
Valve to bring Portal, Half-Life to the Big Screen, New Hitman Movie set to Ruin Universe

Everyone knows films about games are pretty terrible, but today a spark of hope has been ignited with the news that Valve is eyeing up Hollywood… while new Hitman news points to the most horrific film creation since Uwe Boll tried to film himself making a game. Holding back tears of joy and vomiting convulsions simultaneously, Daily Reaction’s Seb and Dan try to facepalm and high five, but get confused and end up slapping each other.

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doctorstrange4151d ago

Now that hitman there scares the shit out of me

Foolsjoker4151d ago

Nothing worse than a sad hitman.

plaZeHD4151d ago

Nothing worse than smiling Hitman.

Ezz20134151d ago

when did you see him smile or happy?!

ApolloTheBoss4151d ago (Edited 4151d ago )

No no, it's all good. I mean it's not like I HAD to sleep this month.

NastyDaddeh4150d ago


OhReginald4150d ago

nah he would talk too much if he was hitman....

spicelicka4150d ago

ryan gosling lol, if he acts like he did in "drive" and didn't smile, he'd make a damn good hitman!!

Root4151d ago (Edited 4151d ago )

I can't believe the Hitman news, so many talented actors in Hollywood and they always pick the ones who can't pull off a video game character

I mean this guy is our new Hitman


Can you honestly imagine him being the blad, cold hearted killer....nope

As for the Half Life/Portal movie possibility I'd say it's pretty good that so far JJ Abrams has expressed an interest in it

I'd rather them do Half Life though, Portal would be trickier to do in my opinion, possible but trickier. I mean it would probably have to be a comedy/psychological film seeing Chell crack under the pressure of being isolated underground, doing test after test after test

ninjahunter4150d ago

The guy at my safeway should play hitman. I dont have any pics, but seriously, other than his goofy personality and a lack of a bar code, he is like a twin. Much better than sir smiley there.

DeadlyFire4150d ago

I think if they are going to do Portal they have to start with Half-Life story to get a feel of the Half-Life universe and technology.

dbjj120884151d ago

I don't want any of those movies.

TrendyGamers4151d ago

Looking forward to the Portal and Half-Life movies. I didn't mind the first Hitman movie, but will probably skip on the reboot.

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Valve Just Patched A Two-Decade Old Bug In Half Life

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Barlos207d ago

Been replaying this on my steam deck now that it's been updated with modern controls and is now fully verified. Have to say I'm surprised to see how well it holds up. Was a great game in 1998 and it's still a great game 25 years on.

Fist4achin207d ago

Someone is working on a half life game. HL3 confirmed...


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