
Dead Space 3 Producer: “We Need To Appeal To Action Fans Who’ve Only Played Games On Their Phones”

"Dead Space 3 producer John Calhoun appears to have only added fuel to the fire of recent controversy by suggesting that the use of micro-transactions is actually part of a strategy to attract the ‘smartphone generation’ to the game."

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Breadcrab4198d ago (Edited 4198d ago )

Yes. Clearly someone who spends most of their time playing Angry Birds and Jetpack Joyride is interested in a game like Dead Space.


Root4198d ago

and this is why no one should buy this

If your a super die hard fan at least wait untill it's in the bargain bin

I loved DS but I can not support these guys....I can't support any studio who would ruin a game and screw over their fans to make more money. Not to mention saying silly stuff like this.

Because of us Dead Space fans the game got a sequel and after that it got another one, what we didn't want to see is you guys giving us the middle finger.

Seriously how can people still support them...at this point it's just blind love.

"bu bu but I'm a huge Dead Space fan"

So....grow some balls and stand your ground. Do you want EA doing this to another EA based franchise you'll like in the future.....no you don't

MmaFan-Qc4198d ago (Edited 4198d ago )

"...Action Fans Who’ve Only Played Games On Their Phones"

oh, ...the oxymoron.

thx John Calhoun, now because of your, im gonna get your game on piratebay instead of buying it on steam like unlike last two games.

Ezz20134198d ago (Edited 4198d ago )

i don't get it
why did they destroy what was good about Dead Space ..."the horror"

EA is run by monkeys

SilentNegotiator4198d ago (Edited 4198d ago )

“We Need To Appeal To Action Fans Who’ve Only Played Games On Their Phones”

Cut it, print it, and tell the fanboys to stop kidding themselves; They HAVE dumbed down DS3 for a "wider appeal"

Revolver_X_4198d ago

Im getting tired of seeing your uneducated fanboy rage in every DS3 article. Dont you kids do anything yourselves?


Full video. He explains that there is in game currency that equal to the microtransactions. Microtransactions are for casuals who dont want to grind the game out, and its implented in such a way where someone cant buy a maxed out gun at the start of the game. So, playing with these ppl wouldn't ruin our experience.

Also, coop seems interesting. Carver might hellucinate and see something that the player using Issac wont. Creating dialogue between players seems great if it intensifies the experience. It was confirmed that Issac and Carver in coop have plenty of areas where they split up. Then throw you into the claustraphobic, isolated situations we are familiar with.

Bottomline, quit feeding these misquoting flame articles. Do your own research. He even says the demo was different areas pieced together specifically to show whats new. The monsters in those areas of the demo arent necessarily placed there in the full game.

Oh_Yeah4198d ago (Edited 4198d ago )

This should have been a spin off. Jeez, the only game I've played this gen that gave me some scare, the only game with that jump factor...The horror genre is withering away, and they decide to do this? Turn it into a typical action game. -__- hope I'm wrong but if the game is like the demo, then it'll be a disappointment.

vallencer4198d ago

Nowhere in your rant of "EA is ruining DS" did you even mention how they are ruining DS. The game isn't out and you haven't played it. Yes they are adding co-op but guess what?? You don't have to play it and it doesn't ruin anything if you don't. They aren't forcing you to play co-op. I'm also sure that the title has taken things out of context because that's what N4G is good for. I played the demo and I enjoyed it. How are they screwing over their fans to make more money? It's not like they are adding real money transactions in the game or anything of that sort. Just curious as to why you're flipping shit over this game.

knowyourstuff4198d ago

I've been saying this for months to a plethora of disagrees from idiots, but I'll say it again - EA is, has been, and forever will be a cash whore. They will dilute any franchise and completely alienate the original fanbase in a cheap effort to sell even a little bit more copies than last year. You know, instead of improving on the formula and actually making a better game - instead pander to those fickle phone gamers who aren't used to paying more than 99 cents for a game. EA, you are truly clueless, and your executives deserve to be fired.

