
What Kingdom Hearts 3 Can Learn From the Portable Titles

The Koalition: "Fans of the Kingdom Hearts series, including me, have had our patience tested since the last numbered entry (Kingdom Hearts 2) was released in 2006. Almost 7 years later, we still have yet to see the next official numbered entry in the series. In its place, Tetsuya Nomura and Square Enix have released side stories and prequels–with Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance and Kingdom Hearts: Re Coded being the only portable titles that actually progress the story. The fanbase is quite frustrated to say the least. Kingdom Hearts 3 has to be on its way soon, at least I hope.

That said, I’ve kept an open mind about the portable titles (at least Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep was teased at the end of Kingdom Hearts 2), which contain concepts that I think Nomura could expand upon in Kingdom Hearts 3. While there are many things I want to see in the next game in general—closure, for one—this list will focus on the concepts from the portable titles that I think could be adapted or expanded in the next game."

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rbailey4222d ago

I'll be the first to admit that I've never gotten into the Kingdom Hearts games, but I'm definitely intrigued to try them out. Good article.

cloud4954222d ago (Edited 4222d ago )

If you have a PS3 you should definitely try the kingdom hearts 1.5 HD remix when it comes out.
IMO it's still the best kh game and it's the perfect place to start.

WildArmed4222d ago

Personally, I jumped in to KH with Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep.
Absolutely LOVED this game. I want to try KH1/2 and the other titles out too. Looking forward to KH HD 1.5

Kamikaze1354222d ago

It can learn from them by actually being released....

garrettglass4222d ago (Edited 4222d ago )

Yeah, I was just trying to stay somewhat grounded.

Count4222d ago

"Fans of the Kingdom Hearts series, including me, have had our patience tested since the last numbered entry (Kingdom Hearts 2) was released in 2006.''

Wow. It's been that long already?

WildArmed4222d ago

Well we got KH 358/2 Days, KH BBS and getting KH 3D soon.
So the KH franchise has been pretty active

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gold_drake72d ago

very good list.

i played almost all but one of them

Cacabunga72d ago

Valkyrie Profile Lenneth was something!! One of my favorite games of all time


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