
How might developers use the DualShock 4′s touchpad?

Nick K writes:
"The touchpad in the center of the DualShock 4 presents a completely new way for PlayStation gamers to interact with their games. How will developers use this new input? It’s definitely not a new concept, but here are some of the ways we think devs might use it for PlayStation 4."

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iGAM3R-VIII4225d ago

I just can't wait until E3 to see what this controller feels like and what every single feature does.

dedicatedtogamers4224d ago

The controller has a "everything but the kitchen sink" design. I can somewhat understand the light bar on the back (based on Sony's groundwork with the Eye and Move) but a touch pad? We're not talking about a screen here, either. We're talking about a touch pad.

I have a hunch this feature will go the way of SixAxis, no offense Sony.

A2X_4224d ago

Ubisoft confirmed it's gonna be used to navigate through the phone in Watch Dogs. I think it's a great idea if implemented the right way.

Can also be used to navigate through menus. Lets just wait & see.

Cupid_Viper_34224d ago (Edited 4224d ago )

@ dedicatedtogamers

I disagree actually. The Touch pad is said to be "clickable" meaning that it gives you a better feedback than a touch screen would.

The modern controller is limited as it's hard to add new buttons to the current setup. And adding a touch screen would most likely require that one takes their eyes of the TV to look down, effectively slowing you down in fast-paced games.

The clickable touch pad seem to be the best compromise between extra buttons and a touchscreen. Meaning that you can keep your eyes on the screen and still quickly reach for the touch pad and click, similar to how you use a laptop really.


Yea you're totally right, people were indeed excited about SixAxis. But I'm keeping an open mind since the devs themselves had a lot of imputs in the design of the controller.

When playing FPS game and you're sniping in full zoom, I'm thinking you might just use the TouchPad if it's more accurate, and just click it down to shoot. I don't know, just thinking at loud here.

dedicatedtogamers4224d ago

@ A2X

If that's all it will be used for, it just comes across as a gimmick. But hey that's just, like, my opinion, man.

@ Cupid

I didn't know about the "clickable" screen. That is indeed cool. If devs use it well, then they'll use it well and everyone will be happy. I guess, to me, in our world of 5" smartphone screens and the WiiU tablet, a small touch pad (yes, I know it isn't the same because it isn't a "screeen") seems like it would have limited functionality.

Let's not all just jump the gun here. People were enthusiastic about SixAxis, too...

GalacticEmpire4224d ago

Internet browsing.

It should work just like a touchpad on a laptop/notebook so browsing the internet will be a much better experience.

Cupid_Viper_34224d ago

It can also be useful for traditional PC games likes the Civilizations Series and such where a mouse pointer gives you more options and stuff.

And I'm guess that such games would be compatible with the PlayStation Move controllers as well.

FunAndGun4224d ago

I think one of the main reasons for the touch pad is to make parity with the Vita.

If you have touch controls on Vita and on PS4 developers will have an easier time making games work for both devices without changing their vision for control schemes.

MurDocINC4224d ago

I think they should have placed it under controller sorta like vita. It would easier to reach and you wouldn't have to take ur thumbs of sticks/buttons.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4224d ago
BlmThug4224d ago

I think games like Gta and GT can utilise the Touch Pad for e.g Gta can use the touchpad as the phone and GT can use the touchpad for options during pitting such as what tires and how much fuel to refill.

Knight_Crawler4224d ago

Is E3 in Cali this year?

Also do you have to pay to get into E3?

perfectCarbonara4224d ago

Nah just walk in when you're in the neighborhood, door's always open :p

Donnieboi4224d ago

Touchpad should have been in the back so that I won't have to divert my thumbs from the analog sticks and face buttons. Or at least put a touch panel in the back while still keeping one in the front if people want one in the front so badly.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4224d ago
doublejj4224d ago

i really don't know what Sony was thinking about when they developed the new controller for the PS4 cause for one that touchpad is little too small for most peoples hands especially mines. another thing is i don't have a clue how the developers will utilize that feature that is a question we have to wait for the answer for at E3. if they wanted a touchpad they should've gone the route of the Wii U i mean why not everyone gets ideas from everyone in the game industry.

KosmoCrisis4224d ago

Remember that every change that has come to the DualShock's traditional design was said to be due to developer feedback and the forward progression of gaming in general. I'll be surprised if Microsoft doesn't include some sort of touch interface in their controller. Everyone copies everyone.

Cupid_Viper_34224d ago (Edited 4224d ago )

@ DoubleJJ
"for one that touchpad is little too small for most peoples hands especially mines. another thing is i don't have a clue how the developers will utilize that feature"

You're thinking the touch pad is small because you probably haven't taken a closer look at the DS4. The current DS3 has huge gap between the L1 and R1 shoulder buttons which the DS4 doesn't have as the new design bridged that space to instantly give the the Touch Pad 1/2 of new space.

Also if you pick up your current DS3 controller and run thumbs around the contour of the DPad or the face buttons, you'll be surprise by how much space you find. The touch pad has bigger surface area then the space carrying the face buttons or the dpad buttons. And besides, I don't the touch pad is meant to be used by both thumbs at once. So there's enough space in my opinion.

doublejj4224d ago

you just pretty much said what i said person. im on board with Sony and i am going to get the PS4 when it launches look at my other posts if you can. i just don't understand the concept of the touchpad when they have the PS Vita, i realize that in order to utilize the features that Sony wants to incorporate but by the time the PS4 comes out gamestop will be selling the Vita used for a low price. i mean don't get me wrong i like the new controller but it looks a bit weird to me with the touchpad on it. Sony knows what they are doing.

WarThunder4224d ago (Edited 4224d ago )

It would be great if they use the PS vita as a optional controller and make it similar to the Wii U touch controller.

delboy4224d ago

Sixaxis feature says halo.

Nathaniel_Drake4224d ago

Wouldn't be cool if they use the touchpad to browse the web?

MasterCornholio4224d ago

Yep exactly what I was thinking. The touch pad on the DS4 will probably be used as a sort of PC mouse pad for some items plus it should enable pinch to zoom as well.

Regardless it isn't like a gigantic screen on the controller which is why it doesn't bother me.

Motorola RAZR i

ElementX4224d ago

Who browses the web on a console?

itz_zombies4224d ago (Edited 4224d ago )

I have to use my ps3 to browse the internet.

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Such a fun way to celebrate this anniversary. I didn't make that mistake in year one, but it has absolutely been a moment that lived in a lot of people's minds since.

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Picked it up last night, just for the hell of it.