
Playstation World, the first info on the new service available at launch with the new PS4 console

4News.it written:

Cloud-gaming in the first place!

He had already spoken in the news this mattica. Now we are transmitting you some news about PlayStation World, a new service available at launch with the new Playstation 4. This is what can be seen from some rumors from New York.

The new name was chosen because it encompass all the services known to date along with other new, and will be accessible from a variety of devices in addition to the Playstation 4 and earlier PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita, including tablets, smartphones, web site via PC, Smart TV.

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DoomeDx4123d ago

Does anybody actually know what time the Playstation Event is starting?

Tried googling it. Couldnt find anything

jujubee884123d ago (Edited 4123d ago )


- Online free as the current Playstation Network
- Voice chat between all PlayStation certified devices, ie consoles and smartphones"




Cupid_Viper_34123d ago (Edited 4123d ago )

I don't know what going on but this keeps on double posting for some reason today. Sorry guys.

Cupid_Viper_34123d ago

@ Jujubee88

Of course online is free, there were never really any doubts about that. Rumors stating otherwise were just from websites fishing for hits or with hidden agendas. And people who are currently paying to play their games online fan the flames some more in order to feel good about the whole thing.

The PS Vita should be all the evidence necessary to show that Sony is not interested in charging for voice chat and online play.

xursz4123d ago

3pm west coast if anyone's wondering.

Highlife4123d ago

I doubt you googled it. I just did and here are the results.

Why don't you just say that you are to lazy to look it up or that you just don't know how to google.

Anyway can't wait!!!

theBAWSE4123d ago

Most importantly online play is FREE

ABizzel14123d ago

Did Sony just take my name, idea, and design for improving PlayStation?

Time to post my content to the web, and see what develops from this "PS World".

darthv724123d ago

That seems to be a given. They always said the core of the online multiplayer would remain free.

The other stuff that is optional to the individual will likely be more premium and worth paying for.

I will say though, PS+ may not be required for online play UNLESS the game you play online you obtained free via PS+. that would be the only real twist.

If they do decide to have a tiered online service where the basics of online remain free, I would expect their paid side to offer a more expanded online multiplayer experience.

Meaning that you can play against other paying members on premium maps or faster servers as opposed to the free online side. think..."members only" type of online play that is better and worth the price of being a member.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4123d ago
Calm Down Sunshine4123d ago

No son, it's 11PM GMT. As originally stated.

UnholyLight4123d ago

Took me a second to figure out what time I would be seeing it at (Im in Saskatchewan, Canada) Apparently our time zone is only an hour from Eastern right now (always thought we were 2hrs!)so the show starts at 5PM if you are in the west central US/Canada

kudakadere4123d ago

OMG Now we are having fight's and Rummors about the time *facepalm*.

kudakadere4123d ago

OMG Now we are having fight's and Rumors about the time *facepalm*.

JRH77834122d ago

5PM Central Time (US & Canada)

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4122d ago
4123d ago Replies(2)
grailly4123d ago

lucky you, you get to skip time by sleeping between now and then. That is, if you can sleep.

BitbyDeath4123d ago

9am if you don't have daylight savings :-p

AusRogo4123d ago

7:30. I cant sleep. I am excited. Next gen, im ready!

braydox214122d ago

yep i was wondering why any articles (about ps4 even ) didn't appear yestaday Australia is one day ahead i forgot this was taking place in New York had my timezones mixed up, whoo go Australia.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4122d ago
topgeareasy4123d ago

Game-trailers TV broadcast of it starts at 5:00 PM EST

r214123d ago

www.computerandvideogames.com/ 390731/live-blog/live-countdown -to-playstation-4/

Live countdown ;D

mandf4123d ago

Is the media going to try to downplay the PS4 by by saying a paid service? Watch at the end of the day websites are going to drive home paid service to marginalize there announcement. It's basically PS+ with added services.

rainslacker4123d ago

And we'll get called the SDF for correcting the FUD. Such is the circle of life.:)

BlmThug4123d ago

9 more hours. Not long left :D I so want to see GT6

karl4122d ago

u r not the only one expecting for GT6 as a launch title

KwietStorm_BLM4123d ago

But you didn't go to the actual PlayStation site?

