
Kamiya: 'Bayonetta 2's' exclusivity up to Nintendo

Hideki Kamiya, the main man behind the high-flying sequel Bayonetta 2, won't move his upcoming Wii U exclusive to other consoles unless it's by Nintendo's orders.

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bicfitness4112d ago

When it bombs (which it will, surely) it will get the inevitable port. Or they'll just bury the IP entirely. I think it was a gross miscalculation to put this out on the Wii U alone. It should have been multiplatform from the start, perhaps with added DLC or something for the Wii U, if Platinum ever had any intentions of making the game sell. Why make a cult hit game, then release the sequel to an audience (Nintendo users) on a so-so performing console why are unfamiliar with the IP and more interested in Mario and Zelda? I assume that there was a boatload of money involved, but I doubt that much of that will actually be recouped. The original game sold under a million on both platforms combined, what are people at Nintendo HQ smoking to think that it will sell anywhere near that on an install base that will 1/10 (generous estimate, if they hit 10m by Christmas 2013) the size?

I'm also still not clear on who owns the IP. I would assume that Platinum does, but that Nintendo owns a stake of this particular sequel. I'm sure that litigious issues could be circumvented with a "Sigma" type release. A Bayonetta sequel with enough added content not to be called the Bayonetta 2.

NewMonday4112d ago (Edited 4112d ago )

It is like with GoW on the 360, Epic own the IP but MS have publishing rights.

Who is taking odds on Nintendo publishing a second party game on the PS3/360, they are fully funding the development of the game, meaning Platinum are fully payed for their work.

And this is the first time I heard of The Wonderful 101, it has a trailer on YouTube, a crazy game that finally makes the WiiU a must buy for me.

bicfitness4112d ago (Edited 4112d ago )

I could have sworn that MS was involved in the development of Ninja Gaiden 2 (that one actually says "MS Game Studios" right on the box) and possibly Mass Effect, and we know how that turned out.

3rd party exclusivity is entirely dead, only reason you'll see it is if it boils down to a lack of interest and/ or porting resources. Telling yourself otherwise is a myth.

The question still remains on who owns the IP. If Platinum do, which we have no reason or indicator to believe that they do not, then there are a number of ways to see a Bayonetta 2ish game on different platforms.

Edit: Sold around 1.75 million since 2009. Initial figure quoted was for the launch period.

Ezz20134112d ago

Epic own the Ip for gears and said they can do what ever they want with it

NewMonday4112d ago

It all depends on the terms of the deal and the extent of the publishing rights.

For example Sony hold full rights to the Deamon Souls IP, but the developers want to go multi-platform so they had to go with a new name.

For GoW MS are probably paying more to Epic to keep exclusive and cover the potential sales on the PS3, becaus the game has become almost as big as Halo. But in the case of NG and Mass Effect they didn't pay extra so they became multi-platform.

But looking at similar kind of deals Nintendo did with Level-5 for professor Layton Nintendo can choose to keep holding the rights, or let it go if it doesn't sell much like case of NMH on the Wii wich released eventually on the Pas3

Knight_Crawler4112d ago

The Mass Effect 1 releasing on the PS3 still has me puzzled.

I would understand if they called the game ME Alpha or something diffrent and change the color of the blood but the game is the same game that they release on the 360.

Maybe it had something to do with the agreement that MS signed with Bioware or maybe EA and MS worked out a deal where EA would give MS back next gen...guess we will never know as we dont have access to those type of things that happen behind closed dorrs.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4112d ago
--Onilink--4112d ago

well that boatload of money you mention is actually Nintendo partially funding the game, because otherwise it would have never existed. So you can imagine Nintendo wont be funding a game that will go to other plataforms

Kevlar0094112d ago

Nintendo could always sell rights for release on other consoles, it would depend if MS/Sony would buy in

Starfox174112d ago

It will sell 1 million unit plus why because we will be starving for a real NEXTGEN game period.

bicfitness4112d ago

It won't be out till fall of this year at the earliest, and probably in Japan only at that point. There will be PS4 and Nextbox around the same time, so no one will be starving for real next-gen games as you've put it. And what will the Wii U install base even be at that period? 7 or 8 million? So you're proposing a 15% (ballpark) sell-through for a niche action title on a system purchased by Mario and Zelda fans? That's hardly realistic.

OmegaSlayer4112d ago

Sega owns the IP. Period.

