
Thomas Hopper Announces 'OUT OF MIND' Coming to PSM

Nick K writes: "T.A.C.S. Games front man Thomas Hopper has officially outed his latest PlayStation Mobile title for Vita and PS Certified Android devices. OUT OF MIND, previously code named ‘toEnd’, looks to be a run’n’gun platformer with a twist. This twist involves shifting gravity which lends to some interesting upside-down platforming."

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r214226d ago

Teleporting fat guy XD
In all seriousness, loving all this retro-ish games on the vita. Loved Gun Commando :D A very fun FPS.

KosmoCrisis4226d ago

I loved Gun Commando too. But that final boss fight was excruciating. I never want to see that again in my life.

r214226d ago

It was pretty easy once you had the highest level of the gun. Unless you're talking bout that horrid frame drops when the boss kept spawning his minions. Nearly made the game unplayable for me.


Factotum 90 Coming to Xbox One in Early 2016

Wii U title Factotum is being completely rebuilt as Factotum 90, an Xbox One exclusive.


Interview with Thomas Hopper, PSM game dev

Interview with Thomas Hopper, PSM game dev

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