

Enemy4132d ago

No one will miss you when you're gone, 1UP.

Diver4132d ago

You mean "your" lost love for Sony. Goodbye 1up don't let the door hit you on the way out you arrogant dummies . And fix me a sandwich as you go.

Dragos754132d ago

Topped it in what?...And vita has topped 3ds too right?...lol

blackbeld4132d ago

"Can PlayStation 4 Restore Our Lost Love for Sony?"

1UP = 360 fanboys ==> Confirmed

Snookies124132d ago (Edited 4132d ago )

@Dragos75 - Your comment sounds very "fanboy". I have both a 3DS and a Vita, and I can definitely say the Vita is better in quite a few ways. I love my 3DS, don't get me wrong. It's a fantastic handheld. However, the Vita might just be my favorite console period in terms of design and functionality.

True gamers would support both though, so your loss I suppose if you don't.

JackBNimble4132d ago (Edited 4132d ago )

Topped it in what?...And vita has topped 3ds too right?...lol

considering what you will beable to do with the vita when the ps4 comes out those numbers will change.
Vita will not be irrelivant (not that it is now) when ps4 comes out.

on topic: I always stuck with the ps3 through all the media/n4g bashing.

SilentNegotiator4132d ago

Excuse me, 1up....can you make me look like a BIGGER jackass for sticking my neck out when people said bad things about you when your closing was announced?

Unless you were a massive jRPG fan or something, not much was lost going from PS2 (Sony's best of times) to PS3 (Sony's most troubled times).

gaffyh4132d ago

"Can PlayStation 4 Restore Our Lost Love for Sony?"

They already have....they already have.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4132d ago
abzdine4132d ago Show
camel_toad4132d ago

Certainly no lost love from where I'm standing. (or sitting playing games)

akaakaaka4132d ago

in other words

inside their mind, "f#$% PS4 will dominate and if we don't gain some PS4 fan's we will be left behind since kinect2.0 fans are to casual to visit the web for video game news"
"Sorry Sony we have been bad, forgive us!"

lol losers.. no shame here.

Blackdeath_6634132d ago

agreed. i like playing games i don't care so much what platform they are on but i only have the means to get one games console at a time as i am not made of money . the past three generation i have to say ps1,ps2 and ps3 have come out on top. i really liked my dreamcast but i didn't get much games on it and it eventually broke. can't wait to splash out on a gaming pc as soon as time allows me to do so.

N311V4132d ago

I have to admit during the first couple of years of the PS3 I was worried that the end of my beloved console was on the horizon. It was expensive, the game library was limited and developers were complaining a fair bit about the console. They pulled through however and the last 5 years have been fantastic. I was expecting to get a PS4 even before the announcement but afterwards there was no doubt. Sony are well aware that the Playstation is first and foremost a games console and there focus is rightly us gamers. NextGen can't come soon enough for me.

Jaqen_Hghar4132d ago

A man agrees. A man has never lacked for software support on a Sony console (most of it exclusive) and a man has been playing since PS1. A man is looking forward to Beyond, LoU, GoW, and Puppeteer as exclusives to PS3 even though it's in its final year (compare that to the other two's support for their consoles in their last year). A man also loves PS+ and the value it offers over the competition.

jerethdagryphon4132d ago

not final 10 years puts it at 2015 ish so fifa 2015 will be last

Jaqen_Hghar4132d ago

A man won't buy sports games for PS3 (or likely PS4 maybe Madden if they don't take away all the features like last time at the start of a gen) so it will likely be HIS last (unless another awesome exclusive comes but they said all their first party devs were working on PS4 games so it seems either Puppeteer or Beyond will be the last).

just-joe4132d ago (Edited 4132d ago )

What is a man!?
*throws glass*
A miserable pile of secrets! But enough talk, have at you!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4132d ago
freezola754132d ago

EXACTLY! @Galactic 1UP is clearly speaking for their own delusional selves...


BTW Isn't 1UP supposed to be getting shutdown or something??

Psn8004132d ago

I have always been in love .

dj3boud4132d ago

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SatanSki4132d ago

I also think Sony brought good games, especially the best exlusives but it doesnt mean i will love them. They sell me a product i pay and thats all. Its not like im anything more for them then my money. I dont give a shit about them and they dont give a shit about me. People loving corporations for whom they are just milking cattle is not even funy. Its disturbing, to say the least.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4132d ago
TheLyonKing4132d ago Show
Bumpmapping4132d ago Show
LE4132d ago (Edited 4132d ago )

Beyond 2 Souls Oct. 8, Assassins Creed IV Oct. 29, and GTAV pushed back to Sept. 17. PS4 release in October anybody!?

LE4132d ago

Would be nice to get a better head start before the Christmas rush. Yeah I know it's not that much a difference, but the longer the better.

Y_51504132d ago (Edited 4132d ago )

November 18th-21st to be more specific!

Jaqen_Hghar4132d ago

A man hopes for late October a company needs to clear the initial shortages in time for BF to kick in. A man would only want November to resell a second one for $1000 to a Christmas shopper.

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MasterCornholio4132d ago

Lost love?

Yeah that happened to me when Microsoft announced the abomination known as project natal. Which is why im a happy PS3 owner now i didnt own one before due to its extremely high price.


first1NFANTRY4132d ago

that kinnect unveiling was cringe worthy.

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anast12h ago

Last of US was organic feeling. The "queer" thing doesn't feel tacked on like a lot of the games now.

purple1014h ago

how you not gonna mention 'The ballad of gay tony'!



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Europe software sales | May 2024 | EA FC 24 #1, Ghost of Tsushima #4, Hellblade 2 missed 'Top 100'

"This is GSD figures, which tracks all digital game sales from most major publishers (Nintendo data is absent), and physical game sales in all major European markets."

"The No.1 selling game in May this year was EA Sports FC 24, followed by Grand Theft Auto 5. F1 2024 races in at No.3. The PC release of Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut sends the PlayStation game up to No.4."

"11.6 million PC and console games were sold across European markets in May. Compared with the same five week period in 2023, that's a drop of nearly 17%."

"Hellblade 2, System Shock Remake, and the Rogue Prince of Persia all missing out on the Top 100."

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Einhander197213h ago

I need an xbox fan to explain to me how Hellblade didn't even enter the top 100 since Game Pass doesn't effect sales and you guys are all just using the service as a trial to buy the games later.... /s (for sigh)

Also tell me again how 3.5 M sales first month for FF was bad...

If Microsoft didn't buy the developer this could have been a multiplatform game and if they wanted they still could have got it day 1 on Game Pass.

If I worked at Ninja Theory I'd be sprucing up my resume right about now.

MNRC239h ago

Why are you more concerned about Microsoft’s financials than Microsoft?

CrashMania3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Think it's pretty obvious to most that Hellblade 2 was a flop, it was setup to fail by skipping playstation and being sent to die on gamepass, especially on a platform where they openly mock playstation 'movie games', this being way more movie than any PS game.

Cacabunga4h ago

Here we go.. too much barking about EA CEO getting a big bonus when the same ones are buying his games. So pathetic

terrorofdeath2h ago

Interesting that EAFC 24 still made top sales, considering it was the free game on PS+. Unless that counts as a purchase?

gold_drake11m ago

im not surprised hellblade wasnt even in the top 100.