
Welcome to the Mid-Winter Issue of Hardcore Droid | Hardcore Droid

Having had said good bye to kith, kin, vacation and holiday, do you now find yourself staring into the cruel blue eyes of three interminable months of cold darkness?

Holy Hell, winter is depressing!

Well, Hardcore Droid’s got you covered. As you well know, there are few things for which we don't have you covered. Toe lint? Vague existential angst? Protracted stomach cramps? You name it, we've covered you for it. And this Mid-Winter issue, custom made to shoe-away winter blues is no different.

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5 Unsettling Boss Fights in Retro Games (That Made Me Question My Gaming Decisions)

Whether you have real Mike Tyson and pixelated Mike Tyson fighting for the title of “scariest human being” or you’re questioning reality thanks to a malevolent Creator, it’s safe to say that some retro game bosses are just...unsettling. :-|

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Aghashie1627d ago (Edited 1627d ago )

Definitely missed Giygas from Earhbound 2 on that list. That boss gave me nightmares when I was a kid. Finished the game way later as a grown up and holy cows, the boss still gave me the hebejebes 😂


Here's Ten Of The Best Underrated iOS/Android Games

Evan Writes:

“I have been playing iPhone and Android games since 2011, writing about thousands of games in the process, so naturally, it can be a bit difficult for a game to make an impression on me at this point. Nevertheless, some games stick with me, even years after playing them. Here's some of my favorite underrated games (all free or freemium) for the iOS and Android platforms.”

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RizBiz1828d ago

The only decent mobile game I've ever played was Jelly Defence.

TheEnigma3131828d ago

mobile games are so saturated and garbage now smh.


New Final Fantasy Legends Trailer Showcases Lively Cast

Final Fantasy Legends looks ever more promising with each new trailer, and this mobile exclusive will make you think twice before moaning at another mobile RPG release.

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