Basically Kamiya is saying this in a polite way:
"If Nintendo won't give us money to extend the duration of the timed exclusivity period, we will consider the contract fulfilled, and we will release on other platforms"

The problem is that fanboys don't see the reality.
Nintendo "saving" Bayonetta is PR speech, just to put Nintendo in good light with consumers.
Funding does mean a lot of things and not only that they used money to develop the game.
In this case, probably, Nintendo put the money to advertise, package and distribute the product.

You still don't understand how much valuable an Intellectual Property is, and how much it's protected by their owners.
No way Sega (or anyone else) will give to whoever publisher control over a property and lose chances to get other revenues.

If Bayonetta 2 would selll less than Sega would expect, their IP would be burnt unless they market it on other machines.
And International Right always favour the owner of a property over the publisher/distributor.
There is legislation about this stuff.
You should learn it kids.
Ask some lawyers

I think it's a big disservice that no big site explains those principles of the real World that applies to videogame business, but I understand that there wouldn't be anymore megatons to announce, clicks to get and people swalling the baits and filling console producers pockets.

Please grow up and learn that gaming is not MyLittlePony land.
Third party devs look at money, not fans, not rainbows.
They don't choose console wars sides.

bicfitness4112d ago

Thank you for clearing that up (and reinforcing what I was saying at the same time). If Nintendo don't own the IP, what happens to Bayonetta after Bayonetta 2 is anyone's guess. I fully expect to see Bayonetta 2: Sigma Whatever in 2014.

--Onilink--4112d ago

well it also seems you dont understand how a publishing deal can work.

The IP might be of another company (in this case its actually platinun, sega simply published the 1st one) but if on the publishing deal they sign, they have the exclusivity, unless the publisher agree's, the game CANNOT be released on another console.

Example of this, Mass Effect 1 was released on PS3 until Microsoft allowed (was paid by EA) it. Even though the IP was Bioware's, those were the terms of the publishing deal.

Some other examples, GoldenEye and PerfectDark. The publishing deal for PerfectDark did allowed for Rare to release the game on Xbox Live, however Nintendo did not allow such thing for GoldenEye.

So as you can see, there are many factors that can affect what happens, so I wouldnt be so quick to make the kind of statements that you are making.

I would actually be very surprised that Nintendo would sign a publishing deal for a game they are partially funding, that allows Platinum to release the game on other consoles, not saying it cant happen, but its EXTREMELY unlikely

baldulf4112d ago

Sega and Platinum share the rights over the IP.

Nintendo has solely rights over the particular Bayonetta 2 game.

Even all merchandise revenues go to Sega.

OmegaSlayer4112d ago (Edited 4112d ago )

Sega owns all the rights to Bayonetta.
Read on the bottom left of the image.
That's the only truth you will ever have.
Printing false publishing rights infos is a freud, a crime.

You don't seem to understand.
Nintendo can't have rights on Bayonetta 2.
The character, name, fictional universe in Bayonetta is called "Intellectual Property", IP, and SEGA owns it. Period.
It's up to Sega decision how to use the brand and if they want to allow someone to market their IP.
But no one beside Sega can have "rights" of any kind over the Bayonetta IP and related stuff.

Sega can have for example Nintendo publishing in Japan, Microsoft in US and Sony in Eu at the same time (it will never happen but it's possible, just neither Ninty, Sony or MS would sign such deal), having Viz publishing the manga and Nike publish t-shirts at the same time.
Publishers usually markets and distribute the product, make investments that the owner wouldn't do and share the revenues.
Those contracts are ALWAYS timed.

Jesus guys, don't go over the internet spreading BS before understanding legal and commercial terms.

@Onilink, besides pulling it out from your butt, where did you get the false info that Platinum owns the Bayonetta rights?
Check the pic I attached to read the TRUTH.
Check your facts at least thrice before spreading bullshit on internet please.

One last thing, don't believe anything you read on Internet and please check if it's actual and possible in the reality.
People change the truth to accomodate their fanboyism.

SuperShyGuy4112d ago

Do you really think if this game flops on Wii U, like the first on did on the PS360 (enough so that Sega didn't even want to make 2), anyone else is going to jump at the chance to publish a game that already would be a proved failure twice?

In fact you should hope for major success. Because then someone else would want a piece of the pie and the Sega would look for a loop hole.

OmegaSlayer4112d ago (Edited 4112d ago )

One last thing.


