
GameStop: next Xbox sales will suffer if used games are blocked

Retailer warns platform holders not to alienate customers

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ABizzel14138d ago

I was coming to say the exact same thing.

EVILDEAD3604138d ago

@ Tctczach

Well said my friend well said.

The Next gen backlash would be as bad as what Nextflix faced when they tried to seperate the streaming from the move rentals.

MS knows this and if they didn't then they got warned.

It's up to them to choose this route or not.


AngryTypingGuy4137d ago (Edited 4137d ago )

If MS alone bans used games on the next Xbox, then they could stand to lose a lot of customers. If they come to an agreement with Sony and both go this route, it could actually benefit them and the industry as a whole since used game sales actually hurt the developers and publishers.

However in order for a model to be successful where used games are banned, I think both companies need to develop a Steam-like pricing strategy, where games become cheaper more quickly, and insane deals are offered where games and sometimes bundles of games are offered at a crazy discount.

On a separate note, I read a rumor that if next gen discs come with an activation code in order to run them, places like GameStop might buy codes in bulk directly from the publisher so they can still sell used discs. It would be good for the publishers, but it would obviously drive up the cost of used games.

jadenkorri4137d ago

used sales in a part of life, video games is no exception. If MS/sony get away with it, next will be used cars, or tvs. Then we can't sell our car without giving some money back to Toyoda.

morkendo234137d ago


was it not the purpose of "USED games" for people to buy the game cheaper?? who can not afford to buy it NEW??? 59.99 and some people dont buy games until the price is 19.99
used game not going anywhere soon trust and believe that.

GameSpawn4137d ago (Edited 4137d ago )


I have no issue with certain products being resold "used" such that the previous owner of said object gets more money then they would have scrapping said product and the buyer gets said product cheaper than buying it new. It's a WIN WIN.

However in the GameStop used game case, the original owner gets screwed, the publishers get screwed, and believe it or not you the buyer get screwed; GameStop is the only one who wins. How does the buyer get screwed lets count the ways:
1) GameStop actually make MORE from a used game they bought for say $15 and resell for $40 than one they buy at $50 (cost) and sell new at $60
2) Since the publishers are loosing revenue due to (1) new game prices get hiked each generation to recoup the losses
3) Now in addition to (2) some games require you buy an Online Pass (or something similar) at $10-$15 to enable online functionality or missing CORE gameplay features (extra missions, weapons, etc; basically content already on the disc and available if you buy the game new at no extra cost)
4) Even more so in addition to (2) GOOD developers are getting dropped due to lost of revenue both directly and indirectly from used sales
5) And lastly, game quality goes down because budgets usually get cut down because a previous game returned less than it would have with more new sales

In all used game sales actually stagnate and hurt the gaming industry as a whole and the only ones who don't loose in the long run is GameStop and their clones.

I've stopped giving GameStop ANY of my money long ago when I realized how much highway robbery they were committing with their used game sales. Seriously, they buy games at anywhere between $5 and $20 and resell them at a minimum of a $20 profit ($10 or more then they'd ever get from new games).

You know, pirating a game actually does LESS damage than buying a game used because at least it is a lost game sale to BOTH the publisher and GameStop.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4137d ago
tehpees34138d ago (Edited 4138d ago )

Gamestop would only suffer if it proved successful :P

But no this move would fail hard and fast.

Why is it when I heard the word "block" and the words "used games" I immediately thought of the word "fail!"?

Rainstorm814138d ago

GameStop still sells new games, consoles and etc...so while their cash cow in used games sales would fall off , it would hurt any console makers more in the long run especially if the competition allows used games

pompombrum4138d ago

Never worked in games retail so while not 100% sure, I was always under the impression that the majority of profit for game stores is through used game sales. It would hurt them a lot.

mwjw6964138d ago

@Rainstorm81 The last numbers are that 45% of Gamestops income is from used games. So yea it would kill gamestop profits.

dcbronco4138d ago

I'm not sure why people believe this will fail. Microsoft, Sony and the developers lose nothing by doing this. They could potentially gain the sales of people who have no choice. Many bought a PS3 despite the price, why not a regular priced game. Plus, games are almost always on sale that first week.

