
Amazon: Resident Evil 6 Archives for $53.25

GE: "Amazon has slashed the price of Resident Evil 6 Archives by nearly $40."

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4236d ago
showtimefolks4236d ago

this is a game i will buy when its under $10 and used so capcom won't get any money, they messed up RE6 so badly

the 3ds RE game that's coming to consoles looks legit and that's the style of RE games we want for future releases

Kos-Mos4236d ago

So you actually want it?

showtimefolks4236d ago

Yeh I would like to play it but didn't you understand what I wrote

Under $10 bucks
Used copy from gamerly or GameStop

Capcom doesn't see a penny

But if I don't get to it it's not gonna kill me since it's not a must play. Now on February 20th of Sony announce 5-6 killer games with launch which could be in early November than RE6 is a forgotten game by me

With so many games as is for 2013 and may likely new consoles I am not really worried about playing RE6. Even if do buy it for around $10 it will mst likely sit in my back log

Yodagamer4236d ago (Edited 4236d ago )

I'm not surprised, they are however porting over what should have resident evil 6 so I guess capcom seems to have learned their lesson (hopefully...)

busytoad4236d ago

Most id pay for that is $10 dollars, capcom is failing so hard these days its sad.


Top 10 Horror Games

"Scary games offer an experience that few other mediums can. While watching horror movies, you can look away or hide your eyes from the terror on screen. " | Explosion.com

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UltraNova3802d ago

L4D in a top 10 scariest list? Jesus...

Where's Fatal Frame?

NotAfanBoyy3802d ago

DeadSpace is a good game, but no more scary than Doom 3. No Fatal Frame aka Project Zero?

WishMeWell2593802d ago

Dead space did great. Idk if he was aiming for the first 1-3 or what but resident evil is no where near scary(anymore).
L4D really makes me question your decision making.
Alan Wake i was kinda surprised but ill give it to you.
kinda surprised Slender is on here. I watched a top 10 horror and that was on it, so i watched some videos and people were freaking out so i was interested. Personally, the atmosphere was great but slender man in general...is broken. I found its weak points and took advantage. And once you have advantage over something in game it isnt scary. Have to give the creator credit tho. did it by himself, scared many people AND started a new generation in Horror gaming. Thank you

There are only two games in my life i can say it terrified me. and I love it.
Silent Hill 1...Had to turn off the music. Bro and I took turns playing different parts lol
Resident evil 2...Asked my brother before bed if zombies were real.
Yes I was 7-8 years old but most "horror" games dont do that anymore, because its all about the action

dennett3163802d ago

Left 4 Dead should not really be on that list. I mean, it can get frantic when you're getting swarmed, but it is a full on action title and doesn't really have the atmosphere needed to be a true horror.
Resident Evil I would have on the list, but probably only at number 10 because again, it isn't really all that scary. There's tension galore at times, and the dogs crashing through the windows got me just like it got everyone else, but it really is more of a B movie vibe...especially as the series goes on. Great games, but the horror is pretty mild in truth.
Fatal Frame/Project Zero absolutely deserves a place on the list, that is a game that nails the creepy atmosphere and subtle scares that really send a chill up your spine.
Very nice to see Condemned on the list, a truly underrated horror game. Great atmosphere, combat is visceral and scary and it's a very well paced game.
If Amnesia is on the list, I'd also include Penumbra from the same developers. It's very similar to Amnesia, but no less nerve-jangling.

Matt6663802d ago

Silent Hill should be higher on the list then RE. Furthermore RE should only be on the list if it RE1-CVx, anything after that became an action game and lost all survival horror aspects. Also Silent Hill should only be on there if it SH 1-4, since they where the best SH games.

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Top 10 Games You Won’t Regret Buying

This time the Editor at NF picked 10 games that you won’t regret buying, ever. Not only in terms of gameplay, but story and presentation wise they worth every penny you spent on them. Let’s not waste time and check out the top 10 games you can buy without hesitation.

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Tdmd3930d ago

Resident Evil 6?! Right, you won’t regret... ¬¬

SnowWhite3930d ago

RE6 was not one of the best out of the series but the way they tied the stories together as you played with each character gave it plusses. I still play it every so often in co-op mode with my son. Still has value to me.

DoctorJones3930d ago

I appreciate that you like it ayacurse, but I found it to be the worst RE I've ever played. In fact I couldn't stand playing it after a couple of levels, it was shockingly bad imo. I've completed every other RE game made, but RE 6 will be the only one I will never see to the end.

Tdmd3930d ago (Edited 3930d ago )

QTE extravaganza; Overpowered melee; J'avos; Chris section; The fact that you can no longer shoot zombies laying or sitting still like in the older games - Oh no, you have to wait for the scripted "surprise" scare!

