
GamerDeals Sunday Ads 'In a Nutshell'


"Kick back the lazy boy, slip on your fuzzy slippers and enjoy these piping hot weekend ad video game deals for the week of January 20, 2013 on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 (PS3), Nintendo Wii, Sony PS2, PSP, PS Vita, Nintendo DS, 3DS and PC/Mac (USA)!"

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Target Confirms PS5 Consoles Will Drop to Just $450 This Weekend

PlayStation 5 consoles will once again drop to just $449.99 on August 6 in the US.

fr0sty317d ago

Sony's going for the jugular.

crazyCoconuts317d ago

Strike hardest when the enemy is weak

darthv72317d ago

the price drop should be $100 (at least) for that... haha

fr0sty317d ago

@darth the sales numbers in the UK, where this price cut has already been implemented, strongly disagree with you.

seanpitt23317d ago

Have you guys heard yourself!

darthv72317d ago

sorry frosty... I thought this was in the US.

InUrFoxHole317d ago

No. They are going for off loading before the slim. I'd save my $ till then. Unless that kinda thing doesn't matter to you.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 317d ago
purple101317d ago

That's November..

This is for kids on summer holidays

Not everywhere is hot and sunny like California, some kids, need things to do when it's raining/cold and this, is it.

anast317d ago

They going to bury Xbox. Xbox will turn around and justify the mobile/streaming shift.

fr0sty317d ago (Edited 317d ago )

They already are burying Xbox... this is just another nail in that coffin. Sony put the hammer away and busted out the nail gun.

purple101317d ago

Its airline too .not even battery powered. They are going full Bosch on M$ ass

fr0sty317d ago

Like "oh, you wanna buy up a bunch of publishers with the expressed intent of putting us out of business? Hey y'all, watch this! Hold my Dual Sense..."

neutralgamer1992317d ago

i believe they want as many gamers to buy PS5 as possible because once someone buys into the ecysystem they are a lot less likely to leave for another platform

Eonjay317d ago

Will be interesting to see if Amazon takes the bait.

jznrpg317d ago

They usually match other places so I wouldn’t be surprised

ChasterMies317d ago

This is how Sony goes for the jugular. Microsoft can’t afford to make games exclusive if it doesn’t have any marketshare. Also clear that the discless PS5 will be the single PS5 going forward and the disc drive will be an add-on. When the $300 PS5 slim launches, the hot sales of PS5 will go super nova. (Don’t feel like you need to wait. On an annual cost basis, you may be better off getting a $400-$450 PS5 that you can use now versus waiting for a console that will be obsolete sooner.)

Ryuk_2007317d ago

"Microsoft can’t afford to make games exclusive if it doesn’t have any marketshare".

Sheesh, and here I thought M$ had a monopoly on the gaming market. Sony owing most of the market means it'll be easier for M$ to buy publishers to compete lol

InUrFoxHole317d ago

Stand by my boy. Digging up this goal post. Pardon while I write my new narrative.

EasilyTheBest316d ago

Looking forward to when Microsoft drops the price of the Xbox Series X & the comments will be that Microsoft are desperate lolol

Magatsuhi317d ago

I'll just wait for a sale on Best Buy or Amazon. F target!

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Xbox Series X restock date: attention turns to two retailers in particular now

Mid week-to end-of-week usually mean Walmart and Target are our best bets

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TheEnigma3131150d ago

not gonna happen. Scalpers will strike first.


Target messed up the planned Animal Crossing Sanrio amiibo card rollout

9AM Eastern today. That was when the Sanrio Animal Crossing: New Horizons amiibo cards were supposed to go live for "in-store pickup" ordering at Target. You can guess what happened next. - Destructoid

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