Do you think Sony would advertise so much a game whose sequel won't be available on a Playstation platform?
Do you think Sony would be happy to build a fanbase that would eventually buy a WiiU instead of a PS4 to play Bayonetta2?

Bayonetta 2 is not a WiiU exclusive.
You're in denial listening to PR BS from a desperate Nintendo.

The game was already being build and developed on other platforms, then Nintendo shilled some cash for a timed exclusive.

People still think that PR tell people the truth.
7 years of gaming didn't serve anything.

I was on the Bioware forums asking daily Mass Effect on PS3.
I've been blocked on the official twitter account, the devs told me it wouldn't have happened...until the month before the announcement day.
All the time I and others had been asking, the game was in development.

Do not believe what the devs say.

I can also tell you for personal experience that they will hide behind the "we don't comment rumors and speculation" even when the cat slips out of the bag badly.

Tei7774111d ago

I'm fairly confident it was either nintendo exclusivity or no money to fund the game lol.

Not only that but I think it will probably sell more units on the Wii U then, then the 1st game did across both the 360/ps3. Not only will it being an exclusive provide it with free promotion and added hype, there will also be less competition in regards to the wii U software line.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4111d ago
Roccetarius4112d ago (Edited 4112d ago )

I still don't believe Nintendo was the only one interested. The fact that it ends up as an exclusive is very sad. Goodbye existing fan base, welcome to a foreign land.

Stroke6664111d ago

you know the phrase " no such thing as bad publicity" ? this will be the case, there are more people complaining than tere are people who actually bought the first game. but all the boohooing has peaked a shitload of wii u owners attention, now its certain it will sell well on the system then do another sequel exclusive to nintendo. i can't imagine it going multiplat.

chamber4112d ago (Edited 4112d ago )

That sucks i wished they found a multi-platform publisher. Why develop a fanbase as a multi-platform then shortchange the fans by not releasing a sequel on those platforms. I wished they offered new games to nintendo and kept boyetta a multi-platform.

I get Gears of Wars cause at the start they really decided to develop it with Microsoft

Stroke6664111d ago (Edited 4111d ago )

a fanbase of like 600,000 isnt really steep enough to worry about stepping on any toes. funny part is i bought part one on my 360 cause a friend suggested it. now part two is coming to my favorite companies console. lol i traded in my 360 to get my wii u. honestly cant say im disappointed. you can always go grab a wii u and enjoy it or I can send you a detailed review lol whatever floats your boat

RTheRebel4112d ago

bayonetta 2 ain't going anywhere lol

Blastoise4112d ago

People said that about Mass effect though..

RTheRebel4112d ago

ea offered cash to microsoft for mass effect and m$ love money and they dont mind losing exclusives lol

FinalomegaS4112d ago

did you just read the what I read?

“We’re a development company. Nintendo gives us money, we make Bayonetta 2 and Wonderful 101, and they sell it,” he said. “So, if Nintendo says ‘We’re putting Bayonetta 2 on PS3/360,’ it’ll come out on those platforms. So ask Nintendo about it…”

wishingW3L4112d ago (Edited 4112d ago )

and Ninja Gaiden and Resident Evil 4... But Kamiya seem loyal to Nintendo so I don't think it's gonna happen because he was the one that pushed to make the Resident Evil franchise exclusive to Nintendo after all. Kamiya's a Nintendo fanboy at heart. He even wrote angry comments on Twitter when PlayStation All-Stars was announced!

Starfox174112d ago (Edited 4112d ago )

This is a little more important than Rayman crappy legends played the demo its crap in my eyes,graphics are some of the best ive seen in a 2d platformer but its not that great.

4112d ago
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Hideki Kamiya On Why He Left PlatinumGames, His YouTube Channel, and His Next Game

In a wide-ranging interview with IGN, game developer legend Hideki Kamiya reveals why he left Bayonetta maker PlatinumGames and what's next.

darthv72150d ago

Long shot here but with him out of the picture... MS could get PG to finish Scalebound. As it is, the project was shelved and Ms still had all the work they had done up to that point. HK's mismanagement of multiple projects is what caused MS to pull the plug, but I feel they still wanted to get it done at some point.

gold_drake148d ago

if MS hasnt picked it up yet,it will never return. it was cancelled in 2017. 6 years ago.

MS owns the IP, not PlatinumGames.