MikeMyers4198d ago (Edited 4198d ago )

What do you know, Root has moved onto another new game to attack. What's next, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance? Dragon Age 3? Bioshock Infinite?

DeadSpaced4198d ago

Read this interview before you think you shouldn't buy it.


Root4198d ago (Edited 4198d ago )


Then don't read my comments, just because I speak the truth about EA being greedy and ruining DS like how Capcom ruined RE with RE5 and RE6

Me uneducated....lol

Well done for giving EA your money for giving you the middle finger while they ruin another franchise for more money :)


Do I really need to repeat what's been said a 100 times already. If I did that you would STILL have a dig at me so I can't win either way.


Stop...just stop, don't come into articles and start personal attacking people and start trolling. Seriously people like you should be banned. No wonder people don't like to comment on here, you kind of people like to jump on anyone that has a opinion and pick a fight on articles.

What I do love about you three is that despite everyone stating roughly the same you chose me and only me to say this to. How immature


Really.....and your going to believe then just like that.

Well if thats easy to fool you...

You never guess what happened last night, I won the lottery and I bought myself a house that runs on tuna...how do I get myself in this fishy situations I'll never know

MikeMyers4198d ago (Edited 4198d ago )

"What I do love about you three is that despite everyone stating roughly the same you chose me and only me to say this to. How immature "

Really? So to you it shows maturity to post in every DMC topic thinking there is a conspiracy that it got good reviews, thinking nobody has heard your prior 457 complaints about the game repeated hundreds of times. To you it's very mature to tell everyone to steer clear of that game, this game, Tomb Raider and countless others because only hardcore gamers like yourself are the real mature gamers who can't stand change.

Sure pal.

jdubdoubleu4198d ago

Couldn't have said it any better! They always gotta change stuff, thinking they're making it better.

ZombieNinjaPanda4198d ago


I love it when that argument is used. "OH YOU JUST DONT LIKE CHANGE".

No, it's not that people don't like change, people don't like BAD CHANGE. The way in which this game is being handled is horrible. It's amazing how anti-consumer you and many other people are.

Red_Orange_Juice4198d ago

Ill get ot from torrents (good PC coming soon) and when it's 20 bucks I'll get it used for torphies :)

AngelicIceDiamond4197d ago

I agree EA's doing this just to piss off the people who made them the original Deadspace fans.
EA is losing site of its fanbase.

And it REALLY sucks that I'm not buying that new Insomniac game thanks to EA. Army Of 2 lol nobody asked for and with that dreadful 10 second trailer didn't help.

I never knew the phone gamers or "fanbase" is there one? Would be interested in this. Don't buy into what they're saying folks EA is making crap up to practice their greedy money grabbing tactics.

And yet an honest company like THQ goes under and EA's lying through their teeth to stay relevant, screw you EA seriously SCREW YOU.

ThanatosDMC4197d ago (Edited 4197d ago )

Check how blind the people are on their facebook page but then again the same thing happened to DMC.

Megaton4197d ago (Edited 4197d ago )

If you absolutely must own this game, buy it used. Don't reward EA for their franchise-ruining business plan. It's bad for gaming as a whole moving forward to give EA money.

Also, be wary of EA supporters on the internet. It has been proven that EA actively hires people to say positive things about EA titles on various gaming sites.

ziggurcat4197d ago

are they holding a gun to your head, and forcing you into paying for any of the micro-transactions? will it actually affect the experience if you don't pay for the unlocks instead of finding everything on your own in the game? no? then who the **** cares.

i'm tired of seeing whining/crying/*****ing/moanin g about the most insignificant, inane BS, i'm tired of the "they're giving us the middle finger/screwing over their fans" diatribe because *none of that stuff matters*. how is it giving "us" (don't ever use us or we since you don't speak for everyone) the middle finger/screwing the core fans? because now you can go and waste your money acquiring things that you'd already get without paying extra for in game?

if someone wants to be lazy, and pay for stuff that'll do nothing except fast-track them through the weapon/suit/upgrade acquisition, that's their money to waste. if none of what's going to be available is going to prevent you from acquiring everything through natural progression/exploration, then you really shouldn't be giving a damn.

get over yourself, and get off of your damned soap box.

zerocrossing4197d ago (Edited 4197d ago )

Well, this is a great start to the year huh, first Devil may cry gets butchered and now Dead Space....