The used market does not benefit them. It only benefits Gamestop and others like them. Gamestop is not so valuable that MS and Sony should feel the need to keep them around. I know I wouldn't miss them. Getting rid of the Gamestops makes the industry healthier.

Darrius Cole4138d ago

NONE of what you said is correct.

The people always have a choice.

Game developers do benefit from the existence of a used game market, because used games bring money into the game market that otherwise would not be spent on games.

If Gamestop didn't make a market for used games the game market would immediately replace them with someone else.

Because specialty shops stock a few of the smaller budget, more exotic games, most hardcore gamers would miss Gamestop or its equivalent (it doesn't matter whether it was called "Gamestop" as long as it was somebody who did what Gamestop does).

Getting rid of specialty shops like Gamestop would hurt the gaming market a great deal.

dcbronco4137d ago

Do you know of some secret program where developers make money on every used games sold? I've never heard of one. All of that new money goes directly to the re-seller. None to the developers or console makers.

You're right. The market would make room for another company to exploit people on their used games. Wait, it already has made several of them. Just more leeches to bring the market down.

We're in the digital age. Rare games will all eventually be available for DL if they are really demanded. Gaming would be so much better off if they disappeared. People love to talk about being hardcore gamers. They will spend $600 for a console, but won't pay $5 more for a new game. What a joke.

Look at Black Ops on Gamestop right now. $54.99. New for $59.99. I bet they paid the person that traded it in $25. So the person that buys it used saves $5. The person that sold it loses $35. Microsoft doesn't get another $10 royalty and the developer doesn't get any of that $30 difference that gamestop gets. How does this help gaming? That $30 Gamestop gets is probably as much as the developer made.

After then develop pays royalties to the console holder, media licenses, development cost, overhead and taxes, Gamestop came out ahead. By being a middle man. An exploitative middle man.

Gamestop needs to develop a talent, provide a unique service or die. It's business model is based solely on exploitation.

But if blocking used games means that 25% of those people pay the extra $5, then gaming actually benefits. That means a developer might be able to stay in business. No one but the people that work at Gamestop and the people that own the stock benefit from used games. Oh, and the ass-clowns that run the company.

Darrius Cole4137d ago

Your second post is all wrong as well.

The second-hand market helps gaming by increasing the total number of dollars that go into the market. For example consider two scenarios.

Say that I want 3 games labeled, A, B, & C, that cost $60 each, but I only have $150.
Also say that another person wants game A and yet another person wants game B, but each person only has $30.

If there is no used game market then I will buy 2 games, and the game industry will get $120. The other two people will not get either game that they want. The other game will sit on the shelf FOREVER. Once I play my two games that I OWN they will be worthless and I can never sell them.

If there is a used game market then I will buy 2 games, play them and then sell them to a specialty shop like Gamestop, for $15 a piece. I will put the $30 I got from reselling my games with the $30 I had left and buy the third game. The gaming industry less Gamestop will get $150. Gamestop will sell the other two games to the other two people for $30 a piece.

Everybody is better off with a used game market. I more games for my money ( 3 games for $150 is less per game than 2 games for $120). The other two people got to play a game instead of no game at all. The gaming industry, other than Gamestop got $150 instead of $120. Gamestop made $30 by making the market.

It's business 101. More efficient markets are better for the masses. Gamestop makes the market more efficient and they deserve to be paid for that. Getting rid of them would make the gaming industry worse off.

Blocking used games is going to shrink the pie. The game developers would have a greater percentage of a smaller amount of dollars.

dcbronco4136d ago

Let's get one thing sorted out first. Are you under the impression that Gamestop severely undersells the developer. I have bad news, they don't. The games that most people buy are only $5 less. So those people with $30 won't be getting anything anyway. Or at least not anything that they wanted. Unless what they want is really old or was cheaper than $60 new anyway. Games like CoD and Halo will always be just $5 less than new. So there is no real savings. In fact, you can get them on sale from one major retailer or another for $45 or $50 in any given week.

I can get that game cheaper right now from Dell with free shipping than I can at Gamestop used. I can get Halo 4 for $40 from Amazon with free shipping. If you take the time to look, you can beat Gamestop any day of the week will getting a new game. Using a site like Pricegrabber let's you do it in less than a minute. So the $30 people have a better chance of getting a new copy for less money and the right people are the ones making a profit. Not some opportunist.

