
Take Two CEO Comments on GTA V's Dual Generation Release

In an investor's call regarding the company's third quarter results, CEO of Take Two Interactive discussed the future of the company in large terms as well some burning questions as to the future of GTA V. One popular notion as of recent has been the possibility of Take Two releasing two versions of the game that play on both current gen systems and next gen as well. Though his statements weren't by any means concrete, as to not take away the spotlight from the people who should be allowed to unveil their next machines, he did have an opinion on whether fans would wait for a second "optimized" version of the game, after it's initial release.

Prcko4154d ago (Edited 4154d ago )

so gta on next ps and xbox confirmed?
or maybe not?
i hate stupid answers like this -.-

adorie4154d ago

He has to answer like this. What I believe it is basically subtle confirmation that the game is in the works for the next gen consoles, but can't go out right and say so, because he has to respect the relationship of their partners.

Hydrolex4154d ago (Edited 4154d ago )

Hmm if that's true then I might hold myself and wait for the next consoles to play GTA V so I can enjoy better graphics and performance... but damn that's gonna be a "Mission Impossible"

or hopefully they will release for PC so I can use my 2k+ computer to max it out

I AM,,,, a huge graphic whore !!

FlyingFoxy4154d ago

Hydrolex i hope your max resolution is 1080P even with the best graphics card, or you'll be getting low framerates, i'm a framerate whore, graphics come second ;)

BLuKhaos4154d ago

Yeah same here. Even though I have a PC that can max out most games I still run most games on low or medium for maximum frames.

Hydrolex4154d ago

oh baby there's no game that would run slow on my pc, GTX 690, i5 3750 4.6 32gb ram

Sgt_Slaughter4154d ago

Why 32GB? After about 12 it seems pointless... Great specs, none-the-less.

t0mmyb0y4154d ago

Do you know how much more developing costs this would be? They are just generating more interest. How many people have a PS3 that will prob buy it compared to launch PS4 install base that may buy it along with all the other launch titles. GTA5 won't be on PS4.

metroid324154d ago

WiiU,PS4,720 Versions will be coming i think.

I'm looking forward to Lego City WiiU,290 different characters to morph into wow from firemen to a fishermen all with slapstick humour day1.

nypifisel4153d ago


Lol if you gotta play games on low/medium to get "good framerate" then your computer can't max out games. The definition of a high end computer is one that can play new games on high/max settings in an HD resolution and get good framerate.

Tapani4153d ago

I'm just a normal whore. For me, graphic quality and FPS are lower than other values in games!

I guess I'm lowest of the lowest even in whore class :(

On topic, I see no harm releasing a second GOTY edition with graphic upgrades and DLC in the box for next gen consoles.

SonyWarrior4153d ago

to me that answer means that its only coming to current gen consoles. I wish they do port it though so I can play it on next gen with super far draw distances and being able to snipe people on top of skyscrapers

BLuTheSecond4152d ago

By good FPS I mean 60+ FPS.
I can run BF3 on ultra with full AA @ 38-44FPS but I still run it on medium with full AA for the 60+ FPS.
Then there are also poorly optimized games where I have to scale back things to hit the 60+ FPS mark even though my hardware is more than capable.
Like I said in my original comment, when given the chance I always pick framerate over details.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4152d ago
MikeMyers4154d ago

It's a political answer because they still want to treat gamers are gullible idiots.

BLuKhaos4154d ago

It is a political answer because they want to cover their butts in case some entitled gullible idiot gamer decides to sue them for "false advertisement" after they say they would make "X" game for "Y" console and then don't.

MikeMyers4154d ago (Edited 4154d ago )

"Yea? For what purpose?"

1. Could be because neither the next Xbox or the PS4 have been officially announced yet.

2. They may not want gamers to know the timeline if the next gen. version comes out later, which of course could stall current gen versions.

3. There is an exclusive deal going on in the background.

4. One of the next gen. consoles could be coming sooner than we think.

There are a bunch of reasons but again we get wishy-washy answers. I don't know why the videogame industry runs so much differently than the movie studios. Games are more often shrouded in secrecy, much more than movies.

Saigon4154d ago


I am starting to think it has to do with choices 3 and 4 that you gave.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4154d ago
yeahokchief4154d ago (Edited 4154d ago )

Just enjoy the best game of all time.

It took how them how many years to make it? And you think you'll wait for a next gen version. lol. uhhh. have fun with that.

He pretty much said buying a PS4 to wait for GTA V would be like stealing a corvette when you don't know how to drive stick. Cuz like.... yeah it's awesome, but what are you going to do with it?


xursz4154d ago

Killzone Mercenary? ;P

JoySticksFTW4153d ago

"Just enjoy the best game of all time."

You damn right I enjoy Demon's Souls! :D

On topic though, I'm one of the GTA fans that thought IV took a step back from Vice City or San Andreas.

I like the looser fun style of the older games, which IV's BOGT dlc captured. I hope GTA V remembers the fun as well as the gritty story.

showtimefolks4154d ago

most people who want GTA5 will buy it within 1st 30 days, le's say they say GTA5 coming to ps4 and next xbox in early 2014 does that mean you will wait another 3-6 months for most likely minor upgrades?

when consoles come out for 1st year or so most games are port which doesn't represent what the system is truly capable of. I rather them working on next GTA from ground up for next gen systems.

also what he said is so true, early on the install bases are so small for systems its not worth the risk of only releasing it on next gen systems, expect to hear that line a lot because a lot of games will come out on current and next gen systems at the same time.

by the time GTA5 comes out both ps3 and xbox360 will be way pass 80 million sales wise.

