
THQ Dissolved, Saints Row, Company of Heroes Devs Acquired

IGN- Following THQ’s auction of its assets, the new homes of THQ franchises are slowly being revealed. According to multiple IGN sources as well as reports circulating on Twitter, Koch Media, Take-Two, Ubisoft and SEGA are among the new owners of THQ’s intellectual property and studios.

majiebeast4202d ago (Edited 4202d ago )

"Ubisoft has reportedly purchased the rights to publish South Park: The Stick of Truth (pending any further objections from South Park Studios) as well as THQ Montreal, the current developer of Assassin’s Creed creator Patrice Desilets’ project codenamed 1666."

Lol Patrice Desilets must be pissed just when he thinks he got away from Ubisoft they buy his project and studio.

Koch media im iffy about them dead island wasnt exactly a
amazing game if you ask me.

Wow at the prices some of the ip's and studios sold for are just bargains 500k for Homefront that has got to be bullshit.

NYC_Gamer4202d ago (Edited 4202d ago )

I'll be fine long as Koch just works the publisher role

Root4202d ago (Edited 4202d ago )

I know Koch Media and Saints Row.....urghhhh

Hopefully they'll move it a way from the over the top theme...I don't mind it a little but SR3 was too over the top


no Saints Row needs to be over the top, thats what makes it Saints Row

Root4202d ago

Well I'm guessing you never played the first game because that was nothing like SR3

There's fun, over the top and then just plain silly

Soldierone4202d ago

Then go play Grand Theft Auto.... I loved SR3, and its why I absolutely hate this whole THQ selling it business. Koch is probably going to make it more "marketable" and ruin it.... ugh.

Solid_Malone4202d ago

I wonder if anyone bought the rights to Juiced, the first one was such a great game. It would be great to see if they expand on that franchise properly rather than what they did with juiced 2

RavageX4202d ago

SR3 was complete rubbish. Far too silly and stupid. SR2 on the other hand had a good balance of fun/crazy/serious.

Let's have more of that, and less SR3's stupidness.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4202d ago
NYC_Gamer4202d ago (Edited 4202d ago )

IGN got that title wrong because Vigil didn't get sold to any publisher yet....

Yeah IGN made the proper changes and updated their info

MattyG4202d ago (Edited 4202d ago )

It says right in the article that they were "reportedly" sold to Take-Two. EDIT: Nevermind didn't realize they updated it in the two minutes since I looked at the article haha sorry.
"Yeah IGN made the proper changes and updated their info." As shall I good sir, as shall I.

Lucreto4202d ago (Edited 4202d ago )

"Some assets, including our publishing businesses and Vigil, along with some other intellectual properties are not included in the sale agreements"

So Darksiders is still up in the air.

I find it funny Patrice Desilets left Ubi-soft but now is back working for them. He can't escape.

NYC_Gamer4202d ago

Here's the amount the assets were sold for...

Hunter ‏@DDInvesting
THQ auction results: 26M for Relic (Sega), 2.5M for Montreal (Ubisoft), 11M for Evolve (Take-Two), 22.3M for Volition (Koch Media)...

Hunter ‏@DDInvesting
500k Homeland (Crytek), 5.8M for Metro (Koch Media), South Park for 3.2M (Ubisoft)

TheGameHuntah4202d ago

I guess SEGA won't destroy Company of Heroes..... I hope.
I will be happy if South Park goes to Ubisoft.

rezzah4202d ago

apparently it did, based on the comment above yours.

Somebody4202d ago

Same here.

SEGA owns the Total War series, another great RTS franchise, so I do hope they won't drop the ball with CoH2.

I also hope SEGA will get Relic drop the pseudo-always online DRM they introduced in the first CoH. I bought 3 copies of the game with the hope the last one, a Complete "digital" edition, would get rid of the DRM but no. You can't even use the retail dvd to play it offline.

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Games with Best Character Creation Systems

GF365: "We all love experimenting with character creation to make unique protagonists. These are the games with the best character creation systems."

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IamTylerDurden1455d ago (Edited 455d ago )

Slightly disappointing game but Wo Long had a good creator. I was impressed by Oblivion back in what 05, 06? But the worst i have ever seen, clearly, Valheim.

ModsDoBetter454d ago

What was up with Wo Long?

Not looked at any reviews and did download it on my Xbox before I sold the console but never got around to playing it. Saw it drop in price on PS5 and was thinking of picking it up.

RE: Character creation

Oblivion hold a special place for me, when it came out on PS3, it was the first game of its kind that I had played and the character creator took was amazing.

I do like Monster Hunter: World & FFXIV, personally.
Cyberpunk did good in that department, despite its numerous flaws.

IamTylerDurden1454d ago

I played Oblivion day 1 on 360 and was impressed with the creator. Damn near 20 yrs ago, it was impressive at the time. Special game, unfortunately 90% of current gamers on social media have not a clue about the older stuff. Elder Scrolls is just Skyrim to many. They know not of Gothic and the old guard that paved the way. Flimsy ass rhetoric and recycled opinions about the same bs is what garners attention. Meme culture. Insight and intellect hold no place on the current day internet. Fuck likes, follows, BS. I say what i believe is relevant, what i'm interested in, and following means fuck all bc i don't respect 99% of the ppl online anyway.

For the "TLDR" bs. I'ma not space it out on purpose. Fuck you very much folks.

isarai454d ago (Edited 454d ago )

Honestly the one I remember being easiest and flexible enough to make any character I imagined was the PS2 WWE games, and Saints Row 2. I did really enjoy Dragons dogmas character creation too

IamTylerDurden1454d ago (Edited 454d ago )

I was gonna mention Black Desert but the game is horrible so...

Creator was the best part.

bunt-custardly454d ago

Lol CP 2077 is one of the easiest and less detailed editors around. It's all a mish-mash of presets.

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jwillj2k4559d ago

Honorable mention to Drive Clubs Ferrari Fxx-K. Should be there over Horizon.

538d ago
TheColbertinator558d ago

The Suzuki Escudo Pikes Peak from the Gran Turismo series

Nissan Skyline from Need for Speed Underground

Motorcycle Steamroller from Dead Rising 3

And finally a car you never drive but saves your ass over and over : Honey Badger from COD MW2

Gardenia558d ago

I was thinking of Mad Max. That V8 felt really good to drive around in, especially with upgrades.

dumahim558d ago

No one liked the Batmobile in Arkham Knight. Top 10?

toxic-inferno558d ago

I don't know... It was a strange addition to the game, and the parts of the game where you had to fight in it were tedious. But driving it around Gotham felt brilliant.

BrainSyphoned558d ago

FFXIII-Snow's Shiva motorcycle
Persona 5-Makoto's Persona motorcycle


An intro to Biomutant

Alex & Mike talk Biomutant, a game from Experiment 101/THQ Nordiq you likely have not heard of. While the AAA side of the industry tends to homogenization and imitative, cinematic presentation, “AA” games remain creative and innovative in 2021. Drawing on inspirations as varied as Dark Souls, third person shooters & kung fu cinema, Biomutant is Ratchet & Clank on acid, developed by a team of 20 people.

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