Can't devs just leave their damn franchises alone when they are doing just fine? Instead of trying to appeal to a demographic that wasn't even interested to begin with, they just end up ruining it for the core fans and loose those of us that supported their games from the start.

kostchtchie_4197d ago

well said mate, i doubt people will, but you can count on me not not buy it, they have ruined this IP with there action bullshit in 2 & 3

MikeMyers4197d ago (Edited 4197d ago )

ZombieNinjaPanda wrote,
"No, it's not that people don't like change, people don't like BAD CHANGE. The way in which this game is being handled is horrible."

There are certain types of people on forums, and that is those who continually pick on things to complain about. They are also less likely to mention how games change for the better. It's the same thing when playing online, they are more likely to make a negative comment about their experience than a positive one. Does that apply to everyone in this thread who doesn't like what they are seeing or hearing from the producer? Of course not. My earlier comment was directed at one person and after seeing that one person on this forum quite a few times I can attest to you that he is what I am talking about. I wouldn't have an issue with that if it were just random acts but he has and will continue to keep going into every topic about those games just like he did with DMC. There's a difference between and opinion and an agenda and his agenda is to convince others to agree and steer clear of these games he has chosen. If getting people on his side doesn't work he will keep repeating himself in other topics like a virus.

"It's amazing how anti-consumer you and many other people are."

Really? You have no idea what my purchases have been. I am a consumer just like you. I don't rush out and buy the same things everyone else does. I don't own a Kinect so if you think I am all for casual gaming you are wrong. I also don't think games need to degrade themselves just for more sales. However I also not a half empty glass kinda guy who has knee-jerk reactions to everything that is said on the internet. I play games to have fun and don't involve myself with all the politics that go on within them behind the scenes. I also understand how the industry is changing. We have a generation of gamers who have grown up and are clashing with new generation of fans. The industry is also expanding to a wider audience. We also have more choice now more than any other time in history of games to choose from. So they will need to try other tactics to get consumers to stay and online is going to be a key area they focus on. With that the single player experience may erode and I understand this fight to keep that alive. I too love single player experiences.

I was very apprehensive when Uncharted went with an online mode. I thought it was wasted resources but low and behold Uncharted 2 was an awesome game. I dare to say even better than the original. Which is why I will give this game a chance. I understand the isolation Dead Space started out with and how creepy the atmosphere was and adding online and co-op could ruin the original concept. At the same token I am up for new ideas with new channels the game could lean towards.

At the end of the day I am very much a consumer. However my contract of being a consumer is just that, my abilities as a buyer. Other than that it is out of my hands what they do with it and I'm not some entitled brat who thinks I have the power to try and convince them to make games I want by plaguing the forums and rallying troops to go after them for changing my...I mean their game.

TekoIie4197d ago


"What I do love about you three is that despite everyone stating roughly the same you chose me and only me to say this to. How immature"

Here's the thing. You do nothing but rant, rage or cry. But on the rare occasions that your not your comment still has an aura of negativity around it.

Just be less negative. Comment on good news and not just point out the bad in everything.

JAMurida4197d ago

Or just Gamefly it, if you're in the US parts.

Root4197d ago (Edited 4197d ago )


How the hell is that being negative, it's true, it's not like I'm pulling crap out of thin air. What do you want me to say

"Oh yeah EA are bunch of great people, I'm sure this is a simple mistake, I can't wait for DS3 because it looks like something which has stuck to it's roots" /s

This gen it's been nearly one negative thing after another....how can people be happy these days when we have devs ruining franchises, focusing on casual, becoming greedy, DLC after DLC, milking etc


Please....no more

Your boring us

omi25p4197d ago

Lets be honest. What EA franchise hasn't been completely f*cked.