That game was a joke...

I also think that coop and separate campaigns are a negative factor. Wanna add coop? Make it something extra to do after the main campaign. Optional instead of forced.

robtion3929d ago (Edited 3929d ago )

@ayacurse: That is cool that you can play it with your son, you sound like a fun dad ;)

Its a decent game with good production values, but just weak for a Resident Evil game. Its still fun just not up to the high standards set by previous titles.

CanadianTurtle3930d ago (Edited 3930d ago )

That is a great list. That's one of the joys of gaming; seeing other people's perspective on games.

To be fair though, I strongly think that RE6 and Playstation All Stars are pretty bad.

SnowWhite3930d ago

@DoctorJones It's true that compared to other RE games it's not the best but I did have fun with it and still am. Also it looks like not everyone likes RE6 as much as me and my son do.

H0RSE3929d ago

10. Metro: Last Light - the Metro games are really good. I'd say they are underrated and underplayed.

9. PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale - sorry, never even heard o fit...

8. Fallout 3: GOTY Edition - I did have a lot of fun with Fallout, but it is still sort of a slap in the face to the Fallout name/franchise, going for turn-based strategy to first/third person shooter, especially to purists. It's like all these remakes coming out in the theater, that aren't actually trying to remake anything. They are just taking the characters or the story, and just doping their own thing with them.

7. Resident Evil 6 Archives - Haven't been interested or played an RE game since RE2...

6. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception: GOTY Edition - Never played this game, but I did play Uncharted 2, and found it to be nothing spectacular. Basically just a more action oriented Tomb Raider with guy instead of a chick.

5. World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria - I used to be a heavy WoW player, but I stopped after Frozen Throne. That being said, I'm sure this expansion is decent, as far as content goes at least, since Blizzard usually is pretty good in that department.

4. Darksiders II - It was a fun enough game, but not that fun... I'd put it in my "rent not buy" list.

3. Battlefield 3 Premium Edition - BF3 was fun, but the direction DICE went with trying to make BF "hip and edgy," with the theme music and the aesthetic and the overall feel, I wasn't really a fan. Just give me a game with good mechanics and gameplay. I still think the Bad Company games were the best, at least on console.

2. Mass Effect 3 - I was really pleased with ME3. I liked the look, I liked the atmosphere, and I liked the story...for the most part, and no, I didn't go apeshit over the ending... I thought the ending was kind of short and not epic enough, but the game itself I thought was tip top, and the multiplayer was surprisingly fun.

1. XCOM: Enemy Unknown - This game was really good. I had a lot of fun playing it. Although it may lack much of the depth r features the original(s) had, I found it enjoyable nonetheless. After playing this on PC and then trying the console version version, I found it virtually unplayable due to how much better I found the controls to be on PC.

robtion3929d ago

Pretty good list but I like mine better.

1. The last of us.
2. Tomb raider.
3. Uncharted Trilogy.
4. God of War 3.
5. Mass effect trilogy.
6. Red dead redemption.
7. Catherine.
8. Xmen origins wolverine.
9. Prince of Persia.
10. Alice the madness returns.

robtion3929d ago

Thanks. Just thrown together off the top of my head. I could quite easily do a list of 50 great games from this gen, just so many great games out there.

Vanquish, Binary domain, Resistance trilogy, Suda 51 trilogy, BioShock trilogy, Saints row 3 and 4, The darkness, Dragons dogma, Demons souls, Dark souls, Metal gear solid 4, The saboteur, Condemned 2, Injustice gods among us, Singularity, Space marine, Portal 2, Turok, Bayonetta, Enslaved, Heavenly sword, etc, etc


Future Shop and Best Buy Canada Gaming Deals: September 28th – October 4th, 2012

It’s a bit of a slow week on the deals front from both Future Shop and Best Buy Canada. There’s a trade in 2 for Resident Evil 6 from both of them, a trade in 3 on Resident Evil 6 Archives or Anthology from Future Shop, and a free copy of Kingdom Hearts 3D with the 3DS XL at Future Shop.

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Relientk774375d ago

The buy 2 Nintendo Selects get 1 free is such a good deal, pretty much no matter what games you choose

DarkBlood4375d ago

i wish pikmin 1 was around i might consider getting it but then i have no idea if nintendo might do some sort of trilogy thing so its the waiting game for me lol

BringingTheThunder4375d ago

i was hoping there would be a trade 2 for archives or anthology like there was for nhl 13

Dante1124375d ago

The "Trade 2 games from this list, get Resident Evil 6 or NBA 2K13 free" deal seems cool.