4123d ago
miDnIghtEr20C_SfF4123d ago

LOL.. nobody mentions this rumor says the pay service is 80 bucks!

Double_O_Revan4123d ago

Saw that. Hoping that includes All gakai. I see it says 'while others pay', I guess that's for people who don't want PS+ and only want gakai?

grayfoxx8814123d ago

This article said it would be $89 annually, which would include gakai, downloadable games, and other features. Online multiplayer is still free, though. I guess we'll have to wait until later tonight to see if all of this can be confirmed or not. Go back under your bridge.

neoMAXMLC4119d ago

And there are rumors about the PS4 not playing used games as well! Oh wait.

4123d ago
+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 4119d ago
miyamoto4123d ago (Edited 4123d ago )

all games and services will be integrated into one source.
Chuck Norris approved!

Cam9774123d ago (Edited 4123d ago )

I can't wait until 11pm tonight!
I like the sound of the YouTube upload feature! That will attract an awful lot of customers!

first1NFANTRY4123d ago

True, i hope that means we can now make our own full game walkthrough and upload it to youtube. I always wanted to do that but never wanted to buy a separate capture card or whatever it's called

Bathyj4123d ago

Holy crap, less than 10 hours.
Were in single digits.
I might go to bed early so it comes quicker.

Shadow Flare4123d ago

Don't oversleep, do not oversleep

Or Kaz will punish you when you awake


Crystallis4123d ago

LOL @ Shadow. Too funny. Sony FTW!!!

Gazondaily4123d ago

Lol, lucky you. I'm stuck at work. 9.5 hours to go! 11pm showing here so I'll have plenty of time to go gym, come back, watch the Walking Dead and then the unveil.

Cupid_Viper_34123d ago (Edited 4123d ago )

I'm in the west coast here in North America, it's 5:22 am. I've been meaning to go sleep, but I forgot how to do it, like that time Peter Griffin forgot how to sit down. http://www.youtube.com/watc...

One thing I know for sure though is "My body is ready"

Bathyj4123d ago

It happens at 8.30am here so I'll be at work.

Damn I cant watch anything with sound til I can home but I'll be reading everything I can.

Not doing much work tomorrow methinks.

Gazondaily4123d ago

I know I won't be doing much work tomorrow, and that's after the reveal lol.

Wake up a little early if you can and watch the relevant bits. The comments section after the reveal is going to be a colossal mess of excitement, trolling and arguing.

xursz4123d ago

^ true that. Should be fun. ^.^

Bathyj4123d ago (Edited 4123d ago )

N4G will be full of trolls claiming how disappointed they were, that they were really hoping Sony would turn them.

These will be people that decided 5 years ago they werent getting a PS4 of course.

9 hours

Crystallis4123d ago

8:30 am? Where do you live Bathyj?

rainslacker4123d ago

I'm lucky to be off today and tomorrow. I have time to recover.:)

Bathyj4123d ago

and i just wokw up an hour before my alarm like a kid at christmas


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clintagious6504123d ago (Edited 4123d ago )

These articles are keeping me up its so exciting. U submitters need to go to bed lol.

Edit: Im like yawning gut i think ill go outside & get some freezing air to wake up lol.

Wingsfan244123d ago

We did in the US, get ready for a whole nother round of PS4 speculation today haha. You'll see posts like this all the way up to the full reveal, and after probably lol.

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Frost Magazine - PlayStation 4 One Year On – The Good, The Bad and The Downright Ugly

Junior Smart of Frost Magazine writes "One year on has the PS4 managed to live up to the hype or has it even earned the title of a ‘next generation’ console? I, along with many other gamers are not truly convinced. I am going to attempt to give a rundown of this much anticipated games machine with my overview of the past year."

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TWB3489d ago

Kinda nitpicks but...

PSN gives you free games? No, thats PS Plus since PSN is still kind of a free service. You just cant play AAA games online for free anymore.

Biohazard infinite ? I tried to search and google didnt even like try to correct me, it just spewed bioshock right at my face so surely this cant be some weird regional difference ?

