
Editorial: Analyzing the Video Game Hype Machine and How It Fails Gamers

GP writer Marcus Estrada discusses the trappings of hype and how it has led to many disappointments in the past.

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MadMen4236d ago

Gearbox is why ACM failed, FACT

Never buying a gear box game again.

MattyG4236d ago

Because the other quarter dozen devs had nothing to do with it. Sure Gearbox takes some of the blame, but it isn't completely their fault.

MadMen4236d ago


My god have you gone soft in the head? If Gearbox didnt want to tout themselves, they should have not done the dozens of interviews, invited Game Trailers to their studios to tout the game etc.

Its like politics kid, someone in the white House may screw up, but the president has to answer for it.

Gearbox is the lead, they failed, we got nailed for it. They will face the backlash

Wake up

dazzrazz4236d ago

Sorry but its Gearbox who signed contract between Fox and SEGA not the other studios whom were later on outsourced by Gearbox to work on shit they were suppose to be

PopRocks3594236d ago (Edited 4236d ago )


Do you have to be a condescending jerk when approaching someone who disagrees with you? The game was a collaborative effort. The blame should be shared by everyone involved.

Baka-akaB4236d ago

Not really . Releasing a bad game and doing a poor job happens and can be forgiven .... sh*t happens

But gearbox took the initiative to lie about the game multiple times ... and - if stories - are true stole and diverted ressources from it for another project of their own .

They deserve the whole package

miyamoto4236d ago

... and a lot of Wii U fans got lied upon and fell for it.

that is why it failed so many gamers so hard

Vladplaya4235d ago

I can't face palm hard enough at people like you. The responsibility of creating that game was given to Gearbox, how they went about that is their business, but at the end of the day, they were responsible for the final product. Its Gearbox fault for outsourcing development to some crappy studios, and it was their fault to say that the content they got back from those studios was okay to put into the final game.

MattyG4236d ago (Edited 4236d ago )

I see where you're coming from, no need to be an ass about it. We disagree, you don't have to whip out insults. That's politics kid, people disagree.

Myst4236d ago

I just swept this back under the rug. While some aren't playing it just went back to AvP2010. Loving the marine sections and the other ones are quite fun as well.

ironfist924236d ago

I personally enjoyed AvP2010, and was hoping for a sequel.

Apparantely another company is working on an Aliens game, lets hope that one fares better.

Imo, Rebellion shouldve handled CM

sithsylar4236d ago

big difference between hype and lies...

Fairchild Channel F4236d ago (Edited 4236d ago )

Amen. When you flat out falsify a demo, when you conduct multiple interviews touting all the things your doing with your game design and then mysteriously include none of it in the final product -then failure cannot be blamed on hype. Hype that was generated by a pack of lies from the designers in the first place.

Aliens:CM is the term paper you put off over and over all semester to goof off with your friends and then the night before it's due you realize "Oh S**t! I gotta turn something in tomorrow!" So you half-ass something together and hope you get away with it. Well Gearbox didn't get away with it.

brother_zero4236d ago

I thought it said "Analyzing the video game hype machine and how it fails Gamera" That is all.


2D Sidescrolling Version of Duke Nukem Forever Leaked

Duke Nukem Forever originally began its life as a sidescroller instead of a shooter back in 1996, and that canceled version has just been leaked.

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Rancegamerx637d ago

Very cool, but i don't know how real this is... I'll check it out later to find out.


Duke Nukem Forever “remaster” restores Gearbox FPS to original glory

Duke Nukem Forever, the troubled FPS from Gearbox and 3D Realms, has been restored to more traditional 90s shooter thanks to a sweeping “remaster” mod

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XiNatsuDragnel737d ago

Awesome this needs to be released

Venoxn4g737d ago

It is out already, there is a download link inside the article too.

Aaroncls7737d ago

kinda of a misleading title.

Mod features:
Sprinting removed and faster player movement
Jump height increased
Swim speed is much faster
Player can now hold breath underwater for 45 seconds instead of 15
Weapon rebalance and screen shake when shooting removed
2/4 weapon limit completelly removed
Quicksaves (F5 by default)
Depth of Field removed and new post processing effects
Driving sections are now in first person perspective

Dandizzle737d ago

God damn Megadeth Duke Nukem anthem is the best.

Snookies12737d ago

It is pretty amazing, I remember being so hyped that they covered the Duke theme back when it happened haha. I still quite enjoyed Forever though personally.

Venoxn4g736d ago

It is great, you should check out Eric Calderone - Duke Nukem meets metal .. thats proper as well


Duke Nukem Forever was ahead of its time, but nerfed before launch

Duke Nukem Forever, the infamous and controversial FPS from 3D Realms, apparently looked much better before launch, as modders discover various cut features

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masterfox779d ago

"so wrong yet so right"

Only a few will know what Im talking about lol :D

porkChop779d ago

Wow, that advanced lighting makes a huge difference to the visuals. I get that Gearbox tried to slap everything together and release a finished product. But it seems like they cut out a lot of content that would have made the experience more enjoyable. That's a shame.

Number1TailzFan778d ago

Nerfed due to consoles.. and not the first time it has happened.

-Foxtrot779d ago

Kind of amazing the difference a lighting engine makes

Number1TailzFan778d ago

Same, the AI could be pretty dumb but the bosses were fun. I thought the levels (mostly) got better later in the game too.

XiNatsuDragnel778d ago

Devs nerf a game man best quote I've ever heard.

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