
Capcom: Next Resident Evil Will Be More ‘Focused’

Nathan Grayson: ''Resident Evil‘s been expanding its increasingly action-oriented empire for years now, but – while the gesture’s much-appreciated – it hasn’t exactly seen many of its finest hours on PC. Resident Evil 4 was a brilliant scare-’em-up chainsawed in the clavicle by one of the worst ports ever, Resident Evil 5 was profoundly mediocre, Operation Raccoon City was execrable, and Resident Evil 6, well, it’s not out yet. But cries of agony from consoletropolis’ direction don’t exactly bode well. So yes, the once-legendary survival-horror series is in a pretty bad place at the moment. But there is hope. Well, sorta. If nothing else, DICE at least saw Capcom saying the right things.''

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PopRocks3594240d ago

Not on messy QTEs, clunky controls, a useless cover system and uninspired level design I hope. They have Resident Evil 6 as a reference on how to NOT make an RE game.

Here's an idea for them; make it atmospheric, make the story at least somewhat interesting and don't break the controls to the point where the age old process of getting from point A to point B becomes a damn chore.

Twinzclipz4240d ago


ApolloTheBoss4240d ago

Don't get your hopes up. They'll never learn.

zeee4240d ago

Oh Capcom... oh dead Capcom. Say what you will, I'll believe it when I see it.

The only way you can redeem yourself is if you decide to go back to the root, the very core of Resident Evil which I believe is inevitable IF you want to save RE franchise from total annihilation.

A solid RESIDENT EVIL 1 and 2 remake would be a start and then perhaps a complete reboot?

LOGICWINS4240d ago

Meaning it'll stick to one gameplay style..as opposed to the three Capcom tried to mix and mash in RE6.

JAM_brz4240d ago (Edited 4240d ago )

According the Capcom's guy, "focus" mean don't making a game (like RE6) with 3 differente characters, trying to sell 3 differents genre in a single game.

I think what he tried to say is that Capcom will make just an Action game, and not try to add horror in the next games anymore - "sarcastic mode"

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4240d ago (Edited 4240d ago )

Focused on Cod Crowd? Or dlc?

Hopefully it will be a horror game again.

abzdine4240d ago

back to the roots or nothing!

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Root4240d ago (Edited 4240d ago )

If he means focused on what actually made the game Resident Evil then I'm sorry but what a load of bullcrap. They said the same after RE5

If the game has the main character, the sidekick, NO CO-OP, No AI following you, horror, scares, creepy locations....THEN I'll believe them

But after they said that after RE5 and the whole co-op thing what did they do...added co-op in RE6 but made it 10 times worse.

They won't go back you know, they are too proud that their ideas failed them again. Instead of admitting they we're wrong, something they still havent done yet, they'll keep trying to please both audiences.


Oh look at that, got to the end of the article and it confirms what I've said

"Well, you have to understand, we have a couple different sets of Resident Evil fans,” he explained. “We have those who love Resident Evil 1, 2, 3, Code Veronica, and Zero, and then we have those who came along during the RE4 era and like things a little more action-oriented, and RE5 even more [action-oriented]. And then RE6 was even more action-focused than that"

"and figuring out how to make something for everyone. That was especially the aspiration of RE6"

Stop making things for everyone, those people who played on RE1-3-CV, WE, are the real fans. You brought in more people with RE4 but still there was a LOT more old RE fans then new fans so you should of went with the majority of fans and the new fans would of soon liked RE for what is was, if they didn't then tough.

PopRocks3594240d ago (Edited 4240d ago )

At first I disagreed with you on that, but after giving it more thought I think you're right. No co-op in the campaign is definitely a better alternative; it helps add to the dark and creepy atmosphere, like Revelations and many of the older games.

However, I think co-op is still a must for modes like Mercenaries and Raid Mode. Those modes are more arcade like in nature and can definitely be enjoyed with friends, I think.

EDIT: There was a tiny bit of that in Revelations. The game had its own in-game Accomplishments. I don't mind the timer thing, especially when the game is cooperative and there are more players to explore and get the clocks.

The idea is to keep you moving and on edge and getting as high a score as you can under the time limitations. Taking away the timer would make the mode too easy I think. Unless they make something along the lines "Brutal Mode" or something where the timer is gone, but you can be killed much more easily and enemies take much more abuse.

Root4240d ago (Edited 4240d ago )

The other problem for co-op with me is the crappy, new pointless, bland characters they add instead of old fan favorites they could write into the story instead. Parker, Jessica, Sheva, Piers, Helena, Jake etc. Also when they added co-op they started to spilt the game into chapters instead of having one continous game. In RE4 is worked but RE5 it was like levels....only being able to upgrade after a level ended or if you died was stupid.

I'm fine with co-op for Mercenaries and Raid more but the thing is they have to add more to those modes to actually judstify the decision

A no time limit mode for example instead of getting those stupid clocks. In RE4/RE5 I would always get as many clocks as I could, get really into it where the tough enemies started to come and then it was over....just when I was getting into it.

It's not that hard to add these modes

What about challenges aswell

Don't Kill untill 5 minutes in
Don't use shotgun weapons
Don't use Grenades
Don't heal yourself untill 10 minutes in
Only use pistols on "Type A" enemies
Don't pick up anything untill you've killed 30 enemies
Melee moves only finish enemies off
Knife kills only finish enemies off
Get 50 headshots
Blow off 35 limbs

You get the point

Cam9774240d ago

They said RE6 would "return to the franchise's roots" yet failed miserably.
Just let it die.

BioDead4240d ago

Yes, as quickly as possible (and this is coming from RE super fan!)

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Resident Evil Original Cast Reunion 2 | Rebecca Chambers, Chris Redfield, Barry Burton, Wesker

RESIDENT EVIL (1996) Original Cast Reunion & Interview with Linda - Rebecca Chambers, Charlie Kraslavsky, Greg Smith & Eric Pirius.


Resident Evil Fan Film Adapts Iconic "Itchy Tasty" Diary

A fan-made Resident Evil short film has been released, and it tells the story of one of the original game's most terrifying and iconic diary entries.

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TiredGamer84d ago

Fantastic homage to a memorable part of the original. The authenticity to the source material is outstanding and blows away all of the pathetic Hollywood adaptations that we've had to endure as fans. The addition of Chris Redfield's original actor AND (separate) voice actor is fantastic! Heck, even the CGI was pretty good given the total budget of $55k to make this.

Babadook783d ago (Edited 83d ago )

Yeah this seemed so much more like cannon to me. I’d watch more of it if / when it’s available.


The OG Resident Evil just hit GOG, with Resident Evil 2 and 3 joining "soon"

Thank GOG for that!

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TheNamelessOne86d ago

I feel like they should have included the original games with the remakes they've been doing.