VforVideogames3488d ago

Stupid article, it talks good about ps4 but when its down to the ugly part that's when they talk about the xbox one.............. go figure.


The Actual Price of the PS4: What it Means if PS World is a Premium Online Service

As Sony is only a day away from announcing the much anticipated PS4 (codenamed Orbis) at PlayStation Meeting 2013, new rumors have released talking about a premium service called PlayStation World that will replace PS+. With that the Daily Reaction crew of Seb and Dan break down what this new service could entail, as well as the PS4’s potential release date, suspected pricing, and the new controller (DualShock 4).

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doctorstrange4123d ago

A Brave New PlayStation World!

ArmGunar4123d ago

With more rumors about BC with Gaikai, I bet:
- PS++: all features of PS+ of now + new features + BC Gaikai unlimited
- PS+: all features of PS+ of now and new features
- No PS+: like now = online gaming free


riverstars864123d ago

I'll bet that online gaming will not be free. If I'm wrong, then oh well. Lol

-Alpha4123d ago (Edited 4123d ago )

^ I hope it's still free. It's such a great advantage over XBL. What Sony lacked this generation was a polished, feature-rich service. They can have that with PS4, and in addition to free online, it can be very effective at marketing PSW as a legitimate service over XBL.

But at the same time: If Sony does charge to play online, what are we going to do about it? It's free money, and I bet at the end of the day, most of us who want a PS4 will get a PS4 and put up with it anyway. Not like we're going to turn to MS-- if Sony can match XBL this generation, then console buyers will have no choice.

I dont like it at all, but the only reason PSN was free this gen was because Sony needed that advantage over MS. There really wasn't anything that they COULD charge for at the beginning because they didn't launch a planned service like MS did. Now, that's different, and online is clearly designed with a plan for PS4.

With Sony seemingly offering an amazing suite of features, it's a fresh start for them to make good profits, and they really need those profits. I still hope and think that they will choose to keep online access free and advertise the hell out of it, but I can see the rationale behind charging.

Foolsjoker4123d ago

A new...more expensive world.

alexcosborn4123d ago

Yep, and one I'm hesitant to be a part of :/

LOGICWINS4123d ago

I'd gladly pay $100 a year for a PS++ if I found it to be worth it.

Foolsjoker4123d ago

Not really sure what they could add to PS+ to drive the cost even further up.

ElectricKaibutsu4123d ago

$529... That's a bit more pricey than I expected...

LOGICWINS4123d ago

"Not really sure what they could add to PS+ to drive the cost even further up.:

Cloud support? Running servers ain't cheap.

zebramocha4123d ago

@electric yes it is,but I believe it'll be price $350-$400 range only because people predicted the being $700.

TheGamerDood4123d ago (Edited 4123d ago )

With all the competition that's starting to crop up the last thing you want to do is increase your prices. If Sony goes the way of Live and starts charging for MP and other basic services, I'm out. I'll stick with PC or just quit gaming altogether. It's getting too expensive at this point.

LOGICWINS4123d ago

^^Calm down. Thats not happening. Sony will just build upon what they already have. Gaming online will stay free, but they WILL charge for Gaikai.

TheGamerDood4123d ago (Edited 4123d ago )


Well at this point we don't know what Sony is planning to announce so there is a chance they'll go that route. If they do, then console gaming is pretty much done in my home. I wasn't even thinking about Gaikai but more MP and the other online services that you can currently access for free. Truthfully though, I don't think Sony would be that stupid to copy one of the worst features from their competitor's service. I think the rumor is basically BS and things will remain more or less the same but if by chance that it doesn't well then...

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mochachino4123d ago

As long as there's still free online MP, Sony can have paid Playstation Universe for all I care. PSN plus offers a lot more saving than Live already so I think Sony is on the right track with their online strategy.

Foolsjoker4123d ago (Edited 4123d ago )

Kainstein and his theory of making things awesome.

doctorstrange4123d ago

PS4 + Games = Awesome Squared

TrendyGamers4123d ago


Awesome cubed.

dbjj120884123d ago

Hello subscription subsidizing. Still pay $600!

ApolloTheBoss4123d ago

As long as online multiplayer is still free I have no problem with this.

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