
Classic Games Available for 30 Cents on Wii U eShop

To commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Nintendo Entertainment System, Nintendo will make one game available on the Wii U eShop for $0.30 between now and July.

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Neonridr4202d ago

for the 30 cents do you get the game permanently? They aren't like trial versions or anything like that right?

If so, consider me sold for February (F-Zero) and May (Super Metroid).

postitgamer4202d ago (Edited 4202d ago )

We believe you get to keep the full game, but we will update the article if we learn anything new

robparko4202d ago (Edited 4202d ago )

That's not true, these titles are available for 30 cents for 30 days. After the 30 days are up, the titles will go back to their original pricing on the eShop.

The campaign itself is being called a "trial" because the Virtual Console isn't available on the Wii U yet.

Gemmol4202d ago

30 cent for 30 days then back to regular price

postitgamer4202d ago

Correct, the trial wordage related to this being a trial promotion. Any title that is purchased for the 30 cent price will remain on your system after the 30 day deal is over.

Neonridr4202d ago

that is more clear, thank you to both you and robparko.

Nevers0ft4202d ago

Yup... I've just bought Balloon Fight and at 30p per game I doubt I'll be able to resist the rest.

mrbojingles4202d ago

Shouldn't it read "Classic Game" now available since its only Balloon Fight?

3-4-54202d ago

Kirby for 30 cents ? best deal ever

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Debunked: Blowing On Nintendo Game Cartridges Never Worked

We have all been there! Blowing on a Nintendo video game cartridge when the game we were playing just would not launch or appeared to be glitching.

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Neonridr8d ago

I mean it worked for me. Regardless if it was just a poor connection between the cartridge and the console or some random bug that was preventing the game from loading properly, the placebo effect of knowing your breath is what fixed the game is dead set in the minds of plenty of 80s gamers.

wesnytsfs7d ago

Blow on the game and then use something about hte thickness of a deck of cards in my case it a was plastic sport card holder of about 20 cards that would keep the mechnaism all the eway down. Ahh and the famous left to right shuffle hoping the contact would touch.

VenomUK7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

Stupid Zoomer tries to debunk a technique used successfully by millions of people over many years.

Look out for they/them’s next article ‘DEBUNKED! Why the Xbox 360 towel trick is all a myth’.

Cacabunga7d ago

It did work, not only Nintendo but sega genesis and saturn as well

Seraphim6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

I mean, sure it worked, but did it work every single time? If the answer is yes then you were probably just lucky, or more likely, not remembering correctly. Regardless, it did work be that luck or scientific reasons.

wesnytsfs3d ago

I literally have the same nes from when i was a kid and it still works doing these things. Played on multiple nes consoels when i was a kid always did the same thing and it would always work eventually. PLayed a ton of tecmo bowl with on diff consoles we all did the same thing to get the contacts to register.

thorstein8d ago

Clearing the dust from inside the cartridge by blowing on it did work.

Perhaps YOU are unfamiliar with how easily dust can disrupt electronics, but entire generations of gamers and computer users are.

DodoDojo7d ago

Yup. The pins would get dirty and dusty, anyone that's cleaned a game with a q tip knows that. Blowing the cartridge out would had have to helped.

Relientk778d ago

It worked for me and my cartridges. So I refuse to believe it's just a myth

shinoff21838d ago

It definitely works. They can go on and on about how it didn't but I was there for 100s of games. It was pretty damn common.

Wretchedstain7d ago

The salt in your saliva is conductive

romulus237d ago

Pretty sure people were supposed to blow on the cartridge not hawk tuah on it.

Lulz_Boat7d ago

i see what you did there LOL

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10 Biggest Nintendo Mistakes Of All Time

With any story as deep and far-reaching as Nintendo’s, you know there’s going to be some catastrophic business decisions along the way.

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Terry_B18d ago

Lying about the power of the "Ultra 64" ..promising an arcade 1:1 port of Killer Instinct and later just having a super poor SNES port of the game + a very gimped version of Killer Instinct 2.

Didnt buy a Nintendo Console since the gamecube, didnt regret it.

darthv7217d ago

I'd say them opting to stick to carts for the N64 was probably their biggest blunder. Even more so than their back stabbing deal against Sony. It literally cost them their long time partnership with Square and the FF series. There was not a single FF (or DQ) title on the N64 when there had been ones on the NES and SNES. They came to their senses with the Cube and supported mini DVD so they at least got back into SE's good graces... but the damage was done and FF7 went on to be the biggest FF game and a huge win for PS.


Nintendo Runs Out Of Replacement Parts For Wii U, Ends Repair Service In Japan

"We will no longer be accepting repairs for Wii U"

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Vits22d ago

Between the low sales, the shit in the memory that simply dies and the regional crash on the Gamepad. This is a console that will become stupidly rare in a few years.

IRetrouk21d ago

Still got my black one fully working, I should maybe box that bad boy up lol

DarXyde21d ago

It's really funny to think about people harvesting Wii U parts like some organ trafficker and selling them on the dark web.

But sure enough, Nintendo Will probably try to find a way to put a legal bullet in the base of that person's skull.

Chocoburger21d ago (Edited 21d ago )

Actually its the opposite, boxing it up is what will kill the machine. You want it plugged in, and you want to power it on frequently, that's how you'll extend the life of the memory chips. This brief video explains it.


IRetrouk20d ago

Appreciate the tip chocoburger

badz14921d ago

nah...just their way of saying, just buy the Switch already, you pleb!

FinalFantasyFanatic21d ago

Unfortunately, there are a few games still stuck on that thing, I've been hoping they'd port Xenobalde Chronicles X and Twilight Princess over to the Switch since I didn't buy a WiiU.

MetroidFREAK2121d ago

I still have one in working order. Debating if I should grab a 2nd one before too long

hiawa2321d ago

MY Wiiu is still connected for Wii Punchout, and the Donkey Kong game which comes out on the Switch in January 2025. Almost everything else has been ported over.