
MGS4 Demonstration

It is not a new video, it is quite dated actually. But, I hadn't seen it so I thought maybe some of you guys missed it. I certainly don't hear many people mention it. It is a very cool video and very impressive. Check it out.

specialguest6501d ago

to all of you who thought MGS4 was CG crap, there you have it. everything is in real-time as demonstrated in the video.

kmis876501d ago

If they hit that for the actual game, it's going to be one of the best looking games ever!

Daytona6501d ago (Edited 6501d ago )

There was nothig to be excited about from this video. The frames froze up or bottlenecked up until they said they froze screen and the beginning was CGI from a cut scene that was ingame, you didn't see actual game play, but yes they do have a chance to bring about better game play than was shown/demo'd at the last showing. It was very bad and looked like ps2 footage, really.

MGS4 is going to be sony's savior if they can save it/polish/fix it up, otherwise it's just going to add to the frustration of the system.

This of course is just my opinion, an XBOX 360 and MS fan. Take it for what it's worth.

JIN KAZAMA6501d ago

"This of course is just my opinion, an XBOX 360 and MS fan. Take it for what it's worth."

A biased, hater, insecure fanboy's oppinion.

mad6500d ago

This doesn't look like a ps2 footage...you must be a real extreme xbox fanboy to say that. It is far from finished and in youtube quality and it looks so much better than many of the next-gen game currently available on x360, and you're comparing this to PS2? WOW. As in the video "The polygon amount for only Snake's mustache in MGS4 is same as one enemy soldier in MGS3"...so you see you just can't compare.


"A biased, hater, insecure fanboy's opinion."

sounds like a guy named Jin I know...

Daytona6499d ago

The truth hurts doesnt it?

Seriously, the demo'd footage you just saw for MGS4 just a couple weeks ago was like 10x worse than the march footage, so understand the march footage wasn't in game, ok, what you saw weeks ago was and wasn't very good. It can get better since it won't be released until nexxt year but it's not good as of now. With the underpowered rsx and cell maybe that's why there showing and using alot of CGI since in ga me isn't looking good.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 6499d ago
TheMART6500d ago

Well guys, what's to be exited about?

It's CGI, video output. And the worst thing to read is: the devkit.

That is high end hardware SIMULATING a PS3. We don't know if these are tweaked to high compared to the endproduct what will be sold in the shops.

These CGI movies can be made on any console from this gen. I mean, watch the Halo 3 trailer of E3 2006. That's all inengine. They say it'll be like that ingame. I first need to see more to be able to tell they will.

This is the same story. I don't believe anything Sony or it's softwaremates tell us untill I've seen ingame stuff.

Go watch Gears of War or Lost Planet ingame. Now then I am starting to drewl. With this I am only starting to think if again it's another Killzone story or it'll be really good

OutpostCommand6500d ago (Edited 6500d ago )

Good lord...not only are you ignorant, but you are erroneous.
It is clearly stated its in Real Time.

EDIT: TheMart...do you actually know what a Dev Kit is ?

A Dev Kit has equivilant power to a PS3, but with privaleges to develop a game.
It is hardly superior to the console itself.

Bebedora6500d ago

To 4.1> Adding to that about the devkit, it was'nt the final hardware of the devkit. At TGS it was in ver 0.93 I've heard. So the final was released shortly after the TGS (Not sure but about that timeframe). Dont take it as fact, but this was not run optimized softwarewize nor hardwarewize.

Raist6500d ago

Some guys here don't know what a CGI is... lolz

Could look like a very generic term, but the fact is that CGI are pre-rendered scenes. Just like an intro from a FF game for instance. A CGI is in NO WAY rendered in real time, so you can't change camera angles, lights etc.
This video shows some real time rendering with a dev kit. And yes, a dev kit basically is a PS3. What did you think ? That they developped games on allmighty silicon graphics gamestations ? rofl

Bebedora6500d ago

Exactly. It's not CGI/movie or what ever pre-render technique. That's why I still am laughing about the crazy graphics shown in this vid. I dont know how tallented Kojima must be, but for sure he's not an amateur. Man, that was WOW. I wont even buy the game probably, but very impressive. I do have MGS 3 "snake eater" to try it. I can understand why people like it, but I think it's not my kind of game. Have to try it more.

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Sonyslave319h ago

I like which ever one, Raiden was speed blasting muthafkers.

monkey6023h ago

I agree. 9 was awesome

Shaolin Monks next please

vTuro242h ago

Shaolin Monks is a forgotten gem. I would love to see a new one, or a remake of the old.

vTuro242h ago

That game was actually goated. It was the first time ever that I actually tried to get good at a fighting game. Unfortunately the online connection was so dogshit it made it hard to enjoy and eventually I gave up. Haven't really played much fighting games since.


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Knightofelemia1d 3h ago (Edited 1d 3h ago )

The Xenosaga trilogy, the Wild Arms games, Xenogears, Parasite Eve, Dino Crisis, Suikoden. The Warriors game I know nothing about but it looks interesting. Anybody can do a list of games they want to see get modernized I would lose my shit if Namco brought the Xenosaga trilogy to modern consoles.