The same goes for the person buying 3 games. I have rarely spent $60 for a new game. When I do, it's usually with a credit or gift card offer. Which means the next game is cheaper and it comes with a card or credit. If you're really a gamer, you already know all of this.

Another thing, probably the main thing. If you only have $150 and can't wait an extra week or two on one of the games, something is wrong and you need to look at fixing that. Not trying to be mean, just a fact of life. If you won't be able to come up with another $10 in the next few weeks, maybe games shouldn't be your priority. Sometimes you just have to go without. Many, many people do. But if you can't, just take a quick look on the Internet and get all three and still save some money over Gamestop.

As for the business 101 thing. Umm, yeah. Business 101 should have been that an secondary market completely seperate from the main market does not benefit the main market in anyway. Though what Gamestop is legal, it is the equivalent of stolen goods. The money made off of the used items sold by gamestop don't make their way back to the developer or console maker in any way. No royalties are paid to the console maker. The developer pays a royalty. And the developers doesn't get a cut of Gamestop's income. So I'm confused why you believe Gamestop is part of the gaming market in that sense. Gamestop is a leech sucking the blood of another animal.

A more efficient market would be for the developers and console makers to get together and start their own used games store. That way, the money does actually go back into the industry. The only gamestop money going back into the industry is from the employees buying games with their paychecks.

Sorry, I forgot. The employees actually play the games and then re-package them as new and sells them to someone else. Dude, just sell your franchise before it's too late.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4136d ago
LAZL0-Panaflex4138d ago (Edited 4138d ago )

If they just lowered games to $29.99,people would buy more new games.

They got this $60 thing in their heads and there are people out there that will only buy the call of duties.

Single player games should be $19.99 and multi/single should be $29.99, then knock off $10 for digitals. Then the game is like 6 months old cut price down.

All these rich dickfaces want $60 +tax for a game that takes 4-6 hours to knock out is insane unless there is only one or two games to choose from. So what people like me do we play em all when they hit the bargain bin, and newer games we buy$10-$30 cheaper on craigslist.

Adjust your prices and shut our pieoles. If u block used games on your "CONSOLES" people like myself will move on to steam and get less expensive games with BETTER GRAPHICS and your industry will sour even further.

Ahh,...tear :*-(

Plus free to play is gonna knock all these activisions and epic types dicks in the dirt.

MEsoJD4138d ago

Gamestop dying would be the one of the good things to come from used games being blocked.

AngelicIceDiamond4137d ago (Edited 4137d ago )

Exactly, which is why MS won't go through with it. MS hasn't shown any signs blocking used games this gen that would speculate any kind of evidence next gen.

Besides the rumored constant internet. Quick Note: That rumor could retain to piracy. Nobody's bought that up yet.

XBL has been MS saving factor in used games this gen. Hell you can pick up Alan Wake used be silver member and still play it with no extra charge. Because MS is making money off of gold anyway, not used games.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4136d ago
MightyMatt1014138d ago (Edited 4138d ago )

Pretty much common sense..... Actually even someone borderline retarded can figure that out.

InklingGirl4138d ago

Never would of thought this would come from GameStop...

Jovahkiin4138d ago

I hate used games, They're always scratched and the cases are in bad condition that's why i'll only buy new.

The real problem here is sharing games with my bro who plays a different console to me and we usually share single player only games.

We're still saving to buy two next gen consoles day one though haha

zerocrossing4138d ago

Where the heck do you buy used games from? Off the back of a truck?

Most reputable used games retailers here in the UK have have used games in near mint condition, and at next to half the price of the new sealed version that is amazing value for money.

I discourage people from buying second hand versions of brand new releases, since that would eventually hamper the industry but buying used games of titles 6 months to a year old does no harm at all IMO, and could even get you interested in a franchise you wouldn't have considered purchasing for the price of the new version.

Jovahkiin4138d ago

I bought a few from Gamestop when they had no new copies and I wanted to play an old favourite. They have always been in bad shaped. Scratched, ripped or no books, sticky cases etc.

I guess I've just had bad luck.

zerocrossing4138d ago (Edited 4138d ago )


Well that is understandable, Im sorry to hear you've had such a bad experience with used games.