Cacabunga148d ago

I have been waiting for a new Vanquish for a long time!! I barely imagine how the result could be on PS5

isarai150d ago

Sounds like Tencent influence was something he wasn't down with.

Levii_92149d ago

Sorry,you have been blocked by Hideki Kamiya. ❌

Zenzuu149d ago

“My work with Platinum Games was based on a relationship of trust with the company. I decided to leave because I felt that the direction the company was heading in was different from my beliefs as a developer. Without that element of trust, I couldn’t continue working there, and so I left, so that I could continue working in what I consider to be the right way.

“I don't think of games as products, but rather as works of art. I want to put my artistry into games and deliver games that could only be made by Hideki Kamiya, so that players can enjoy Hideki Kamiya games exactly as they are. I decided to leave the company and forge my own path, to continue making games that reflect the developers who made them.”


Hideki Kamiya Would Like to Make New Viewtiful Joe and Okami Games, Comments on Bayonetta's Future

Legendary developer Hideki Kamiya said that he'd like to make new Viewtiful Joe and Okami games with Capcom, he commented on the future of Bayonetta and on the possibility of collaborating with other creators like Tomonobu Itagaki.

XiNatsuDragnel171d ago

I hope he makes new ip in the future

lucian229170d ago

please no more viewtiful joe; game was cool the first time but i really dislike the whole look and attitude of it.

either make a new okami or a new ip


I want a new Viewtiful Joe as well, and also Viewtiful Joe 1 and 2 remade from the ground up for Switch. 😎

lucian229170d ago

pretty sure the visuals would have to be turned down; switch isnt strong enough to handle ps2 games

shadowknight203170d ago (Edited 170d ago )

Comedy at its finest. Upvote from me. Bought a switch twice, it's fun, but man, I always forget how Nintendo does things differently, I don't necessarily hate on it, but u gotta really stick with first party titles to enjoy there systems. And that wasn't always the case for them. Once upon a time.

FinalFantasyFanatic170d ago


The Switch's first party titles amaze me, you can get games that look and run that well on such old tech, but it's hopeless for AAA third parties, It makes games like BoTW/ToTK look like miracles.

shadowknight203170d ago

It goes to show, maybe I don't know anything, but I feel Nintendo might have there own engine for there studios? Something that works hand in hand with there hardware. I don't know I don't read up on the tech side of Nintendo developers

FinalFantasyFanatic169d ago


I know the physics engine they built for Zelda is pretty nuts to the point that most developers don't understand how it was possible to run something so complex on the Switch. But I also feel like Nintendo optimises their games like crazy, if you look at any game development documentaries on Youtube, you'll see that they optimise heavily for the hardware they have available.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 169d ago
fsfsxii170d ago

i hope he quits the bs of cramming minigames in his games that deter replay value and distract from the main course

shadowknight203170d ago

But everyone loves playing sub games inside of games, hell maybe he can incorporate mini games inside of mini games, he could create the next big gimmick like quick time events were

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Hideki Kamiya will be leaving PlatinumGames on October 12, 2023

Hideki Kamiya will be leaving PlatinumGames on October 12, 2023.

-Mika-231d ago

Phil better have that check ready. Hideki expertise and knowledge would be a great asset to the Xbox team and can possibly bring growth in the Asia region.

VersusDMC230d ago

Phil already canceled a Kamiya game(Scalebound) so we know he doesn't have the check ready. And that check couldn't keep Shinji Mikami there either...but maybe?

CrimsonWing69230d ago

I’m still bitter about that cancellation. Even if it was in dev hell he could’ve given it to an internal studio.

Obscure_Observer230d ago


"I’m still bitter about that cancellation. Even if it was in dev hell he could’ve given it to an internal studio."

Are you crazy???

That would be extremely disrespectful!

Michiel1989230d ago

@obscure as if one of ms's own studios would know how to get the game out the door in a great way. Remember what happened when they did that with Duke Nukem Forever?

20nmrtnz230d ago

Tencent and Netease around the corner: Bonjour!

AdonisIsBeast230d ago (Edited 230d ago )

Was the 69 billion dollar acquisition plus 8 billion for Zenimax not enough lol?

-Foxtrot230d ago

How sudden, I wonder what changed.

Maybe after the certain story choices and direction for Bayonetta 3 they can hopefully make it more like the first two games.

justsomeoffdude230d ago

i've always felt platinum games lack of growth/failures can be traced back to kamiya. He seems like a very troublesome person to work with

230d ago Replies(1)
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