1.Mass Effect 3: A rushed third person shoot
2.Medal Of Honour: Released before finished
3.Command and Conquer: Noobified
4.Need for Speed: Removed any and all customization (What made the game popular)
5. EA Sports game are the same thing every year

I guess the only one i can think of is battlefield and thats no where near as good as it used to be.

DatNJDom814197d ago

Action fans as in casuals? WTF! This is really starting to piss me off. So many great games are being dumb down for the casuals. How is this helping gaming????

4197d ago
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007Bond4198d ago

Listen if we were EA we would do the same, making money isn't getting any easier. What would you do? Make a game that will likely sell low, satisfy few or the opposite?

Breadcrab4198d ago

I'd make a game that would at least satisfy someone rather than disappoint everyone.

vlonjati774197d ago

007Bond-personally I have a big chance of opening a restaurant in the near future,I will open a normal restaurant that people eat healthy food,I will not open a fast food(obvously I will have more customers)cause its unhealthy.So,I prefer earnin less money>well In my case I wouldnt pay taxes(dont ask why).Depends how much greedy some1 is.In this case -EA go ..l. U.

Danniel14197d ago

Look at Dark Souls, a game designed with the intention of being hardcore and not pandering to the masses. And it's been lauded both critically and commercially in no small part because of that choice.

If all developers/publishers had such integrity in the designing of their games the market would still flourish and gamers would probably have a better skill set instead of just itchy trigger fingers.

Tonester9254198d ago

Please don't forget that this is a business. They have to make changes in order to appeal to the mass audience to better their pockets.

Some changes that we may not like (Did anyone play the demo by the way?)

It sounds nice for a company to listen to their fans and do what their fans want them to do BUT will that gain profit for them with a game like Dead Space? Look at it from a business mind.

clonerz4198d ago

Wait a minute why did they make a second game if they didn't make enough off the first don't defend ea they were first inline with online passes battle field 2 I believe not to mention its only a matter of time till they figure out a way to start charging for roster updates in sports division anyone play tiger recently they removed a lot of courses for dlc purposes to buy coins or buy course pending on year this gen is by far the worst gen on gamers pockets not to mention all the half ass prerelease testing that goes on in games oh well patch it you say but every other gen before this those games would be in discount bin real quick and patches not all them but most is just the publisher cutting costs I have been gaming since 2600 and never has a generation of consoles been so overrun with GREED than this one

kparks4198d ago

Its resident evil all over again!! WTF so there saying screw the hard core survival horror gamer so we can appeal to the action shooter i said it before and ill say it again.. if i want to play a action shooter ill play cod,halo,or battlefield NOT DEAD SPACE!! We have enough run and gun shooters as it is! AHHHHHH

colonel1794198d ago

This is the millionth time I say it:
Why the hell do they always want to appeal to a different fanbase on the THIRD (fourth, fitfth, etc) game of a franchise!!! That's what upsets me the most!

Why can't they just create a NEW IP that "appeal to Action fans who've only played games on their phones" instead of ruining a ESTABLISHED franchised with ESTABLISHED FANS!

This is not the first game to do that! Mass Effect 3, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, etc!

4198d ago Replies(2)
gamingmaster20134197d ago (Edited 4197d ago )

Dead Space guy - “We Need To Appeal To Action Fans Who’ve Only Played Games On Their Phones”...

I'm playing dead space right now on my xperia phone!

Blaze9294197d ago (Edited 4197d ago )

Capcom prob thought the same thing with RE6...o wait

showtimefolks4197d ago

Oh crap resident Evil 6 all over again

First 2 dead space games sold well so why all of the sudden change of heart?

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4197d ago
Snookies124198d ago (Edited 4198d ago )

THEY DIDN'T DO CRAP TO GET YOU WHERE YOU ARE NOW. Man it irritates the hell out of me when I see stuff like this. So yes, this is a rant, and it's MY opinion. If you'd relied on those people early on in the industry, we wouldn't even have games today because they're not the ones who got your freaking company where it is now...

