
MSI HD R7770 Power Edition Review (By The Play Vault) – PC Gaming on a Budget

Play Vault's Kyle:

"If you are hoping to experience PC gaming on a budget and need a solid graphics card then this (MSI HDD R7770) is the perfect card for you price wise as it is under £100. It may only just be under £100 but compared to the GTX 650 which it is competing with, this is the true budget gaming option."

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Ju4126d ago Show
alexayard1234126d ago

I have this, card and i can run farcry 3 on ultra graphics

N0S3LFESTEEM4125d ago

Not bad for the price but it won't last long once the new consoles release. Save that $120 and throw it at a 7850 or 7870 better yet SLI some 660ti's.


The MSI Claw Gaming Handheld Sees Another Game Performance Boost Through New BIOS and MSI Center M

MSI is proud to announce that its gaming handheld, Claw, has achieved a significant performance increase of up to 30% through a new BIOS and MSI Center M update. Furthermore, the new BIOS and MSI Center M enable Claw to smoothly play all of the top 100 po

purple10123d ago (Edited 23d ago )

is this the one with the switch2 chip inside.?

this is Intels first try at the format

probs not though, as it's $799. so not good for switch actually

Huey_My_D_Long23d ago

Well thats nice considering Ive heard it consistently performs worse when it really shouldn't.

Now if only Lenovo would do the same for the legion go


I've tested the MSI Claw - it is underwhelming

Alekaha writes: "We've gone hands on with the MSI Claw and while it offers powerful performance, its price point and lack of a USP hold it back."


Twitch, Bobby Kotick, and the Nintendo Switch 2 – Spectator Mode Podcast Ep. 142

The Outerhaven writes: On this episode of Spectator Mode Podcast, the crew discusses Activision/Blizzard's former CEO, Twitch nudity guidelines, Nintendo Switch 2 news, and more.

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