You should do what I do and demand to see the condition of the disc, etc, before buying it, that way you avoid those nasty surprises.

PersonMan4138d ago

I've never seen a scratched PS3 blu-ray/

Buuhan14137d ago

Sadly the same is not true for the US, at least in regards to Gamestop. They have no problem taking in games in bad shape, they merely deduct a "refurbish" fee from the persons TiV sometimes. GameStop doesn't even refurbish them, and most don't even test the games. People literally trade in games that won't read and the only time it becomes known is when someone else buys it and promptly returns it.

This generation has been better due to how tough Bluray's are, but last gen games are usually in horrific shape and many 360 games are in bad shape. I kid you not I'm now finding used PS3 games that are scratched!

It makes me sick really as a gamer I can't possibly understand how some people can treat their games like this. I wonder if a lot of people purposely damage their games before trading it in, or maybe they store their game discs in a bucket of razor blades that they happen to keep on their running dryer.

Many brush it off as the price you pay for buying used, but sometimes it goes a bit beyond that.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4137d ago
Darrius Cole4138d ago (Edited 4138d ago )

You wouldn't be buying used 360 games would you? A lot of people still have the old 360's that scratch the discs. The used PS3 games I have bought are never scratched.

Jovahkiin4136d ago

Yeah im rocking a 360. All my games are in mint condition so can't really blame a console. Looking forward to blu-ray next gen xbox haha

4138d ago
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Xbox Games Summer Showcase 2024 start date, time, exciting leaks and how to watch

Here is the start date and time for the Xbox Games Summer Showcase 2024 with bundles of exciting leaks and how to watch.

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gold_drake1d 19h ago

10AM PT/1PM ET/6PM london time.
on June 9th.

this is so odd. we had ps before the summer fest and now xbox after.

lelo2play41m ago(Edited 27m ago)

Summer Fest and the Sony show were both crap, let's hope Microsoft and Ubisoft shows are decent.

(the way this is going, I'm not asking for good/great shows, simply asking for decent shows...)

I miss E3.

Lightning771d 18h ago

The rumor is 30 games with a nearly 2 hour show. I hope so I, been saying they need to go balls to the wall with their showcase. That's according to Grubb again. Yeah a huge pinch of salt he's only been wrong or half right about some stuff.

There's also suppose to be a Wu Tang Clan game that's a kungfu action RPG featuring the legendary hip hop group New Yorks own Wu Tang Clan. You read right Wu Tang Clan kungfu action RPG.

Sounds weird, random and quirky but hey I'm down to see it.

romulus2317h ago

Bet the title has Shaolin in it.

purple10114h ago

State of decay 3 info is leaking on twitter!

Looks good. Personally don’t play horror/ zombie games, but I appreciate it’s a good game so that’s a win for Xbox fans.

Lord knows they need a win at the moment

ThinkThink11h ago

Appreciate the concern, but I think we'll be just fine. Hope you all enjoy tomorrow's show.

9h ago
Obscure_Observer7m ago

"The rumor is 30 games with a nearly 2 hour show. I hope so I, been saying they need to go balls to the wall with their showcase."

MS had the best showcases in the last few years.

This year, the bar is so low with those last showcases, that imo, MS and Ubisoft doesn´t even need to make much of an effort to beat them.

"That's according to Grubb again. Yeah a huge pinch of salt he's only been wrong or half right about some stuff."

Grubb was right about the last State of Play. Just a few days for the end of the month, he´d continued and insisted that it was going to happen. And he was right! Sony made a last minute announcement for whatever reason, but the guy was spot on.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 7m ago
anast17h ago

This show is going to be painful.

Elda17h ago

Hopefully not knowing most games shown will be multiplats & some eventually multiplats.

anast17h ago

The presentation is going to be the painful part. There might be some good games though.

14h ago
13h agoReplies(1)
12h ago
11h ago
9h ago
ArmrdChaos5h ago

You can always make a drinking game out of it for every time they say the words "Made for a modern audience".

Lfcultra1h ago

The amount of time you invest in hating a company who doesn't even know you exist is hilarious.

anast52m ago

I didn't know you existed and you seem worried about this post...

