
Beyond developer already has next 3 games in mind

David Cage tells GI.biz that he already knows what he'll be working on for his next several projects following Beyond

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Greyslash4241d ago

I love every game David Cage is involved with. I can't wait.

TheGamerDood4240d ago (Edited 4240d ago )

The only question I have is, will they these games stay strictly PS titles or will they go multiplat.

shivvy244240d ago

im surprised sony havent bought them !

CouldHaveYelledUiiW4241d ago

Shut-up you Dirty Sony Studio Temptress!

Curse you Sony for owning Quantic Dream!

(Just a joke, not that much of a Nintendo fanboy).

Quantic Dream is the MAIN reason I will buy a PS3 (once the price drops further) .
(Not saying their aren't other good games on Sony it's just that Quantic Dream is like Sony's Zelda IMO).

kneon4241d ago

Sony doesn't own Quantic Dream.

r214240d ago

After Beyond drops and hopefully does well, I can see Sony snatching them up :D Even QD admitted they'd be ok with being bought by Sony!

CouldHaveYelledUiiW4240d ago

but Sony would "beyond" Stooooopid not to nurture their partnership with Quantic Dream, esp. when Sony has the resources to keep a company like that happy.

Plus, I respect Sony (ssshhh... don't tell anyone) for trying to merge movie ideas/sensibilities with gaming.
I think because of Sony Pictures; in their own way, Sony is trying to get gaming to the same caliber as Film and Literature.

It seems Quantic Dream is in step with that Philosophy and are Near perfect Heralds of that Philosophy.

They are a good fit.

So, Curse you Sony! ;)

@ r21


GribbleGrunger4241d ago

HD version of Fahrenheit next please.

Robochobo4241d ago

I as well agree with this as well, Indigo Prophecy was one of the best games I've played (better than Heavy Rain IMO).

Sharius4241d ago

ummmm... i enjoy your game but in whatever game you will make please give me the option to disable the sixaxis or move control

BitbyDeath4241d ago

What scene was the sixaxis used for in Heavy Rain? I don't remember?

Sharius4241d ago (Edited 4241d ago )

IIRC... a lot, scene like when the main character play sword fight with his son, the car drive scene, the pole balance....

ironfist924241d ago

Wow, I comletely forgot about dualshock 3' sixaxis function. I dont think any game uses it anymore

Bathyj4241d ago

Beyond Beyond?

The mind boggles.

4241d ago Replies(3)
Son_Lee4241d ago

Beyond Beyond reminded me of Beyond The Beyond. Oh, the horror...

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shinoff218338d ago

I didn't teakize quantic dream was still around.

CrimsonWing6938d ago

Why is it taking so long for this game to come out?

ChasterMies38d ago

The departure of the lead writer likely means the story is done. The trailer for this game is amazing. Hope it comes out soon.


Quantic Dream to Present 'Hands-On' Opportunities at PAX East 2024

Quantic Dream are set to offering hands-on opportunities at PAX East 2024, but which game it will be has not yet been revealed.

CrimsonWing69218d ago

Hopefully, that Star Wars one they were working on…


Quantic Dream Announces New Publishing Label Spotlight

Quantic Dream has announced a new publishing label, Spotlight, following the reveal of debut title Under the Waves.

sadraiden471d ago

Interesting to see how this works out for them. QD have had a very lucrative partnership with Sony. David Cage is a household name among Playstation owners, and he might not have been if QD stuck with Atari as their publisher. Now they're launching Spotlight so they can circumvent Sony exclusivity? I imagine this isn't the last we'll hear from Spotlight.

Abnor_Mal471d ago (Edited 471d ago )

Weren’t QD bought buy Tencent, and if so then I’m sure there wouldn’t be anymore Sony exclusivity.

Ok it seems to have been NetEase that bought them back in 2022.

mjchitown471d ago

this is not a Sony exclusivity. you can clearly see Xbox One Xbox Series X ps4 ps5

Sonic1881470d ago (Edited 470d ago )

Funny you mention that because in a few Diablo 4 articles, Xbox was the only console that was tagged. It didn't tag playstation or PC and Diablo 4 is a multiplatform game

porkChop471d ago

Bro they had a 3-game contract with Sony. That ended with Detroit. They've haven't been working together since then, so they aren't circumventing anything. They have no obligation to Sony.

CrimsonWing69470d ago

Didn’t they show a Star Wars fake at a Sony event?

I might be wrong about that, but I feel like that’s where I saw if.

porkChop470d ago

I don't think so, Star Wars: Eclipse was announced at the Game Awards.

CrimsonWing69470d ago


The Game Awards, you’re right!

Kekewei470d ago (Edited 470d ago )

I don't think so. There some sources claiming Sony was not happy with their partnership at the end, they even canceled a project that was supposed to be the 4th ps exclusive from QD.


+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 470d ago
InUrFoxHole471d ago

QD is gold! They make excellent games

mastershredder470d ago

Can’t wait for all those quicktime events and bash-you-with-boredom storytelling.

Snookies12470d ago

There's nothing wrong with QTE's. Never understood the hate for them. You press a single button to attack in most games. You press a single button to jump in most games. Why does it then become an issue when you press a button during a cutscene to do something?

JackBNimble470d ago

It's a niche market and not everyone is into that type of game.

RedDevils470d ago

I like their games, it's different from all the trash we seeing every years.

GoodGuy09470d ago

God was Detroit a gem. Hope that their new games are at least on par.

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