
Crysis 3: Why The Visuals Matter

Gi - “But can it run Crysis?” has been an internet slogan for all PC gamers since Crytek released the technologically demanding and system destroying first-person shooter in 2007. On Feb 19, gamers may relive that burning question with the release of Crysis 3. Crytek’s CEO Caveat Yerli even went as far as stating that Crysis 3 would melt gamers’ PCs. With much excitement and anticipation for this melting of silicon, message boards are bound to explode with non-stop compatibility questions and frame per second debates. These kinds of discussions alongside Crytek’s reputation for pushing the envelope in terms of graphics and hardware reverberate within the community. So it’s not hard to argue what the Crysis series means to PC gamers. It doesn’t matter if the gameplay is not enjoyable, (which it is) Crysis 3′s impact in the industry will be felt based solely on its graphical merit.

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LackTrue4K4242d ago

The first Crysis was there only good game.
Every game after is sooooo Shallow.

Software_Lover4241d ago

I didn't like the Alien battles in the first Crysis. The last battle was............. semi-epic. I hated the cheasy ending battle in Crysis Warhead. they completely changed the Aliens in Crysis 2 which sucked. I hope they do a great job with 3.

Now Crysis Wars was where it was at. I dont know why they changed from that formula.

EbeneezerGoode4241d ago

Agreed on the aliens in the otherwise amazing Crysis 1. However I think Warheads final battle was much better. VERY immersive and epic while not feeling awkward or frustrating.

AKS4241d ago

Crytek? Far Cry was pretty good. Crysis Warhead was pretty similar in style to the original Crysis, the one that you liked.

Crysis 2 was somewhat of a disappointment, but much of the problem appeared to be the delays and scrambling to get it to market. The DX11 and texture pack made it pretty obvious that Crytek underestimated the development time they would need and rushed their first CryEngine3 and multiplatform game. I don't anticipate seeing those issues in Crysis 3. I do not expect it to be a GOTY candidate, but I do expect it to be a better game than Crysis 2.

Blastoise4241d ago

The visuals matter because without them you're left with a very average FPS.

Mrmagnumman3574241d ago (Edited 4241d ago )

I have to disagree. Crysis is one of the best FPS series. First off, it is one of the few that doesn't feel like Cod, it strays from the formula. It also has always given you options. In the first you were running across an island, able to take out Koreans with stealth, you can run and gun, snipe from a half mile away etc.. In Crysis 2, there were less options, but the vertical combat added a interesting and unique gameplay style. Crysis 3 seems to mix the best of both of these worlds, Crysis' scale with C2's verticality.

aliengmr4241d ago

Crysis didn't feel like CoD but every installment after kept trying to be more like it. Warhead was Crytek's answer to CoD, more linear and cinematic.

EA's been trying to get a CoD of its own for years.

There was nothing unique about Crysis 2, at least on the PC. It was completely forgettable. It just never let go of your hand long enough to let you create you own memorable experience.

I accept that gamers dig this new direction, I don't think any less of the gamers that do, but there is Crysis and then there's the other Crysis games. They have very little in common.

But hey, its just my opinion. I wish them all the best with Crysis 3.

EbeneezerGoode4241d ago (Edited 4241d ago )

Agreed! The amount of people who either never played Crysis 1 or played it on too slow a system then berated it as 'no gameplay' is amazing.

Crysis one not only looked great but it FELT great to play. It seems almost a knee jerk reaction amongst gamers to assume if something is super great looking it MUST have crappy gameplay, it didn't! Crysis 1 was so immersive and open ended, you could do things a hundred ways and never get bored. I've actually waitied for years for GPUs to finally get good enough to play through Crysis 1 again on best possible settings at super high frame rates just to feel that level of immersion again as if it's fresh. And I already replayed crysis one through more times than any FPS I can remember. That all was possible due to it's design and gameplay. The graphics really helped sell the feeling of stuff actually mattering! no more cartoon FPS's!!

Creeping around in the grass, thinking on the fly, dictating the flow of the game and the feeling all the great graphics and physics provided made the game so much more fun! In this case the graphics / physics helped the game be even better, they weren't there to mask a lack of basic gameplay!

Far Cry 1 was also brilliant in gameplay (and graphics for it's time) but again let down by non human enemies later in the game. Warhead was quite good too but Crysis 2? Not so sure.

Hope C3 is better than 2. Doubt anything will ever beat Crysis original for feel and immersion though.

HeavenlySnipes4238d ago

Are people really gonna pretend that Crysis 2, with its horrible AI (shoot a guy in the head, and the guy next to him won't even flinch), bland weapons, and uninteresting plot was a good game?

