
Assassin's Creed III: Liberation writing wins big at WGA Awards

Assassin's Creed III: Liberation has taken out the award for Outstanding Achievement in Videogame Writing at this year's Writers Guild of America ceremony. Richard Farrese and Jill Murray from Ubisoft wrote a story that surpassed the limitations of the PlayStation Vita to take home the handheld's first WGA gong.

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NewMonday4144d ago

the story in Liberation was more interesting than AC3, the main console game was bigger but the story was boring, it would have bean more interesting if they kept the Grandmaster as the main charecter

Losyak4142d ago

Yeah, I felt like AC3 was way too drawn out - as much as I was having fun in the beginning, the ending was very forgettable, probably because I was just rushing to finish the damn game.

miyamoto4144d ago

Congrats Ubisoft!
AC III: Liberation was very special indeed for the Vita platform

TheGrimOfDeath4144d ago

Do I smell a Sequel Ubisoft?

Maybe this time you can remove the shitty Vita segments and make the game longer and more fleshed out without that game-breaking save file bug? :c

But like the article says, the story was indeed worthy of the title. Indeed a Vita title you must play if you have the chance.

Godchild10204144d ago

Maybe add a real or better Multiplayer.

TheGrimOfDeath4144d ago

I forgot to say that Ubisoft may be developing Ghost Recon: Final Mission as we speak. I hope that game isn't cancelled and that it's going to have an epic SP and MP like Future Soldier.

r214144d ago

They had better be working on a sequel! I loved this game.

Redempteur4143d ago

Save bug was patched ..those things can happen. what matter is that they took care of it.


Why Assassin's Creed Liberation's Plot Twist Is Ingenious

KeenGamer: "Has a game ever pulled a complete 180 on you? Sometimes you find these twists in the most unlikely of places. One of these unlikely places is Assassin's Creed Liberation. During our playthrough of it, we were hit in the face with one of the best plot twists we've ever experienced."

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Assassin's Creed Liberation Was Almost Set in London

Assassin's Creed III Remastered recently launched, updating the visuals and adding gameplay systems to the 2012 title. For those interested in the game's development, Ubisoft has published a detailed article explaining the development of both Assassin's Creed III and Assassin's Creed III Liberation. Highlighting the challenges of building models for Connor's adventure and the creation of Aveline.

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Uncharted tops PS Vita all times sales list, followed by Call of Duty and Assassin's Creed

PS Vita's top selling games have been revealed and there might be a few games in the list you probably weren't expecting.

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FallenAngel19842059d ago

Would it kill Sony to port that Uncharted to PS4?

porkChop2059d ago

It was a pretty solid game, so a remaster would be nice.

VenomUK2059d ago (Edited 2059d ago )

I'd love to see PS4 remasters of Uncharted the Golden Abyss and Persona 4 Golden, even if they're just given resolution boosts. It would bring these titles to a much wider audience and the emulated P4G in 4K looks phenomenal.

Also, the top ten list is mainly Vita exclusives which demonstrates that it wasn't ports the public wanted but exclusives.

2059d ago
King_Noctis2058d ago


There weren’t alot of big third party port on the Vita you know.

Switch4One2059d ago

Would it kill them to make games for the console? I mean clearly people bought a Vita for Sony type games on the go.

Skankinruby2059d ago

I was so bummed when I found out I wasn't in the Nathan Drake Collection

Toiletsteak2059d ago

Same. I loved the game on the Vita.

Concertoine2059d ago

Maybe take the plot and give the game a bigger scale on ps5

Cajun Chicken2057d ago

I would love Golden Abyss ported. It still stands completely in canon too. Really fleshed out Eddy Raja for Uncharted.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2057d ago
gamer78042059d ago

all AAA games, shocker, Sony dropped the ball with my poor vita, still liked alot of niche japanese titles on the handheld though.

2059d ago
Skankinruby2059d ago

As it should have, very good for a handheld game. Poor vita, the 'oh what could have been' machine

2059d ago
ShadowWolf7122059d ago

Oh look, it's that AAA support people insisted the system never had.

jojo3192058d ago

The list actually proves the point. 9 of the 10 games on this list were released in 2011-12, and Killzone was 2013. After that, crickets.

ShadowWolf7122058d ago

And the vast majority of the sales of those titles came years after the fact, over time.

The fact of the matter is, the Vita HAD AAA support. People back then just whined about these games not being on the PS3 as well, and declared they'd not buy a handheld for "one or two games".

Then ironically bought one for niche titles years after that support dried up.

TekoIie2058d ago

"And the vast majority of the sales of those titles came years after the fact, over time."

Source please.

"The fact of the matter is, the Vita HAD AAA support."

And was then abandoned for 5 years. Good support.

TheFirstClassic2058d ago

Cod helped kill the system honestly, what a terrible attempt at a game.

King_Noctis2058d ago

That AAA support was two years only. After that (until today in fact) Sony rely on indies.

michaelknight352058d ago (Edited 2058d ago )

And that was the problem sony gave up on the vita way too soon

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