Lfcultra35m ago

Difference is anast, I don't spend my time obsessing about you. Worried lol.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 35m ago
Elda17h ago

I hope it's a good showing knowing most games that will be shown will be multiplats & XB timed exclusives that'll eventually become multi-plats.

Tacoboto14h ago

It is what it is at this point.

At least the good games will have a chance to be bought, take advantage of the superior DualSense, and *maybe* give those studios a better shot at survival.

They'll also have better shadows, and run with higher dynamic res on the PS5 Pro.

Lightning7711h ago(Edited 11h ago)

So if they're multiplat would you suddenly like Xbox games?

You never have before you've made that clear several times over.

Elda10h ago

I have an XBSX. I also own a PS5 & a Switch. What's your point??

Lightning779h ago

My point is what I said. You don't like Xbox games, you've said it repeatedly. So would you suddenly like Xbox games if they were available on PS5.

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Why Microsoft Putting Black Ops 6 On Game Pass Is The Ultimate Test

By putting Black Ops 6 on Game Pass, Microsoft plans to gauge its growth, pricing, and monetization changes, at the cost of less game sales.

rlow13d ago

If they have follow up games that are bangers, then this strategy will work. But if it’s Call of Duty followed another dead period then it won’t last.

crazyCoconuts3d ago

From MS financial perspective I think it may be the opposite.
A year of GamePass on PC is less than the price of two full price games. For all the people that would have bought COD for $70 but instead started subbing for GP, MS will get an extra $50/year which is good.
However, for each banger that MS puts out, that's lost potential revenue because the GP sub won't need to buy it.
So it only makes sense where the new GP customers would have otherwise not spent more money with MS... Which is the case if MS puts out low quality shovelware.

rlow13d ago

If you’re looking at the short term you are correct. But if Xbox can have multiple bangers then subscriptions should increase. Which is what they want, recurring revenue.

S2Killinit3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

I think this is more about microtransactions. MS wants to see if the upfront losses will be offset by more people login into the “free” game and buying more microtransactions to justify not selling as much COD games.

I honestly not sure. I feel like everyone who likes COD is already playing/buying it so I’m not sure how much more engagement they can get by putting it on gamepass. On the other hand, I also feel a lot of COD players are casual gamers, and they are the type to click on anything that is “free” ex: mobile gaming style

Sonic18813d ago

I don't see it working if Call of Duty makes less money and profits over time from gamepass 🤔

blackblades3d ago

I dont understand why have it on it when we all know it sells with the name alone. Seems stupid to lose so much sales and $ just to have it on game pass. They basically shooting themselves in the foot with a already injured foot from all the other times they shoot themselves in the foot.

CrashMania3d ago

@blackblades, that's my exact point, even on xbox where most software sells poorly CoD still sells millions, but the thing is, if you don't put it on GP you kinda shatter the whole idea they've build GP up to be, they've dug this hole themselves.

I think it might tick up subscribers a bit, but warzone is already free and gets millions of players regardless of GP. But where will those extra subs come from? Xbox sales are dropping like a rock, PC gamers are very firmly rooted in Steam and will just buy it there.

Tacoboto3d ago


If they don't include it on Game Pass, they lose the claim of First-Party Day-One on Game Pass, and thus would begin the slippery slope of what's-ok-to-not-include and the devaluing of the service, and further sinking Microsoft/Xbox's already tarnished reputation.

Stuck between a rock and a hard place and this move buys them time to work out more future-math.

crazyCoconuts3d ago

I still expect a price increase in GP to compensate but who knows. With all the factors in play like COD points there are too many variables for someone on the outside to predict what will happen. I assume they have a forecast model where this all looks peachy.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3d ago
Garethvk3d ago

When the game does not hit 1 Billion in revenue in under two weeks they will wonder why and the next thing you know; Season Updates will no longer be free.

Noskypeno3d ago

Yup, the CEO needs a new yacht and private jet

Abear213d ago

Yeah I expect paid DLC and season pass in your face, now you are buying for a game you are renting

neomahi3d ago

That's where they're relying on PC and PlayStation gamers to pick up the slack. They know their business model isn't lasting so in order to give it away "free" for Xbox, they're banking on PC and PS5 customers to make up for the sales loss on Xbox, otherwise they wouldn't be able to pull this off like they want to. Xbots don't see it but, it's their gaming brethren that'll keep their console manufacturer afloat a little longer because the service they hold so dear isn't viable anymore. So, it's by the good graces of their fellow gamers they live to fight another day.