BattleTorn4153d ago

It would mean I re-purchase it.n (like I would on PC, later - if not on next-gen)

FlyingFoxy4154d ago (Edited 4154d ago )

All Rockstar need to do is up the texture quality/draw distance etc.. and release it on PS4/720, it'll probably look as good as the PC release on high settings if they did that.

Though i'm excited for the PC release, as long as Rockstar know what they're doing with the multiplayer it could end up as fun as SA-MP and have well over 50 players with editable game modes.

LocutusEstBorg4154d ago

Console image quality automatically looks like shit compared to PC. Any PC right from an onboard GeForce 6200 to a GTX 690 will render the game identically pixel for pixel.

konnerbllb4154d ago

Well when you have to question their answer it usually means yes. So I would plan on both next gen and this gen supported, although not at launch.

LocutusEstBorg4154d ago

Doesn't matter. The PC version will be superior to the next gen versions.

4153d ago
rainslacker4153d ago

He's bound by Non-disclosure agreements to not reveal any information regarding any next gen technology from any company. He would have them from Sony, MS, and Nintendo.

BuLLDoG9094153d ago

"There is not one gamer who is going to sit out of GTA V hoping that something that is going to come along down the road that's better. It's going to blow everyone away"

To me that says, no there wont be 2 copies, and that people will be blown away by the game and wont wait out playing it in hopes for a release on next gen...

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4152d ago
MultiConsoleGamer4154d ago

He seemed to avoid the question.

They asked him if there would be a release on next gen systems and he avoided the subject and gave a non answer.

LOGICWINS4154d ago

He could have easily shot it down, but instead pulled the run around.

LOGICWINS4154d ago

"There is not one gamer who is going to sit out of GTA V hoping that something that is going to come along down the road that's better. It's going to blow everyone away, and it's going to be in the market in September,"


There WILL be a better version for next-gen consoles, but it won't stop most people from getting it on current gen consoles because most people won't spend $399+ to get a slightly better version of the game at launch.

Irishguy954154d ago

Remember King kong Xbox - Xbox 360 version?

GTA5 will probably be porter over with some improvements like Resolution and FPS with some more texture detail or summit

omi25p4154d ago

It could also be like Splinter Cell Double Agent PS2 - PS3. They were literally two completely different games.

Different story, levels everything.

Double_O_Revan4154d ago

The biggest issue with them releasing it so close to the next gen is, for those people that trade in old systems to get the new ones. Now do they wait to sell and buy next gen because they likely won't have BC? Or do they miss out?

Solution: make it for both.

I like the idea of it, but will it come out closer to this gens release? Or will we have to wait 6 months for the PS4/720 release? We would need a concrete answer. Because I would like to get it on PS4, I won't wait 6 months to a year for it.

acmegamer4153d ago

So close? Next gen hasn't even been announced yet and even when it is it'll be another year until they go on sale?!

aGameDeveloper4153d ago

Alternate translation:

There WILL be a better version for next-gen consoles, but it won't stop most people from getting it on current gen consoles - which means we will be able to make more money on this game due to people re-purchasing the game when they get their new machines. We are timing this release to get the biggest conversion rate possible.

T24153d ago

Exactly. What else could he say really?
But I didnt enjoy gta iv nearly as much as vice city , hope this ones more fun , less tryhard

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4153d ago
Ps_alm3k4154d ago

smart move. When you dodge a question, it means something.

Root4154d ago

So do I wait until the PS4 or not

Pros and Cons need to weighed out

Pro 1 - Possible better graphics

Con 1 - As a Collectors Edition guy, next gen GTAV might not have the CE.

jon12344154d ago (Edited 4154d ago )

pro of getting it this generation... you get to play it when it gets released, instead of waiting 1 year for them to port it...

vickers5004153d ago

Pro for waiting: you'll get the full, complete edition with all the dlc for the same price as the regular launch copy.

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gold_drake29d ago

i think the only real loss is GTAV

OtterX29d ago

I think everyone and their sister owns the game by now. They likely want to squeeze the rest of the holdouts before GTAVI releases.

Profchaos29d ago

That game comes and goes from subscriptions so frequently I think it's expected now. Like rdr2 on gamepass Rockstar Games only last a max of 3 months On a service

MrBaskerville29d ago

Talos Principle is the real loss.

BanginTunes28d ago

Facts that game is good as fuck I'm playing through 2 now, very underrated

Huey_My_D_Long29d ago

indivisible was pretty neat. Cute artstyle, fun throwback to older RPGs, shame its leaving but it is on sale often

shinoff218329d ago

Definitely. I e joyed what I played of it. Still gotta grab the physical at some point

Petebloodyonion29d ago

I'm not surprised by GTA V removal, Rockstar never allows this game to stay long on a subscription service.
They usually allow 4 to 6 months.

lodossrage29d ago

Yeah, they do that routinely with both GTA and Red Dead.

But it's because they know they can still sell them so they take them off and on to these sub services in cycle.

The weird thing to me is why is anyone still buying those games at this point? You would think after 3 generations of being sold GTA 5 that everyone and their momma would have it by now

RNTody29d ago

I fail to see how the loss of an almost 11 year old game that released across 3 generations is in any way a problem.

29d ago
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