
Jetpack Joyride Review – Fun for Free

PSUni: "Jetpack Joyride is a sidescrolling action game from Halfbrick Studios that can be played on just about any device that fits on your pocket or bag; this includes: the iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad, BlackBerry PlayBook, BlackBerry 10, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 3, Android devices, a Facebook and Windows 8 app. It’s everywhere and is also now on the Vita! Check out my channel here and my full video review of the game below!"

DarkBlood4272d ago

got it for ps3 pretty fun and free trophies, not something i was expecting from free games like this

g-nome4272d ago

More fun than should be allowed for a free game.

kma2k4271d ago

I think its actually more fun in the ps3 i played this last night & the night before & the night before...

PirateThom4271d ago

It's odd that it runs better on Vita than it does on PS3, but yeah, it's a lot of fun.

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Metal Slug crossover kicks off in Jetpack Joyride today

There’s a limited-time crossover celebrating Metal Slug in Jetpack Joyride. The in-game event runs for three weeks.

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PlayStation Store Global Update (US, HK, JP & South East Asia) April 26, 2016

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TerminalGamer3074d ago

Alienation is getting some good scores. May have to check it out.


Ew, Jetpack Joyride Actually Costs Money on PS4

PP: Not all is good with Barry Steakfries’ return. No, instead of being a typical free-to-play game (the game features a ton of in-app purchases,) you’ll have to stump up a few quid before being pressured into micro-transactions.

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KentBenMei3073d ago

Well they shot themselves in the foot there.

holysmokesbatman3073d ago

Just keep playing on mobile I guess...