
Dragon Quest VII Is Flying Off Shelves, Can Dragon Quest X Spark Wii U Sales?

GenGAME writes: The sales numbers are in for Japan for the week of February 4-10, and the remake of Dragon Quest VII is absolutely dominating the charts. The game released on February 7, giving it only half a week from its launch until these numbers were calculated, and it has already sold a whopping 827,922 copies!

To put that in perspective, this game is selling faster than games like Super Mario 3D Land and Animal Crossing: New Leaf, which was the fastest 3DS game to two million sales in Japan. If a remake of an old Dragon Quest game can sell at such an astounding pace, the upcoming release of Dragon Quest X for Wii U could be just the spark that the struggling system needs in Japan.

legendoflex4234d ago

I've been wondering for awhile how many holdouts there are for this version. I mean, I never expected it to sell gangbusters - I figured it'd make money through subscription fees - but I feel like the Wii sales were kinda held back...

Godmars2904234d ago

Thought it was already out?

Erimgard4234d ago

Wii version only.
Wii U version comes out March 30.

knifefight4234d ago

Anyone who wanted to play this game really badly already has the Wii version (it came out in August). Since Wii-U has sold terribad in Japan, I doubt the Wii-U version of DQX is going to do big things for itself or for the Wii-U.

Erimgard4234d ago

Why would anyone want to play the Wii version?
This game is an MMO, and the Wii has almost unusably bad online. The Wii U has great online. Anyone who actually knows anything about this game wouldn't buy the crappy version.

wishingW3L4234d ago (Edited 4234d ago )

DQX is a pay to play MMO. The game's destined to flop. Especially on Wii U, a console nobody even wants.

legendoflex4234d ago

Meanwhile, which game is Square-Enix's most profitable title ever?

Godmars2904234d ago

And yet you're missing the point that few are enjoying the game. That its arguable that those few are enjoying the game and are just hardcore Square fans who will play/pay anything with Square's name on it.

I mean, Square might be making a profit off of 100k people paying to play one of their titles, but once upon a time they regularly literally sold millions of copies of a game.

Omegabalmung4234d ago (Edited 4234d ago )

FFXI !! Did I guess it right?

Infernostew4234d ago

DQX might have been really profitable if it were on PC, PS2 and XBOX360 as well.

PopRocks3594234d ago

It could certainly entice RPG fans as well as general fans of the series. No one game can carry a console, but any big release can provide a boost, if only a tiny one.

Kamikaze1354234d ago (Edited 4234d ago )

As a huge DQ fan, I don't think it will make too big of an impact. Reasons being:

1) It's been out for a while on the Wii
2) It's an MMO...something not normal for the series. It may not attract a lot of the current fans.
3) People don't seem to happy with DQX based on the Amaazon.jp reviews. I could be wrong.

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