
First NFL Head Coach 09 details and screenshots

With NFL Head Coach 09 having been announced earlier today here are the first details of what to expect and 25 screenshots from the 360/PS3 game.

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Are We Truly Ready for the Digital Distribution of Video Games

With the upcoming release of the PSP Go, Microsoft launching their Games on Demand service, the Steam service on the PC, the continuous release of downloadable games on both PSN and Xbox Live - are we bringing in the digital age of gaming? TripleChat takes a look into how digital distribution might be upon us for the next generation and how it affects you the customers, retailers, and the distributors. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages for each segment? Does it make economic sense for us to go all digital? After all the digital age has taken over the music industry with services such as iTunes and Amazon's MP3 service.

See what we have to say and what we think of the possibility of full retail console games going digital. More after the jump.

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zerosignalxst5459d ago

I live in Ontario, Canada and until we can get Rogers and bell to drop their 60gb per month download limits.... we're screwed.

rodeoo5459d ago

Even with download caps by some isp's the dl speeds are not there i could go to the store and back to buy a game on a dvd or blu ray in a fraction of the time it would take to dl.

Johnny Rotten5459d ago

I live in Ontario and use bell as well and the problem with my area is I pay for 7mb download speed but I can only get 4.5 MAX because our neighbourhood is the end neighbourhood for that "circuit".

Digital distribution is good for little things like songs and PSP games but for movies satellite and digital cable are the better choices next to a physical copy.

Beast_Master5459d ago

DD will never be 100% viable as long as there are gamers that want to trade or sell their games. Physical and Digital media are the same price currently, and as long as there is no benefits to DD it will not be viable.

SpoonyRedMage5459d ago

For portable it can be good, it works. Also for a distinct service with smaller games it works but games on demand won't take over simply because games will get bigger and harddrives will be too expensive(especially if you have to buy them from MS).

Simon_Brezhnev5459d ago

you know the XDF will get mad if you talk about their beloved M$

FamilyGuy5459d ago

For some areas of some countries, too limited to be "only" digital.
The progression we're on now is fine and i been downloading my psp games since late 04'


EA Not Making NFL Head Coach 10

EA Sports recently revealed the cover athletes for Madden NFL 10 and NCAA Football 10 but they haven't made a peep about NFL Head Coach 10. There's a good reason for that - the project doesn't exist.

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odisho685524d ago

i dont get why they just dont make head coach a part of franchise mode or superstar mode...once u retire u can have the option of trying to become a coach then after u retire from being a coach u can eventually try being the president of the team or even the GM and then u can later become the owner of the team and decide what to do with your team

EvilCackle5524d ago

EA gets more money if you buy two games than if you buy one.

A less cynical explanation would be that they can't fit all the features of Head Coach into Madden.


Podcast: DF #47: Killzone 2 = Greatest FPS Ever

The DF crew is back with returning guest, TheGamerGeek, and a bunch of games to talk about. They start off the show with "What They've Been Playing" and discuss why they love Killzone 2. Other games discussed on the show include: Afro Samurai, The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena, Wanted: Weapons of Fate, WWE: Legends of WrestleMania, Watchmen: The End is Nigh , and much more. After all is said and done, they talk about the used game market and ask the question, "Are games art?"

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Ninja-Sama5584d ago

I admit I thought it wud have a hard time beating CoD4's MP but boy does it come through! KZ2 over CoD4 anyday!

QuackPot5584d ago (Edited 5584d ago )

After playing the MP for a week, it's so obvious how to win each mode or most modes.


Whether offence or defence, you need a appropriately positioned spawn point else you are likely to lose the game.

Then it all just becomes a spawn-action-die, spawn-action-die, spawn-action-die etc etc.

This is slowly but surely starting to become tiresome to me.

GG really needs to bring in more variety into the MP gameplay, tactic wise. Larger maps, vehicles, vehicle/weapon points and mandatory individual respawn limits will do wonders. Sheez, you watch how players sh1t themself when they know they can only respawn 3 times.

I'm giving KZ2 another week then I'm back to my beloved Warhawk....and dreaming of Warhawk 2 or MAG or COD:MW2 or OFP2 or Arma2 etc. hint, hint GG. Nearly all have vehicles.

Dimitri5584d ago

How can you go back to that crappy game Warhawk when you own Killzone 2 ??? I cant be bothered to go back to COD4 lol. Warhawk is like a PS2 game.

QuackPot5584d ago


hehehe Ps2 game. hehehe.

Yeah, the graphics are nothing compare to KZ2 but its the gameplay not the graphics that is the making of Warhawk.

When you have flown into the enemy main base, barely avoiding air mines, Rpgs and Turrent fire; laid down a lightning bolt to clear up the mines, land and grab the flag, then fight you way out of the base avoiding warhawks, tanks, mines and all sorts of fire arms with air and ground support from your team mates.....then and only then will you understand how truly awesome Warhawk is.

Please oh please Sony....let there be a Warhawk2.

hendersonman5584d ago

I really enjoyed the SP.. but I am not too keen on the MP yet. But I plan on playing it more when I get it back from my co-host.

PXSausage5584d ago

As mentioned on the show, we talked about video games as an art form. What I would like to know is this: Do you guys believe that video games can be art...and why? Also, what game(s) do you believe will really push the media in an artistic way in 2009? Will Heavy Rain bring 2009's biggest innovation of the year?

CannoliCrasher5584d ago

I only played the demo of KZ2 so far and had a bit of trouble with the controls, but I know have the retail version and I hope the controls feel better. I really look forward to trying out the MP too...sounds pretty interesting to me.

GoingPostal475584d ago

I can't say that I've heard your podcast before, but I found it quite enjoyable...keep up the good work! Oh yea, Killzone 2 may be good, but it's not THAT good. :P

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