Stay true to fans that bought your game early on, don't betray them for new ones. Hideo Baba uttered something similar to this and it's so true in this generation. Final Fantasy has gone astray, Dead Space is going astray, DmC went astray, Resident Evil went astray, etc. Without the people early on that bought your FIRST game in the series, you wouldn't even be where you are now. How about companies actually think about that before saying, "screw them, let's completely change this game's entire essence and make something casuals will enjoy."

Wait, that's right... Most of them don't have any clue about anything other than money. It's about making something you're proud of, not what will earn a quick buck. Very few in the industry still have that mentality.

I'm an old school gamer, guess we're just dying out these days...

Blank4198d ago

I too am an old school gamer and I feel the same way that we are a dying breed but this industry needs a big wake up slap since the core gaming crowd can be both patient or vengeful bunch, we are the foundation of these profits what these companies are doing is destroying and ignoring the foundation while taking a gamble in hopes of attracting the casual or mobile gaming crowd funny thing is that mobile phone gamers are mobile phone gamers because its cheap no way would they think of spending 60 bucks plus micro transactions they are used to paying at the most 5 bucks considering there are no micro tranactions now as for the route dead space is going and their intentions with the franchise does not sit well with me and thats where im gonna stop and not state the obvious *sighs*

JP13694198d ago (Edited 4198d ago )

Well, it is a business. This means that publishers will continue to pander to whatever base they feel will generate the largest profits, even if it means turning their back on the people that got them to where they are. Meanwhile, the developers need funding, so they are likely to cave in to the publisher's needs rather than pursuing purely creative avenues.
As the industry gets bigger and the stakes become higher, this will increasingly become the case. The main source of hope is that the developers that have already generated their own fan base (KojiPro, Bungie, Naughty Dog, etc) will be allowed much more autonomy. And then there's Valve, who seem set to become completely independent. On top of this, there's an independent market that seems more and more capable of producing some really quality work. These factors represent the entirety of my faith in the future of this industry.

mav8054197d ago (Edited 4197d ago )

I think that most people realize that game companies need to make money. They have payrolls to meet, overhead costs, etc.

What blows my mind is that these guys have a working, profitable model, yet time after time, companies will dismiss the fans and niche that they've made for themselves by trying to obtain sales from a wider market that is very competitive and full of people that have no interest in their game. It's incredible to me.

JP13694197d ago

"I think that most people realize that game companies need to make money. They have payrolls to meet, overhead costs, etc."

You would hope so. However, the constant arguments about creativity and remaining loyal to the fans shows otherwise. We're talking about publishers here, not developers. I'm sure most devs would love to follow their creative vision without compromise, but the publishers are in control. They are the people that use market research to decide what direction to take and they really only care about remaining profitable. People have to keep their jobs and companies have to stay in business. This is what happens when people who aren't creative have control over artists. I'm not saying I like it, but I'm at least pragmatic about the reality of the situation.
I do share your amazement at some of the decisions that get made, however. Their number one goal is to make money, and yet some of the decisions these publishers make seem like they were made with the opposite goal in mind. My hope is that the fans keep voting with their wallets and that games like RE6 continue to underperform.

WitWolfy4198d ago

I agree!

Plus EA forgot one tiny little thing when they released this game... What makes them think casual gamers are going to pick up this game now??? If they haven't played the previous two, seeing those werent casual games, so how are they going to jump in to a franchise when its more or less at its climax when they never really experienced the 2 other titles first?

Nice one EA *slow clap*

insomnium24197d ago

That comment of your can be applied 100% to MS with x360 and their Kinect centered approach ever since 2009. And they succeeded too. I bet DS 3 will sell tonnes of copies and encourage EA to make a second casual friendly DS. Nobody here on this site wins...except DS/MS sales fanboys.

I'll duck and cover for this one.....INCOMING!!!!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4197d ago
dktxx24198d ago

It's amazing just how dumb and out of touch high ranking executives can be.

rezzah4198d ago

Well that's because all they see is $

Hicken4198d ago

And people wonder why Capcom and others get the backlash that they do.

