
Why Shenmue 3 must never be made

So many people want to see the final chapters of Ryo's quest for revenge - and we all know why. But is there a case for leaving this astonishing, much loved series in the past? ILJG stirs up trouble...

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matgrowcott4225d ago

There's just not a big enough audience for it. It was groundbreaking in the day, every magazine hailed it as the best thing since sliced bread, and it still bombed. Shenmue 2, across two platforms, bombed.

Individually - selfishly - I desperately want SEGA to invest millions into making Shenmue 3 not only a fitting end to the trilogy, but as groundbreaking as it ever was (because if they made a game with the same old mechanics, it'd just feel tired and dated). It'd be a really bad move though.

ChronoJoe4225d ago

Yakuza games are made on a pretty small budget though. Shenmue was cutting edge when it was made, it doesn't have to be now.

They could rerelease 1 and 2 in HD, then release 3, produce it on a similar budget to the Yakuza games. I think it'd do alright - better than what they waste on Yakuza spinoffs which never sell well.

jetlian4225d ago (Edited 4225d ago )

it sold over a million which was decent back then but it cost more than most games today. Also shenmue 2 wasnt really released on 2 platforms. West didnt get dreamcast version.

even now shenmues 3d fighting engine is above every full 3d fighter/hack and slash game. I like and have every western yakuza game but their not the same as shenmue

with all the kickstarters going on sega should just ask for 20 million and sell HD updates of 1 and 2.

matgrowcott4225d ago (Edited 4225d ago )

HD Versions of the original games (or at least 1) are a foregone conclusion at this point. It's happening, or will be happening, it's just a matter of when. Which is fantastic. Playing on Dreamcast is nice, but it's a nice enough world that it deserves the HD/widescreen treatment.

The problem with a third entry is that SEGA never made any money off of Shenmue. I like to say it's one of those games that everyone recommends, but nobody bothered playing. They invested in Shenmue Online and it never made it to release. It doesn't matter how many people ask for it, how many people sign petitions or email important SEGA figureheads, it still doesn't change that it's never really been supported by the general public.

The HD version of it will be a nice test to see if people's buying habits have changed. Don't be surprised when it gets crap reviews (like the rest of the Dreamcast collections; "IT FEELS TOO OLD!") and younger gamers shun it.

If that happens, there's no chance at all of a third game.

EDIT: By the way - I have a western release copy of Shenmue 2 on Dreamcast. It was the US that didn't get it, not "the west."

Tr10wn4225d ago

YES they should do a kickstarter ill gladly pay for it heck i ordered Shenmue 2 from japan for the Dreamcast back then why wouldn't i pay for one of my favorites series.

jetlian4225d ago

yea EU did get it on dreamcast I forgot about that. I got both japanese and both us releases and I would still get HD remakes.

Thats why they need kickstarter and HD remakes to pay for shenmue 3. So they dont feel it was a total loss if it doesn't sell well

steven83r4225d ago

Shenmue 2 failed because MS got their grubby paws on it and wanted it exclusive to Xbox. That left out all of the US Dreamcast owners who did't want to buy an Xbox. I still play my Dreamcast and Shenmue on it. A 3rd needs to be made and should release on PS4. Suzuki already said he wants to make it but Sega won't give him the rights to the game.

ShugaCane4225d ago

I'm sorry but I disagree with every single point of this article. You shouldn't even give people reasons not to make this game, whether they're relevant or not. On the contrary, you should write about all the reasons why it should be made. Maybe my emotions are clouding my judgement, but damn ! I love this series soo much I could die for a sequel.

DaveyB4225d ago

It raises some interesting points this.
I think part of the allure of this series IS the fact that it was never finished. That kind of tragedy has a certain emotional impact - and it does contribute to the mystery of the game, I don't care what anyone says.

I think he makes a valid point about how it would be made too. I almost feel it would need to developed in such a way that it would be consistent - in terms of game design and aesthetics as the first two.

Can you imagine the fallout of having to remake them from scratch for a new generation. Not only the cost, but how much fans would be up in arms because of changes to characters, voices, locations?! It would be a minefield!

Patashnik4225d ago

Nothing would please me more than to see this finished. Maybe they should do an HD remake of the first two, to gauge how much interest there would really be in a third?

Exactly how you'd tackle that third game would be very difficult - not least because fans would be so hard to please. Myself being one of them!

Ace_Pheonix4225d ago

YOU SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH! We must see this series end. I've been waiting for so long..

DigitalAnalog4224d ago

Playing Yakuza as a standby to Shenmue is like playing DMC for Resident Evil.

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15 Biggest Unresolved Video Game Cliffhangers We May Never Get Answers To

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Fluke_Skywalker226d ago (Edited 226d ago )

Never say never, I really didn't expect to ever see Space Marine 2 and 12 years later its almost here.
So there is still hope for all these games.

Chocoburger226d ago

I've completed 5 of the games on the list, but the author forgot to include Advent Rising. It was supposed to be a trilogy, but it bombed hard, and the two sequels never got made. It was Mass Effect, a console generation before Mass Effect.

The game is buggy and unpolished, it needed a few more months of development, but the potential was there. At the end of the game, you have all these super abilities, I remember the stomp attack that created a shockwave being especially powerful.

shinoff2183226d ago

I personally think days gone will recieve some sort of sequel at some point. I'm personally also hoping it's not the rumored multiplayer online stuff. I'd think most that enjoyed it would rather thisnto.

Knightofelemia225d ago

Sony needs to dust off Sly Cooper and Days Gone so needs a sequel two of my favorite Sony titles. Bulletstorm I love great game wish it also got a sequel. And I wish Namco would finally give Enslaved a sequel another great game.


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anast839d ago (Edited 839d ago )

Dragon's Dogma and XCOM 2 are the best deals. The rest of the games are still overpriced. I would say 8.99 is good for AC: Origins, but you need to put $10 more into MTs to avoid the grind that slows down the story. So, the game is actually 18.99.

It's not on this list, but Pathfinder: Kingmaker is only $9.99. This is a deal if you have a current gen. consoles, as it runs poorly on prev. gen.

hangdang838d ago

I beat AC origins without grinding or spending any money on MTX?

anast838d ago

I had to grind for side missions. So, did many other people.

HeliosHex838d ago

Has anyone been able to login in to the ps store on ps5 I haven't been able to in days and my network is good.

RedDevils838d ago

Reset or shutdown your PS5. I always can go login to PS5, in fact just a moment ago.

HeliosHex837d ago

Hey thanks again. Although the shutdown/reset didn't work i found that resetting the mdm and hub did the trick. I use a Lan network instead of wifi. In case anyone has a similar setup and problem.

RedDevils837d ago

I forgot to mention about the router reset, that usually do the trick when it come to network problems happen with iphone/android. btw np