Consumers don't understand how Xbox Game Pass really works. It's not about the volume, and maybe Xbox doesn't want them to know. It's not about how many games you play. Developers don't make money by how many people play their game, it's HOW LONG you play. How many hours to put in.

Customers like David Jaffe that only like to sample don't help the service succed. Jaffe is a cheapskate stoner who spends all his money on Diet Coke, Jolly Ranchers, and weed to fry his brains (it's medically proven, sorry to disappoint) but Jaffe wants as much as he can get for as little so, he's not much of an advocate. But he also plays games for a little while and then gives up, it's just his personality, maybe A.D.D. or something, but Game Pass is dependent on how long a gamer sinks hours in. Why do you think Phil Spencer wants Helldivers 2? Because gamers don't put it down. Hellblade II, they'll play the campaign and then be done. Games like that sink to the bottom of the pile, they disappear. Xbox LIKES Games as a Service business models because it sells their service, but that model doesn't work for Sony, Helldivers was a stroke a luck, lightning that won't hit twice because PS fans don't want that. But that's how Xbox keeps it's games at the top of the list and on their service. The longer you play a single game, that's how devs make money

purple1013d ago

subscribers go up, execs celebrate win, get bonus, price goes up, subscribers go down,

execs dont care, got their bonus,

MrDead3d ago

If it works CEOs and shareholders get a payday and if it doesn't even more studios get closed by MS so CEOs and shareholders get a payday.

Elda3d ago

It will sell on PC & PS but as long as COD is for rent on Gamepass it will not sell well on the XB platform. Most folks such as myself that like COD just for the campaign would rather rent it for that month instead of paying $70 plus tax for the game.

IAMRealHooman3d ago

Your smart.
its 70 for base plus 10 to 20 for a season pass plus another 30 for there better season pass,

darthv723d ago

...now you are finally getting how to use GP. No commitments, just play what is offered. if you like it so much and want to keep a copy for yourself... you can buy it when you want to. I used to buy games based on if they looked appealing and have been burned many times on things. With this, I can try before I buy. And I have actually bought several games after having rented them in the service. It literally is like the old days of renting only you get the whole store instead of pay per rental.

Elda3d ago

I've been knowing how to use Gamepass. I sub the service yearly & I play games on the service that I don't have to pay the full price for such as Persona 3:Reload. I mostly play & pay for games on my PS5 but if a game lands on GP that I'm interested in playing & I don't have to buy a copy for the PS5 I'll definitely play it on Gamepass.

MrDead3d ago

And there you have it, it's like you actively want to destroy the industry. Just rent the games and then buy them, knowing that doesn't happen and the actual cost of pushing a rental service is studios closures and firings.

So far MS has done nothing with Bethesda and Activision except limit where they sell, close successful studies, fire thousands and mass industry consolidation. No new games are being made that weren't already coming and some like Tangos future titles that they were working on we will never get to see now because of MS and their greed.

Massive industry consultation benefits only the company doing it, consumers and the workforce always lose out because of it. What MS is doing leads to cuts and a lesser end product. If MS had spent the money on making games instead of taking them away we would have a far healthier industry, instead we have the same games but with restrictions and a service that has cannibalised sales.

Garethvk2d ago

PC Games are also on Gamepass.

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10 Biggest Xbox Mistakes of All Time (So Far)

The Xbox brand has done a lot of good over the years, but their various blunders are pretty wild to look back on in their magnitude.

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piroh15d ago (Edited 15d ago )

Ironically number 9 can save them at this point (releasing games on multiple platforms)

ChasterMies14d ago

By “save them” you mean make more profit for Microsoft. Xbox will still be a dying hardware platform.

OtterX15d ago

You could add the naming scheme for the consoles, it just confuses customers. I know they wanted to avoid traditional numbering bc it would always be lower than their competitor, but this whole 360 then One then Series thing is confusing af. Imagine a Soccer Mom trying to figure this stuff out. I still mistakenly call the Series X the One from time to time on accident.

RNTody15d ago

Don't forget about the Xbox One, Xbox One X and Xbox Series X! Good luck to Soccer moms around the world.