Nitrowolf24198d ago

The demo was so bad, well I didn't get a chance to play the SP portion, but the co-op demo wtf. There bugs, my body PS3 frozed during the drill scene, I played with another passed that only to get stuck in the airshaft. Nothing was scary about it either.

Seems that this has gone the way of Resident Evil.

LOGICWINS4198d ago

“We Need To Appeal To Action Fans Who’ve Only Played Games On Their Phones”


I have no words.

Furesis4198d ago

that would mean they have to buy a console first and i don't think they'll be doing that they're not even going to know about the game lol

Conzul4198d ago

Now we're all Sad Pandas


jessupj4197d ago

I honestly think that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard coming from a lead developer.

Casuals do not care about games. You can't really on them for sales.

Show all comments (161)

EA May Add A Replay Editor To Its Games

EA has published a new patent that wants to add a replay editor to its games, allowing players to modify the captured gameplay content.

sammichosaurus18d ago

They should fix their games first.

Knightofelemia18d ago

Most likely comes with microtransactions and loot boxes.

Inverno18d ago

Nah you just gotta watch a short, unskipable, 30 seconds ad every time you use the feature. Those same ads will then be automatically edited into your captured gameplay before your video is stored online (no local saves), where they will have the right to use for promotional purposes.

Snookies1218d ago (Edited 18d ago )

Please don't give them ideas, lol! That definitely sounds like something they'd love to do.


EA Hiring Ex-Military Personnel to Help Build Next Battlefield Game via "Hiring Our Heroes" Program

EA has hired ex-military personnel in order to help shape the next Battlefield game as part of the Hiring Our Heroes (HOH) program.

OtterX41d ago (Edited 41d ago )

Why don't you Hire Your Old Dev Team who brought us the brilliance of Battlefield Bad Company 2 while you're at it. It was more exciting than anything recent in the Battlefield series. It just needs to be updated to reach modern times, but it was so great at its core.

just_looken41d ago

This would be nice but that team has tossed out the finals and has arc raiders on the back burner

20 thousand still play the final's

Why get slapped around by ea when you already have something going on.

What the next battlefield needs is a step back simple functional not a live service and smaller player servers than 2042. Just make it like battlefiled 3 with bad company destruction just something simple

But they already killed off ridgeline games that had ex halo/cod devs so no singleplayer unless they make another dev team for it.

Rynxie41d ago

It's what made zipper and slant six awesome. They had military vets working for them, no just as consultants, but as developers as well. I wish Sony never closed them, MAG 2 or an update to MAG and a new socom is much needed.

just_looken41d ago

Older ps3 battlefield titles did the same even went to the range to get sound files.

But all these titles we are talking about were on the ps3 a console so powerful it offered free mp and games did not need 4 levels of payment plans even more crazy was the player size of mag's games.

TheColbertinator40d ago

A return to the golden age of Battlefield seems so far away now

Str8Chaos7440d ago

Sadly I think you are correct. They just don’t get it. They will do their live service game with its Battle Royale and fail at both.I hate being so negative, but I have little faith in EA at this point.


There are no "thoughtful" ads in video games, EA

There are no thoughtful ads in Video Games, EA. Leave them be.

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northpaws70d ago

I think the only type of games that can gets away with it would be sport games, having those sponsors ads on the side like on real life.

But don't put freaking Doritos ads in Star Wars or something, it breaks the immersion. If it is a pop-up ads, then big no.

Hofstaderman70d ago

EA can thoughtfully eff themselves.

Makersbreath270d ago

EA coming back for the crown of being perceived as the worst company in gaming.

Chocoburger69d ago (Edited 69d ago )

One of my favorite series is the THPS franchise, and it was packed with ads, but it didn't bother me. Posters for skateboard companies, JEEP, and Nokia phones. It did sort of fit in with the game world, but that was the past, these days ad would be intentionally intrusive or unskippable loading screen type of imagery. Ugh, I know EA would do it in a horrible fashion. Screw them.