I find it hilarious that people are acting like COD is the gold standard for FPS campaigns, its not. Having a better campaign than Call of Duty isn't an accomplishment.

Regardless of what Crysis did, the second was in fact a very average FPS; and the third looks to follow suit. There is really nothing interesting about the series now other than the visuals

ratcop224240d ago

Crysis honestly doesn't have amazing gameplay but it's decent.


EA’s best multiplayer games have now shut down for good

Battlefield Bad Company 2, Dead Space 2, Crysis 3, and a handful other EA games have finally had their online services shut down.

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OtterX290d ago

I had no idea that Bad Company 2 was still running, and only now that I know, I want to jump on! 😥

SonyStyled290d ago

I was able to find games in the Vietnam dlc on ps3 the last week. There were articles on here about the server closure when it was announced in April

DaReapa290d ago

BF1943 is the only online MP game that I was genuinely interested in. Been playing since launch 14 years ago. Hate that I couldn't put in as much time to play as I'd hoped for during the final week.

Inverno290d ago

I got really into 43 when I bought Bf3, and preferred it. Everything that I disliked or found annoying about Bf3, wasn't an issue in 43. Too bad they never bothered releasing it on PS4 or PC.

1nsomniac289d ago (Edited 289d ago )

Dead Space 2...... I wasn't even aware that had multiplayer. Nevermind that it was apparently one of their best multiplayers!

anast289d ago

Once people stop buying micros, these companies close the doors.

Xenial289d ago

Dead Space 2 multiplayer had been hanging on for years - I'd boot my PS3 up to see some familiar names in lobbies. This will definitely be missed!


EA has finally removed SecuROM from Crysis 3

Electronic Arts has released a new update for the PC version of Crysis 3 that removes its SecuROM protection system.

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The Witcher 3, Horizon Zero Dawn & more running in 8K/30fps on NVIDIA GeForce RTX3090

Bang4BuckPC Gamer tested Crysis 3, The Witcher 3, Horizon Zero Dawn and Final Fantasy XV, with all of them running with 30fps in 8K.

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RazzerRedux1437d ago

Yep. Wait a couple of years and get this level of performance on a RTX 4070 or 4080 at a much lower price.

Killer73nova1437d ago

And wait a couple more years for rtx 5070 or 5080 at a much much lower price

Yung-T1437d ago (Edited 1437d ago )

That headline is a tad misleading.
The rig stated in that YouTube video is extremely high-end (ryzen 3950x oc, 32gb etc) and utilizing special water-cooling solutions, loops with pumps etc.

This rig easily costs 5k+ and a normal pc with a RTX 3090 wouldn't get close to these framerates or sustainable temperatures.

Aggesan1437d ago

Who has a "normal" pc with a RTX 3090?

Yung-T1437d ago (Edited 1437d ago )

There's still a difference between a high-end GPU+CPU and a custom-made water cooling system including a Waterloop&pumps etc though, it allows for much higher performance due to the better temperature management that would fry the GPU&CPU with normal builds.

lonewolf101437d ago

That's why people need to read the articles, most headlines are just to get you to click.

Rainbowcookie1437d ago

You would think yes, but honestly does it happen often 🤣 enough

I_am_Batman1437d ago (Edited 1437d ago )

Most of the threads of the 3950x were barely utilized and none of the games that were tested allocated more than ~12.5GB of system memory. Gaming at 8k is pretty much as GPU bound as you can get so you won't need a water cooled high-end CPU or 32GB of memory.

Psychotica1437d ago (Edited 1437d ago )

How does the cost of the PC make the headline misleading?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1437d ago
Father__Merrin1437d ago

Mega powerful video card but the games you can play on that card are all available elsewhere. I want to see compelling pc only goty material titles ASAP

Psychotica1437d ago

And where else can you run them in 8K or even in 4K with the same level of performance?

averagejoe261437d ago

Who cares? Nobody has 8k screens and the majority don't even have 4k screens.

This push for pointless high resolution is ruining progress. Give us better framerates, lighting, physics, etc. Stop wasting power on needles 8k.

lonewolf101437d ago


There are people with 8k monitors though.

Bender65021437d ago

And still we can't escape 30fps.

JCOLE131951437d ago

I mean given the fact the games are running at 8K it doesn’t surprise me...

MrDead1437d ago

DLSS 2.0 no doubt has a big part in this too, The Witcher 3, Horizon Zero Dawn and Death Stranding run like a dream on my 3080, 4k ultra set to 60fps no drops or stutters and the system runs very quiet. Playing Borderlands 3 on badass settings, Red Dead or Division 2 on 4k ultra all run great (Red Dead has a few drops below 60fps) but my PC is working a lot harder on games that don't utilise DLSS, my room warms up nicely when playing those games.

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