S2Killinit14d ago (Edited 14d ago )

They did that on purpose to confuse and direct attention away from the generational numbering.

MS doesn’t like reminding people that they joined the industry after others had already been involved in gaming.

For instance, they called the xbox “360” to combat PlayStation “3” because they wanted to seem like “more” than “3”, so instead of xbox 2, they opted for xbox 360. Also this had the additional benefit of selling consoles to uninformed parents who might purchase a “360” instead of a “3” by mistake, or because they thought 360 was more than 3. Kind of a disingenuous move.

They have been continuing with their confusing naming patterns for pretty much the same reasons. Frankly, it fits with who and what they are as a brand.

FinalFantasyFanatic14d ago

I can understand their reasoning, but whoever came up with that naming scheme should be fired, bad naming schemes have killed consoles (I'm pretty sure it was the major reason for the downfall of the WiiU). They should have had unqiue names like Nintendo and Sega have had for their consoles, far less confusing for the consumer.

rob-GP10d ago

@FinalFantasyFanatic "They should have had unqiue names like Nintendo..."

lol, you mean:

GameBoy, GameBoy Advanced, GameBoy Colour, GameBoy SP
3DS, 3DS XL, New 3DS, New 3DS XL
Wii, Wii U
Switch, Switch OLED

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 10d ago
Cacabunga15d ago (Edited 15d ago )

Phil Spencer is the worst that has happened to Xbox.
They built a respectable brand up to Xbox one. Then this guy took over and things became a joke

Reaper22_14d ago

He still has his job. Something you can't say about Jim Ryan.

Cacabunga14d ago

Both bad execs. One is on job and one thankfully retired.

FinalFantasyFanatic14d ago (Edited 14d ago )

I didn't like either person, both people damaged their respective brands and produced worse outcomes, but Phil did save the Xbox brand from being retired by Microsoft. Although in hindsight, he should have just let it die, rather than languish in limbo like it is now.

Rainbowcookie13d ago

Yeah but the one that was "bad" didn't even affect sales.

bunt-custardly14d ago

Phil Spencer was also on the team back when 360 was around, alongside Shane Kim, Peter Moore etc. I think the damage that did the most harm was the Don Mattrick "Always Online" console (ahead of its time basically). They handed Sony and Nintendo a free-pass when that was revealed. It went downhill from there. Then the corporate machine went into full swing to try and recover. They have to a degree as a games company for the masses, and less so for the core gamer. Outside USA, the Xbox brand does not sell as well as Japanese based consoles (citation needed).

Cacabunga14d ago

Want a decision maker. The always online and TV plans was a disaster yes, but they caught up by announcing 1st party games that gamers actually kept the hype going.. until this moron took over and introduced the PC day one release.. e all know where that ended..

S2Killinit14d ago

I dont think they were ever a respectable brand, not since the beginning, when their goal was never to be involved and share in the gaming space. I think the OG xbox was an exception because MS as a brand was still getting its foot in and so the people behind that were people of the gaming industry.

FinalFantasyFanatic14d ago

The 360 was the brand in its prime though, everything went downhill towards the end of that generation. Its staple games like Halo, Forza and Gears are what kept the console relevant and afloat for so long.

MaximusPrime_15d ago

Really good video.

I remember the days with RRoD was big news on here, N4G.

Microsoft had it turbulence number of years.

Looking at the success of Sea of Thieves despite being 6 years old, time to release Halo, Forza horizon 4 & 5 on PS5. It'll help their revenue

shinoff218314d ago (Edited 14d ago )

2 of the 4 games they did already sold really well. So it's definitely going down. Idk about halo or forza but I feel those studios they've bought in the last 5 years, their coming

ChasterMies14d ago

I found this video painful to watch. Can someone list them out?

Top 10 for me from are:
1. 2013 reveal presentation
2. Bundling Kinect 2 with Xbox One
3. RRoD or why rushing to market with hardware is always a bad idea.
4. Buying studios only to close them.
5. Ads on the Home Screen
6. Letting Halo die.
7. Letting Geard of War die.
8. Every console name
9. Charging for Xbox Live on Xbox 360 when Sony let PS3 players play online for free.
10. Cancelling release of OG Xbox games after the Xbox 360 launched.

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