
HotHardware - Sound Advice: Five Gaming Headphones Tested

HotHardware: What separates a premium headset from a blue light special? It's a combination of things, from well designed drivers to comfy ear cups that kiss the sides of your head with a gentle yet firm caress (now we're being melodramatic...a little). And then there's the overall feature-set, the premium extras like a noise-canceling microphone and 5.1 or 7.1 surround sound...We went and rounded up ufive high-end headsets from four different manufacturers.

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Recon 3D Omega Wireless Review | The Game Scouts

Tin Salamunic: It wasn’t too long ago that wiring was essential for those seeking high-end headphone performance. The mere thought of high-quality wireless sound seemed absurd. However, wireless technology has advanced exponentially over the last decade, and while premium audiophile headphones still require direct connectivity for best results, gaming peripheral manufacturers have done a remarkable job of blurring the line between wired and wireless sound delivery. I’ve reviewed at least half a dozen wireless headsets over the last few years, and each new model has exhibited staggering improvements.

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Corsair Vengeance 1400 & 1500 Review - Gamerhub.tv

Gamerhub.tv reviews the new Corsair Vengeance 1400 and 1500 gaming headsets in this exclusive video.

jagiii3949d ago

Corsair makes great products.


Roccat Kave Hardware Review | OnlySP

OnlySP - "The Roccat Kave is a specialist product. Everything about the Kave is focused on delivering a weighty listening experience. The heavy cups and matte black colour reflect the enveloping audio and shaking bass the Kave delivers. If you want to play games or watch fast paced movies and lose yourself in the deep barrage of sound, the Kave will not disappoint. If you want to listen to music, you can whack it on stereo and get average sound out of it, but you won’t get anywhere near the delicate fidelity as a dedicated stereo set. The Kave’s rare combination of real 5.1 surround and vibration driver will appeal to those who value an overall powerful, cinematic audio experience, rather than clear and detailed sound."